Wand Customization Guide for Hogwarts Legacy
In Hogwarts Legacy, you can customize your wand to suit your preferences near the beginning of the game’s main story. All settings applied to your wand are simply cosmetic and do not grant it special properties such as increased spell damage or spell effectiveness (to be confirmed).
How to Unlock Wand Customization
Wand customization is unlocked upon visiting Ollivanders during the early stages of the main story quest. While yet to be confirmed, it seems that you will not be able to modify your wand after receiving it so be sure to decide carefully how you want your wand to look.
Hogwarts Legacy Permanent Events and Missable Features
Wand Customization Options
Wand Style
The Wand Style determines the shape and color of your wand. Feel free to go through the different options as this will be your wand’s most visually distinct characteristic that you can notice from any distance.
Wand Style | Available Colors |
Notched | Warm Brown |
Classic | Grey, Black |
Spiral | Ash Brown, Green Grey, Dark Brown |
Soft Spiral | Light Brown, Black |
Stalk | Honey Brown |
Ringed | Dark Brown, Buff |
Crooked Spiral | Dark Grey |
Natural | Grey, Honey Brown, Warm Brown |
Once you have chosen the Wand Style, you can then select different colors to apply to your wand.
Wood Type
The Wood Type lets you set the wood material to be use for your wand, its length, and flexibility which can be changed using the sliders on the customization screen. These options are quite hard to notice in the game, though you should still take as much time as you want customizing these, especially if you intend to replicate the wand used by your favorite characters in the novels.
Wood Type | |
Acacia | Alder |
Apple | Ash |
Aspen | Beech |
Blackthorn | Black Walnut |
Cedar | Cherry |
Chestnut | Cypress |
Dogwood | Ebony |
Elder | Elm |
English Oak | Fir |
Hawthorn | Hazel |
Holly | Hornbeam |
Larch | Laurel |
Maple | Pear |
Pine | Poplar |
Red Oak | Redwood |
Rowan | Lime |
Silver | Spruce |
Sycamore | Vine |
Walnut | Willow |
Yew |
This setting under the Wood Type tab lets you adjust how long you want your wand to be which can go from nine and a half inches to fourteen and a half inches.
You can also choose the level of flexibility your wand has from the Wood Type tab.
Flexibility | |
Unbending | Swishy |
Brittle | Rigid |
Solid | Stiff |
Whippy | Quite Flexible |
Slightly Yielding | Fairly Bendy |
Quite Bendy |
Wand Core
In the Wizarding World, the Wand Core is the component that affects the performance and behavior of a wand the most. Properties like magical power, loyalty to their owners, or tendency to act without the will of their masters all depend on the Wand Core used.
Wand Core | Description | How to Unlock |
Dragon Heartstring | Dragon heartstring that serves as the core of a wand, known for producing powerful magic. | Unlocked at the start of the game. |
Unicorn Hair | The hair of a unicorn that serves as the core of a wand, known for producing consistent magic. | Unlocked at the start of the game. |
Phoenix Feather | The feather of a phoenix that serves as the core of a wand, capable of producing a great range of magic. | Unlocked at the start of the game. |
It has not yet been revealed whether Wand Cores in Hogwarts Legacy will adopt a mechanic reminiscent of those found in the novels. More information on this will be added when they are confirmed in the game.
Hogwarts Legacy Best Wand Core
Finalize Wand
Once you are satisfied with your wand, choose Finalize Wand from the Wand Customization tab. Review the customization settings you have applied for the last time before receiving it and continuing the main story.
Setting up Your Wand Before Launching the Game for the First Time.
Note that it is possible to acquire your own personal wand based on your answers in the Harry Potter Fan Club Wizarding World Wand Ceremony Quiz. You can then transfer the wand generated from the quiz to Hogwarts Legacy by linking your Wizarding World account to your WB Games account.
Hogwarts Legacy How to Link Your Harry Potter Fan Club Account to Your WB Games Account
Getting the Elder Wand
The Elder Wand, the most powerful wand featured in the original Harry Potter series of novels, can also be obtained through this method. Click on the link below to view a guide on how to get the Elder Wand in Hogwarts Legacy.
How to Get the Elder Wand in Hogwarts Legacy
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