Side Quest Walkthrough – Hunter’s Blind [Horizon Zero Dawn]

This page contains the full walkthrough for the Side Quest Hunter's Blind, including objectives, enemies encountered and rewards.

Side Quest Walkthrough – Hunter’s Blind

The Side Quest is initiated by talking to Talanah in the Hunter’s Lodge in Meridian after completing the Hunting for the Lodge Errand.

Go to Lone Light / Kill the Glinthawks

Head for the Quest Marker to the next destination. Talanah will meet you there as you prepare to engage some Glinthawks.

Main article: Glinthawk Strategy Guide

Talk to Talanah and Ilsadi

After taking out the Glinthawks and looting them, speak to Talanah and Ilsadi by following the Quest Marker again.

Find the Cause of the Glinthawk Attacks

Proceed again to the Quest Marker by rappelling down and following the trail along the river. At around 60m from the destination, you’ll catch sight of more Glinthawks, so be prepared to engage them.

Investigate the Area / Follow the Tracks

After dealing with the machines, take the time to loot the Snapmaw carcasses in the area as you come near the Quest Marker ahead. You’ll soon reach a dead end, so use Focus to reveal a trail. From here, you’ll need to come up on the ledge on your right and up to the new area above. Continue following the trail from here.

You’ll soon come up to some hunters, Vashad and Omas, where a conversation will ensue.

Gather a Snapmaw Heart

After talking to them, you’ll need to obtain a Snapmaw Heart. Follow the Quest Marker towards one and be prepared to engage it. It won’t be alone, so prepare to maintain mobility as you take out your target.

Main article: Snapmaw Strategy Guide

Return to Vashad / Talk to Talanah / Return tot the Hunter’s Lodge

After obtaining a Snapmaw Heart, head back to Vashad. After talking to him, speak to Talanah. Then, head back to the Hunter’s Lodge.

Talk to Ahsis

Talk to Ahsis. Afterwards you will receive a Tearblaster Weapon Box and 3000 XP.

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