Main Quest Walkthrough – The Sun Shall Fall [Horizon Zero Dawn]

This page contains the full walkthrough for the Main Quest The Sun Shall Fall , including objectives, enemies encountered and rewards.

Aloy finds herself coming to the aid of the Sun King Avad amid an assassination plot by Dervahl. She arrives in Meridian and must quickly see the king.

Main Quest Walkthrough – The Sun Shall Fall

Go to the Palace of the Sun in Meridian

After reaching Meridian, follow the Quest Marker to the Palace of the Sun.

Talk to Avad

As you make your way into the court, you’ll come up to an open lounge where Avad is. Nearby is a Datapoint that you can access (The Sun-Kings). Afterwards, talk to Avad.

Go to the Warehouse

After to speaking to Avad, follow the Quest Marker to the Warehouse.  Once you get there, a cutscene will ensue.

Examine the Bomb

Once inside the Warehouse, examine the bomb with Focus.

Search the Warehouse

Follow the Quest Marker upstairs. Examine the Blaze Barrels in the second floor. From there, you can open the doors behind them.

Push the Blaze out the Window

After opening the doors, push the Blaze out of the edge. Once you do, another cutscene will ensue.

Investigate the Area / Follow the Trail

Use Focus on the site where the bomb exploded. You’ll detect a trail that you can follow. You’ll soon find a way out of the palace and find how Dervahl made it inside the walls. A cutscene will ensue and you’ll catch a glimpse of Dervahl along the bridge. Follow him by jumping and grabbing onto the ledge to the right of the tree. From here, drop down on to a series of yellow rocks that you can grab onto, then to the ledge on the left. Continue managing your way to the left until you come to the ladder that takes you on the bridge again.

Follow Dervahl into the Palace / Go to the Solarium

When you get near the stone arch just before where Dervahl’s lackeys are standing, enter stealth mode and position yourself on the corner of the arch. When you’re ready, kill them with stealth kills with the spear. Afterwards, continue following the Quest Marker and pick up loot along the way, which includes some Metal Shards and some 24% Health. When you approach the court, you will see a cutscene.

Destroy the Sonic Device /Defeat Dervahl and his Men

Follow the Quest Marker to the Sonic Device and destroy it. Then, catch up with Dervahl and engage them. A cutscene will ensue before you face Dervahl. When the fight begins, just shoot him from afar. Just take care of his gun that has quite a long range and fires fast. Your best bet would be to always create good distance between you and him. He will go down pretty easily. After you’ve dealt with him take out the his lackeys that are spread across the court.

When you’ve dealt with them, talk to Dervahl.

Kill the Glinthawks

Once the cutscene with Dervahl ends, Glinthawks will appear out of nowhere and attack you. Take them out one by one, then meet up with Erend.

Talk to Avad / Erend / Dervahl (Optional)

Talk to the Avad, Erend and Dervahl to find out more about the situation and what should be done next. You’ll also get some juicy information about Ersa and Dervahl himself by talking to the NPCs.

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