Permanent Events and Missables Guide for Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion
This page contains a guide on all permanent events, unchangeable choices, missable content, and points-of-no-return in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion (FFVII CC Remaster/Crisis Core Reunion). Be sure to avoid missing out on obtainable items, special events, unlockable trophies and achievements, and other useful features while going through the game’s main story.
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy Reunion Trophies and Achievements List
Traveling to Nibelheim (Chapter 9) will lock you out of several Missions, sub-events, and mini games.
It is recommended to clear any remaining Missions, sub-events, and mini games that you have not done yet before traveling from Midgar to Nibelheim (Chapter 9). Since you will not be able to return to Midgar afterwards, you will permanently miss out on various rewards and unlockable trophies related to those you failed to complete.
Missable Missions
Below is a list of Missions to do on or before Chapter 8 to avoid missing out on treasure chest items and rewards for completing them.
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy Reunion Mission List and Rewards
Chapter 3 Missable Missions
Mission | Chest Item and Rewards | Mission Reward |
1-2-1: Challenge from Security | Remedy, X-Potion | Shinra Alpha |
Chapter 4 Missable Missions
Mission | Chest Item and Rewards | Mission Reward |
2-1-1: Beginnings | Remedy | Poison Materia |
2-1-2: Approaching the Outskirts | Potion, Soma | Fire Armlet |
8-2-1: SPR Mako Stone | Potion | Spirit Mako Stone |
Chapter 5 Missable Missions
Mission | Chest Item and Rewards | Mission Reward |
2-1-3: Sightings in Sector 6 | Chocobo Armlet, Soma | Phoenix Down |
2-1-4: Defend the Slums | None | Flame Ring |
7-1-1: Freight Recall | Ether, X-Potion | Headband |
Chapter 6 Missable Missions
Mission | Chest Item and Rewards | Mission Reward |
2-1-5: Highway Closed | Mystile | Spirit Up Materia |
2-1-6: Truth in the Wasteland | Drain Materia, Four Slots | Ice Ring |
4-3-1: Defeat the Scout Units | Champion Belt, X-Potion | Poison Twister Materia |
4-3-2: Obliterate Advance Elements | Remedy, Feather Cap | System Shock |
4-3-3: Foes in the Wutai Base | Thunder Materia, Ether, Ether | Power Wrist |
4-3-4: Mobile Units | None | Diamond Bracelet |
4-3-5: The Enemy’s Stronghold | Hi-Potion, X-Potion, Phoenix Down | Death Materia |
4-3-6: Stop the Assailants | The Happy Turtle (shop access), X-Potion, Elixir | Mountain Chocobo Armlet |
6-2-1: Slum Development Plan 1 | Hi-Potion, Ether, White Cape | Fat Chocobo, Feather x2, Sector 8 Materia Shop (shop access) |
Missable Sub-Events
Below is a list of all missable sub-events, including the story chapter they become available and clear conditions to unlock all related trophies and achievements.
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy Reunion Sub-Events List and Guide
Sub-Event | Availability | Clear Condition (To Unlock Related Trophies) |
Soldier Fan Club | Chapter 2 | Join all Fan Club and merge all of them before going to Nibelheim in Chapter 9. |
A Good Match for Aerith | Chapter 4 | Get Bruno to tell you that you and Aerith “make a good couple” before leaving Sector 5 Slums Market in Chapter 4. |
Find the Wutai Spies | Chapter 5 | Find all 6 Wutai Spies around Midgar before going to Nibelheim in Chapter 9. |
Flower Wagon | Chapter 5 | Build all 3 Flower Wagons for Aerith before going to Nibelheim in Chapter 9. |
Seven Wonders of Nibelheim | Chapter 9. | Solve all Seven Wonders of Nibelheim in Chapter 9 before progressing further into the main story. |
Missable Mini Games
Below is a list of all missable mini games, including the story chapter they become available and clear conditions to unlock all related trophies and achievements.
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy Reunion Mini Games List and Guide
Mini Game | Availability | Clear Condition (To Unlock Related Trophies) |
Materia Pick-Up | Chapter 4 | Get the best time record before going to Nibelheim in Chapter 9. |
Perfume Blending | Chapter 4 | Make the best perfume blend before going to Nibelheim in Chapter 9. |
Number Guessing Game | Chapter 4 | Guess the number correctly at least once before going to Nibelheim in Chapter 9. |
Squats | Chapter 5 | Defeat all opponents in the squats contest before going to Nibelheim in Chapter 9. |
A Cascade of Treasure | Chapter 9 | Collect 10 treasure chests in the mini game during Chapter 9 before departing Gongaga. |
Other Missable Items (Story Progress)
Below is a list of missable items that you may get locked out of permanently by progressing through the story or failing to meet a specific condition.
Item | How to Get | Missable Condition |
The Happy Turtle (Shop Access) | Obtain access to the shop by getting the item from the treasure chest in Mission 4-3-6 during Chapter 6. | Progress further in Chapter 8 (story lock) without clearing the Mission. |
Phoenix (DMW Summon Materia) | Talk to the kid at the village square area to hear about the 1st Wonder of Nibelheim in Chapter 9. Then, Check the Water Tower in the middle of town to find the Materia. | Progress further in Chapter 9 (story lock) without getting it. |
Genji Armor (Accessory) | Complete all DMW progress (100% progress on each). | Fail to get Phoenix DMW Summon Materia in Chapter 9. |
Research Dept. QMC+ (Shop Access) | Obtain access to the shop by getting the item from the treasure chest in Gongaga Village in Chapter 10. | Progress further in Chapter 10 (story lock) without getting it. |
100% DMW Completion
As indicated in the Other Missable Items section, it is entirely possible to get locked out of getting 100% DMW completion (all DMWs progress maxed) by failing to get Phoenix as a DMW summon. If you are permanently locked out of getting the Materia at Nibelheim, you will also not be able to get the Genji Armor.
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy Reunion All DMW List
Missable Mail
While not yet revealed in the remaster, it is likely that obtaining all Mail messages will require more than one playthrough of the game as with the original Playstation Portable (PSP) version of the game. More information on this will be added when it is confirmed.
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