Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl - Item Duplication Glitch

A guide on how to do the item duplication exploit in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pear (Pokemon BDSP). Included are step-by-step instructions on how to trigger the bug, requirements and conditions, and other useful tips.

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl - Item Duplication Glitch

Item Duplication Glitch in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

It is possible to duplicate any item that a Pokemon can hold in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (Pokemon BDSP) using a simple exploit in the game. This allows you to easily obtain an infinite number of rare items such as various Held Items, Rare Candy, Technical Machines (TM), and even a Master Ball.

Please note that this glitch may be patched in a future update.

Steps to Do the Item Duplication Glitch

Below are the steps on how to duplicate any item in the game.

1 Turn off autosave.
2 Head to an area with tall grass that allows you to encounter wild Pokemon.
3 Go to your Pokemon party and select a Pokemon.
4 Choose “Held item” and select “Give an item”.
5 Give the Pokemon an item that you want to duplicate.
6 Save your game.
7 Open your Pokemon party and select a Pokemon.
8 Choose “View summary”.
9 On the Pokemon’s summary page, press ZL and then ZR right after each other. Then, press B until the menu glitches and appears above an open sub-menu in the game. This will allow you to move around the field while the menu is open.
10 With the menu open, move to the tall grass until you encounter a wild Pokemon.
11 When the encounter begins, wait until after the screen flashes and go to your Pokemon party and remove the item it is holding.
12 Defeat the wild Pokemon.
13 After the battle, check your Pokemon. It should still be holding the duplicated item you removed after the screen flashed.

Other Useful Tips

  • It is important to remove the item from the Pokemon at the moment the battle begins (indicated by the wild Pokemon panning to the right and your trainer panning to the left). Do not remove the item until after the screen flashes white.
  • As this method essentially lets you duplicate any item as long as it can be held by Pokemon, it is possible to obtain multiple copies of any expensive item you can sell off at shops (thus making it a way to farm money in the game).

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