This is Samurai Gamers‘ walkthrough for the mission Revenge of the Nora in Horizon Zero Dawn.
Revenge of the Nora has Aloy discovering the killers’ base camp through a recording – and along that, a strategic weakness.
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Main Quest Walkthrough – Revenge of the Nora
Objective 1: Go to Red Echoes

Using your HUD as your guide, make your way to the fireplace at Red Echoes. Collect resources along the way, but be careful as there are a pair of Sawtooth you might run into. A cutscene will play once you reach the fireplace.
Objective 2: Clear three camps

Make your way down to the river and cross it using the fallen log. Move across the field, then take out the Corrupted Watcher that’s patrolling the area. Keep moving to the left until you reach a settlement; stay within the tall grass to avoid being seen. Take out another Corrupted Watcher roaming the area via surprise attack. Use your Focus to reveal the locations of enemy forces.
Also, your takedown of the Corrupted Watcher may attract attention. Do a surprise attack on any enemy that comes close to lower the chances of getting noticed.

As much as possible, use your bow to snipe enemies. A precision bow like the Sharpshot is your best option here. However, if pandemonium is more your speed, shoot the Blaze Containers in the area with fire arrows to make them explode, then go to work. When you have taken out most of the cultists, the braves sent by Varl will take over mopping up any stragglers left.

Move towards the remaining camps. Watch out, as there are Corrupted Scrappers roaming in the area as well. Scrappers have a radar ability, so if you see an opportunity to take one down, do it quickly as it will detect your presence even if you are hiding in tall grass.

Meet with Varl and Sona at the Tallest Tower once you have finished clearing the camps.
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