Power Cell List Collection [Horizon Zero Dawn]

This article contains a guide on how to collect the power cells for the Shield-Weaver Armour.

Power Cell

The Power Cell is littered all around the game. These items that work with the Shield Weaver Armor. In combination with the Ancient Armoury Quest, this grants Aloy invincibility for a time while wearing it. And when coming across opponents, people need that kind of invincibility to survive.

Each Power Cell can be discovered while playing through the main quests.

Power Cell 01: Underground Bunker

The first Power Cell is unlocked when one plays as Young Aloy. During the Prologue, return to the ruins where you found your  Focus. Retrace the path through the barracks and down stairs. Follow the path until you reach a closed door.

Pry the door ahead of you open. Move through the offices to head back upstairs. At the top of the stairs, you’ll find a room with a doorway. However, there are rock formations blocking it on your right. Use the spear to smash through the rocks and collect it off the desk.

Power Cell 02: All-Mother Temple

All-Mother Temple houses the next Power Cell. In the Mother’s Watch, this item is available during the quest Womb of the Mountain. However, this is only available after The Proving. After finding your equipment and speaking to Matriarch Teersa, cross the hall.There’s a locked door before following her out of the stronghold.

Check next to the locked door to find an open ventilation duct. Move through it to enter the room past the door. There, you can collect the second one.

Power Cell 03: Maker’s End

The third power cell is found in Maker’s End. You can easily find it during the story quest of the same name. Once you’ve scaled the FAS Building, head towards Faro’s Office. Near the end of the mission, scale the tower at the east end of the office. When you do so, you’ll have to make your way up to the highest point of the skyscraper.

When you’re up there, grab the cell before rappelling back down.

Power Cell 04: The Grave Hoard

For this next cell, collect it at the start of the Grave Hoard Mission. When you descend down into the ruins, open the electronic lock by resetting three mechanisms. From there, continue on with the mission.

Open the lock and you’ll find the cell lying on the ground. It’s on the other side of the door.

Power Cell 05: GAIA Prime

The final one is in the ruins during the mission – The Mountain That Fell. After speaking with Sylens in his workshop, climb down the elevator shaft before rappelling into the ruins.

Before grabbing the objective marker, head left and walk north. Climb the rubble ahead and make your way into the blue-lit cave ahead. You’ll spot the final cell on a shelf in the back room.


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    • Yes. Fast travel to the campsite right outside the village. When you go in you’ll notice the door to the mountain is closed. Leave the village and cross the small bridge over the stream. Turn around and head back and the door will then be open for you.