Main Quest Walkthrough – A Seeker at the Gates [Horizon Zero Dawn]

This page contains the full walkthrough the Main Quest A Seeker at the Gates, including objectives, enemies encountered and rewards.

Main Quest Walkthrough – A Seeker at the Gates

For the Seeker at the Gates quest, Aloy finds herself standing in front of the gates in the midst of the snowy field. When the quest starts, you find wondering what the device in your hand is. The device is what allows you to override. Your main objective is to figure out how to override. When figuring out to override, you’ll be looking for a Strider. Once you find the Strider, you can override it and you’ll be able to turn it into a Mount.

Walk a few steps forward to pick up the Rock x1. After that, approach the bonfire on your right. Go there for a quick save before approaching the woman along the path. She’s a merchant so if you have anything you need to buy, you  can trade items with her.

When you’re done, follow along the path before approaching a small hill that has the Fire Kilin Root x3.

Next, cross the bridge and make a right and follow along the path. You’ll find a bridge and also some Medicinal Ochrebloom lying on  your right. Head towards the left to find  a Shock Wax Root. In front of that, there’s some Ridgewood x5 lying around. Swing around the tree and you’ll find another Medicinal Ochrebloom lying around. Pick it up and now you can go approach the Strider.

When approaching the Strider, make sure you go around undetected before using your device to override the Strider. With that, you’ll be able to get the Strider in no time. You’ll also learn the controls on how to use  the Mount.

Once you’re mounted on the Strider, get back on the path and follow it. Now you have to speak to someone named Varl. When you spot the bridge, hit a hard left and keep following the path until you see the gates. Once you see the gates, circle around the shattered gate to come across a cutscene.

Main Gates Embrace

With that, you can now move on to where a woman named Marea is. But you also unlock a new quest: the War Chief’s Trail. However, we don’t need that yet. Let’s finish this quest first.

Cross the bridge and mark the bonfire for your next checkpoint. Head north until you reach a tree for Ridgewood x5. In front of it, there’s another Ridgewood x4 and Medicinal Ochreblooms. From the ground, you’ll find Rigdewood x10. A little north from that, there are more Medicinal Ochreblooms.

Continue along the path until you spot the bridge. There, you’ll find a Nora Keeper who has Trials for you. But no need for that now, just continue on your merry way.

Continue along the path until you notice the sky turn blue green. There, look for a river and cross it to the other side. There, you’ll meet an outside from the Nora who warns you of danger. When you approach him, he’ll give you a quest to take down the bandits. But no need for that, just keep on going to find Marea.


However, if you do wander around there, there  are some corpses you can loot for wires and metal shards. Search out for the Tallneck and you can follow its path. Override it to complete the Devil’s Thirst sidequest and you can even follow it along the path. Once you’ve followed it enough, there will be some Fire Kilin Root x1 lying around.

From there, head towards the Bonfire before following the path. When you do, you’ll find some Ancient Corpses around. Loot them up before heading back to the path. Keep following the path until you spot a tall watchtower. Cross the bridges before finally entering Mother’s Crown.

Mother’s Crown

From there, head up north and look for Marea. She should have a quest marker on her head. Talk to her and have a cutscene ensue.

When you’re done, exit the camp and head down the bridge and pathway. You’ll soon reach a  corrupted zone in which you’ll have to clear. The moment you clear, you’ll succeed on that part of the mission. However, be careful. The moment they’re hit, they run towards  you for a Kamikaze attack.

To make traveling easier, use your mount to head towards an abandoned village. From there, you’ll spot all the Corrupted Machines. Take them out one by one before moving on. When you’re  done with that, head towards the Carja Fort. If you open the menu, the Carja Fort should be on the east from  where you’re standing.

Head back to the path and grab your mount. It’ll be a long ride.

Carja Fort Front

When you get to the Fort’s front, you’ll have to clean up the Corrupted Machines running around. Kill the corrupted dog machines before you come across the big boss. The big boss looks like some angry metal octopus that has lasers. Use the terrain to your advantage and  take him down. With that, you’ll complete the Seekers at the Gate Quest.

For more walkthrough, click here to go to our Main Mission Walkthrough Directory.

Previous: The Womb of the Mountain Next: The War-Chief’s Trial

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