Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion - Leveling Guide

Leveling guide for Crisis Core: Final Fantasy Reunion (CC FFVII Remaster/Crisis Core Reunion), including the best ways to earn experience (EXP) fast, recommended Missions to grind levels, recommended equipment (Materia and accessories), and other useful tips.

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion - Leveling Guide

Leveling Guide for Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion - Leveling Guide

This page contains a leveling guide for Crisis Core: Final Fantasy Reunion (CC FFVII Remaster/Crisis Core Reunion), including the best ways to earn experience (EXP) fast, recommended Missions to grind levels, recommended equipment (Materia and accessories), and other useful tips.

How to Level Up

Trigger “777” Combination in the Digital Mind Wave (DMW) Slot

In Crisis Core: Reunion, Zack will level up in battle by getting a combination of “777” from the DMW. This is triggered by accumulating enough experience (EXP) as you defeat enemies throughout the main story. The more EXP you have, the higher the chance of getting a “777”.

Leveling Materia

The level of the Materia in the DMW is increased by 1 when 2 of the same number from 1 to 6 are aligned, and by 2 when 3 are aligned. The Materia that will gain a level depends on the DMW’s matching numbers and the order they are equipped.

Prioritize Materia over leveling to increase stats.

In the long run, it is better to raise Zack’s stats by equipping Materia crafted through fusion or using accessories instead of overleveling in the game.

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion How to Max Stats Guide

Tips for Leveling Up Fast

Run Mission 1-1-6  (Shinra Electric Company Training Mission)

For leveling up fast, it is recommended to run Mission 1-1-6 which pits you against 1,000 Shinra troops consisting of 900 Guard and 100 Ensign Shinra grunts. Mission 1-1-6 is unlocked in Chapter 10 after clearing Missions 1-1-2 to 1-1-5.

Recommended Equipment for Leveling


Materia Name Effects How to Get
Quake Creates an earthquake around Zack to damage all enemies (does not affect flying enemies).
  • Buy: Bone Village Commerce
  • Reward: Mission 5-4-5
  • Enemy Drop: Grand Horn
  • Treasure Chest: Mission 8-6-4, Mission 9-1-5
  • Materia Fusion: Darkness (Master) + Libra/Gravity + any DMW/Electrocute (Master) + Darkness
Darkness Exchange 12.5% of Zack’s HP to attack all nearby enemies (ignores Physical Defense).
  • Reward: Mission 4-4-2, Mission 8-4-6
  • Enemy Drop: Demon, Horned Devil
  • Steal: Land Malboro
Dark Firaga Summons three fireballs to damage enemies and inflicts Poison and Silence. Fusion: Firaga + Esuna
Lucky Star Increases the chance of getting Cissnei in DMW (increases limit gauge). Buy: Research Dept. QMC+.


Accessory Name Effects How to Get
Ribbon Prevents all status ailments except Death.
  • Reward: Mission 5-4-6
  • Steal: Gaea Malboro
Magic Master All MP Cost set to 0, MP +50%, MAG +100, SPR +100, HP -50%, AP -50%, ATK -100, VIT -100
  • Treasure: Mission 9-4-5
  • Enemy Drop: Mock Soldier C (Rare)

In general, you want to farm the Mission by spamming Magic that damages all enemies that appear so equipping Magic Master is important. Having Ribbon is also useful as it prevents you from being hit with status ailments, especially Stop, during the long battle.

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