Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl - How to Get Rare Pokemon Statues

A guide on how to easily get rare Pokemon Statues in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (Pokemon BDSP). Included are ways to increases the chances of finding statues in the Grand Underground and other useful tips.

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl - How to Get Rare Pokemon Statues

How to Get Rare Pokemon Statues in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl - Pokemon Statue

Pokemon Statues are rare items you can find while digging in the Grand Underground. When placed in your Secret Base, the encounter rate of specific types of Pokemon increases. Because of the usefulness of Pokemon Statues, it is worth taking the time to dig for them in the Grand Underground when you want a break from adventuring.

Increasing the Chances of Getting Pokemon Statues from Digging

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl - How to Get Rare Pokemon Statues

When walking around the various areas of the Grand Underground, you will sometimes spot roaming Diglett and Dugtrio at the passageways leading to the different Pokemon hideaways. These Pokemon will leave sparkling or glowing trails when they disappear. When you see these, approach them to obtain a digging chance bonus.

Digging Bonuses

Sparkle Type Digging Bonus
Diglett +1
Dugtrio +3

To easily accumulate digging bonuses, exit and re-enter the passages connecting Pokemon hideaways to make Diglet and Dugtrio constantly spawn. The amount of bonuses you have accumulated is indicated on the left side of the screen, just below the map.

Upon collecting up to +40 digging bonus, you will stand the best chance of obtaining rare Pokemon Statues while digging in the Grand Underground. Note that this also increases the chance of encountering Shiny Pokemon in the area.

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