New Pokémon Snap - Game Differences

A comparison breakdown of Pokemon Snap for N64 and New Pokemon Snap for the Nintendo Switch, including similarties and differences.

New Pokemon Snap - Pokemon Snap for N64 and New Pokemon Snap

Differences between Pokemon Snap N64 and New Pokemon Snap

New Pokemon Snap - Pokemon Snap for N64 and New Pokemon Snap

Here is a breakdown of similarities and differences between Pokemon Snap for N64 and New Pokemon Snap for the Nintendo Switch

Photography Tools, Items, and Functions

This also includes terrain aspects contribute to your photoshoot.

Photodex Guide


New Pokemon Snap - Fluffruit Item

Fluffruit works similar to Pokemon Snap’s “Poke Food “. This consumable item helps you draw attention of a Pokemon. It also gives you a snapshot picture of a Pokemon eating.

Fluffruit Guide

Illumina Orb

New Pokemon Snap - Illumina Orb

Illumina is a new photography item that makes a Pokemon perform a “Special Pose” when hit.

Illumina Orb Guide


New Pokemon Snap - Crystal Flower

Terrain aspects such as Crystabloom can also emit Illumina. Hitting Crystabloom can be a catalyst for P0kemon to show a Special Pose.


New Pokemon Snap - Melody Effect

Melodies are similar to the N64 version of Pokemon Snap. It functions as as whistle to make a Pokemon to dance or shake its body.

Search Function

New Pokemon Snap - Search Function

The Search Function is a convenient tool to zoom-in further and unravel hidden Pokemon in an area.  It also helps in identifying new routes. It can also show the name of the Pokemon when you zoom.

Research Level

New Pokemon Snap - Research Level

Research Level is a new feature exclusive to New Pokemon Snap. As you increase the Research Level of your main character, your will Photodex will be able to detect more Pokemon from a distance as well as identify special poses.

Research Level Guide

Album Display

New Pokemon Snap - Photodex Album


Apart from capturing photos, the new Photodex also functions as an in-game album in New Pokemon Snap. View recently registered Pokemon photos captured from the wild as well as see their information.

The main character can register up to four images per Pokemon. The images are displayed on the right side of the Photodex while its information is shown to the left. Also visible are overall scores or ratings of the four photos.

Re-Snap Editing Mode

New Pokemon Snap - Photodex Re-Snap Edit Function

In New Pokemon Snap, there is also editing feature called Re-Snap Mode. Add filters, frames, stamps to decorate or add effects to your chosen Pokemon picture.

Online Function

New Pokemon Snap - Photodex Online Function

A new online function is added to New Pokemon Snap. This allows you to share your captured photos of Pokemon online.

It can also be evaluated by other players and there is a worldwide ranking to lead other players for motivation.

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