List of All Vantage Locations [Horizon Zero Dawn]

This article contains a guide to all the vantage locations in Horizon Zero Dawn.


What is a vantage? A Vantage in Horizon Zero Dawn is a window to the past. When Aloy accesses the Vantage, she can see what the ruins were before in their spotless urban glory. As she goes around, she’ll find many of these near rugged ruins of apartment buildings, skyscrapers and abandoned factories. Aloy uses her Focus and sees how the world looked like before it got destroyed. When playing each footage, it’s similar to a diary entry of a mysterious character who toured all the locations and said good bye to each and every one of them.

Air Combat Academy

For the first vantage, check across the river to the east of the main gate of The Embrace. There’s a large rock formation up north of a small group of ruins that make up a Corrupted Zone.

Climb up the rocks from the east side overlook. Once you do, you’ll grab the Vantage.

Colorado Springs

When checking for this vantage, head north of the Tallneck in Devil’s Thirst. Climb up in the remains of the areas of the tallest building. After that, approach from the south. Climb the path up into the building near the northwest corner of the Tallneck’s loop. From there, make your way upward.

Climb through the tower’s skeleton to find the vantage on a ledge facing west.

Explorer Museum

Follow the road to the north of the Devil’s Thirst Bandit Camp. Don’t head for the landmark. Head towards the camp. Upon getting there, you’ll find the Vantage on top of a small pillar of rocks looking towards the encampment.

Bridal Veil Falls

For this vantage, it’s in the southeast of the Daytower. It’s right below the Two-Teeth bandit camp on the map. Approach from the east and find the climbing path. It’s on the left of the road sign for Daytower when exiting the Forsaken Village.

With that, climb the rock and up over the two smaller rock walls on the right. When you finish climbing, your vantage should be right there.

Eagle Canyon

At the base of the steps of the Cut Cliffs settlement, there’s a climb path. Another clue to find for is that it’s on a rocky face along the western side of the trail. When you get there, look for the path beneath a grapple branch. Climb the cliffside up to the rappelling point to find the Vantage.

Monument Valley

From the gates of Sunstone, there’s a large rock formation near the eastern path to the city. On the map, it should be on the south-west corner.

Follow the climb path up the rock face. When you get to the top, use the zipline to head back down towards the path. You’ll find the vantage on the landing.

Bryce Orbital

Head up the base of the path east of Sunfall. This path should lead north to Maker’s End, heading towards the rock formations on your left. 

When you get there, make your way up the climbable path. From there, cross the short plateau at the top and continue to climb along the wall. When you reach the end of the second climb path, take out the two scrappers.

After killing them, the Vantage can be found overlooking Sunfall.

Lake Powell

Across the river to the north of Brightmarket, cross the shore. Or, you can also climb down from the northern plateau above. When you get there, use the tightrope to make your way out to the free standing rock formation. Climb the side up to the top to locate the vantage.

Faro Automated Solutions

In the wooded mountains, there’s another vantage. At the south of Maker’s End, head up the rocky snowy foothills of the mountain top. This should be near the Shell-Walker feeding area. Beware of Scrappers and Ravagers.

When you get there, you’ll find a large chunk of dark grey stone protruding from the mountainside on your right. After that, climb your way up and around this old structure. When you’re done, collect the Vantage from the top overlooking Maker’s End.

King’s Peak

Check for the vantage can be found in the area where you can fight the Stormbird. It’s also on the same path to meet Sylens in The Mountain That Fell. After climbing up the side of the waterfall, there’s another climb section. Head towards the rocks ahead of you on the left.

Climb up and around the cliffs. The vantage should be looking towards GAIA Prime.

Sterling-Malkeet Amphitheater

Check across the thin river. In the rocky hills west of Devil’s Grief, there’s an open area between two rock formations. However, be careful. This is also a Corrupted Zone.

Take out the Corrupted Machines before moving on. There’s a natural set of steps running between the rocks. Follow it to the top. Head beneath the southern cliff face and you’ll find the vantage.

Denver Stadium

Check the eastern edge of the Devil’s Grief. There lies the twisted remains of a massive skyscraper. It’s just north to the south of the Iron Ring encampment. You’ll spot this area in the Main Quest: Revenge of the Nora.

From inside the base of the building, use the climb path to reach the open ledge. It’s high in the northwest corner of the building, overlooking the Iron Ring.


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