How to Get Imperio Guide for Hogwarts Legacy
What is Imperio?
The Imperius Curse or Imperio is an Unforgivable Curse (Dark Arts spell) in Hogwarts Legacy that causes enemies to fight alongside you for a fixed duration while being inflicted with the Curse status. Because of its effects, Imperio is useful for evening the odds when up against groups of powerful enemies throughout the main story.
Hogwarts Legacy How to Get All Unforgivable Curses (Dark Arts)
Imperio Spell Information
Spell Name | Type | Description |
Imperio | Unforgivable Curse (Dark Arts Spell) | Temporarily makes enemies aid you in battle and take reduced damage while being inflicted with curse (cursed enemies take extra damage). |
Unlocked during In the Shadow of Time (Sebastian Side Quest)
Imperio can only be unlocked during Sebastian Sallow’s side quest In the Shadow of Time. This is the fourth Relationship Line quest after you have befriended Sebastian which means you can gain access to the spell quite early into the main story. You must also be at Level 17 and have cleared the main quest Welcome to Hogsmeade and the Sebastian side quest In the Shadow of the Study.
Hogwarts Legacy All Companion Relationship Lines List and Guide
Once you begin In the Shadow of Time, progress through the mission until you come into a dialogue choice to learn the Unforgivable Curse. When Sebastian says “You have to mean it”, answer with “Yes, I’d like to learn the Imperius Curse.” (second choice). Note that picking a different response will make you miss out on the learning Imperio for the duration of the playthrough so be careful.
Hogwarts Legacy Permanent Events and Missable Features Guide
Improving Imperio through the Dark Arts Talents
Unlock Dark Arts Talent Perks
Talent Name | Required Lv. | Required Spell | Description |
Imperio Mastery | 16 | Imperio | An enemy under your control with Imperio curses other targets with each successful strike. |
Enduring Curse | 16 | None | A cursed effect remains on an enemy for a longer period of time. |
Curse Sapper | 22 | None | Defeating a cursed enemy restores some of your health. |
Getting any of the Dark Arts Talent perks which activate additional effects on cursed enemies will let you get more out of using Imperio. Be sure to get Imperio Mastery which allows the enemy you turned into your ally to inflict Curse using its attacks.
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