Hogwarts Legacy - Can You Change Houses?

Can you change Houses in Hogwarts Legacy? Included here are the answers based on information revealed from official sources.

Hogwarts Legacy - Can You Change Houses?

Can You Change Houses in Hogwarts Legacy?

Please note that this page is undergoing updates. More information on the possibility of changing Houses in the middle of Hogwarts Legacy‘s main story will be added when they are confirmed in the game.

The House you choose at the start is permanent (to be confirmed).

Hogwarts Legacy - Sorting Hat

While yet to be revealed from official sources, it is likely that the House you choose to be sorted during the Sorting Hat ceremony at the start of game cannot be changed afterwards. Since certain story events and gameplay features are expected to be different for each House, it is recommended to decide carefully if you want to join Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff when starting a New Game.

Hogwarts Legacy Permanent Events and Missable Features Guide

Note that the House you are sorted into may be permanent whether you chose it at the beginning of the main story campaign or if you imported your House from your Harry Potter Fan Club account into the game.

Start a New Game on a different save file to select a House again.

If student Houses are indeed permanent, you will need to restart the game on a fresh save file if you want to join a different House. You are also given a total of four (4) character save slots if you want to experience the story as a Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, or Hufflepuff.

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