Horizon Zero Dawn’s fourth Main Quest The Proving continues with Aloy trekking through the tundra where enemy reinforcements have settled in.
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Main Quest Walkthrough – The Proving
Objective # 1 – Go to the Start of the Brave Trial
Begin your excursion by following the trail straight ahead, passing through the arch. Eventually you will have to grapple on some ledges, and finally grab onto the broken ladder to get yourself up the higher platforms. By the time you cross the wooden bridge, a cutscene with the Proctor will ensue.
Run the Abandoned Brave Trail

After crossing to the other side, continue along the path. Grab onto the zipline to slide through. Keep going then carefully cross through the tapering tree trunk. Lunge and get a grip onto the ledge then climb up, pull yourself up the ledge. Jump and grab onto the next ledge, shimmy to the right then make a jump to grab onto the next ledge. Keep shimmying then grab onto the diagonal ledge. Pull yourself up again then cross another narrow fallen tree trunk, being careful not to fall to the ravine below.

Continue along the broken branch, examine it to rappel down to the lower platform. At this point, simply follow the long straight path then make a left when it forks. Climb up to the higher platform, then continue along a straight path. When you reach the end, grab onto the ledge and begin to pull yourself up the some ledge pieces, making sure to shimmy when needed. Pull yourself onto the last ledge then follow the trail, cross the bridge, passing through the concrete’s opening.
Reach for the wall, then jump onto the ledge again and climb upwards, make sure to aim for the right side as you first ascend as one of the ledges is a bit small to grip your hands onto. Pull up, follow the route then cross narrow tree trunk to get across. Prepare a jump and clasp your hands around the zipline to get through the pit. Another cutscene will appear.
Kill the Attackers

Immediately run straight, strafe and do some side rolls to take cover on a fort. Crouch down to avoid any arrows then press the action button to gather Medicinal Wild Ember near the concrete barrier. Proceed to the left side and do some forward rolls to avoid any potential damage. Grab onto the ledge and engage the hunters one at a time with melee. As the number of threats incapacitated increase, you may prepare your Bow to deal with the remaining ones. Search the attacker using the Action button to loot him for some items. Go forward past the dead attackers to obtain some Medicinal Wild Ember. Eventually another cutscene follows.

When the battle resumes, fire an arrow to the nearest approaching Attacker to eliminate him. Grab onto the right ledge, then perform a melee to defeat the next Attacker. Keep in mind that you may loot the corpses after taking them out. Examine near the fort to gather some Ridge-Wood. Keep track of the red life bar displayed on screen and pursue the distant enemy to provide assistance to some allies. Examine the side of the boulder for Medicinal Wild Ember then check the corpse for Hunter Arrow and Health Potion.

Turn around do some quick rolls to avoid any projectiles from the Attackers that have gathered by the platform. As one of them jumps down, take him out using melee. Climb onto the platform then eliminate the other Attackers using melee when they are close or with carefully placed shots from the Bow. Snipe the remaining Archer from afar. Search for some items from the corpses you’ve just defeated. A cutscene will intrude.

Immediately go after the Attacker wielding the Deathbringer Gun. Take advantage of the Concentration Skill when aiming from afar and while reloading. Begin by making some well-placed Arrow shots using the Carja Hunter’s Bow to whittle down his health as you exchange shots while strafing to the side pillar for cover. While preparing a shot, strafe to the side to get the Attacker to run out of bullets before you place the shot. Change Bows and ammunition when necessary and execute some Quick Rolls to avoid damage.

Keep shooting as you carefully approach him to finally take him down. Don’t pick up the Deathbringer Gun just yet as there are still some pursuing Attackers such as the Stun Rod wielder which is a huge threat because of his long reach. Perform some Forward Rolls to maintain a good amount of distance and play close attention to your Health bar. Keep firing your Arrows until you have eliminated him. With the threat out of the way, get to the center to pick up the Deathbringer Gun and finish off the remaining ones situated above.
Loot the Enemy Leader

Approach the Deathbringer wielder’s dead body. A cutscene will eventually take place.
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