Super Mario Odyssey - Metro Kingdom Power Moon No. 46 (Vaulting Up a High Rise)

This contains a guide on where and how to obtain the Vaulting Up a High-Rise Power Moon in the Metro Kingdom in Super Mario Odyssey.

Vaulting Up a High Rise

vaulting up a high rise


The rooftops of the city. You can enter through the alleyway from Power Moon Nos. 37 and 38.

How to Find

  1. Collect Power Moons 37 and 38 first.
  2. Stay in the alley and use the pipe at one end of the alley to head to the rooftop.
  3. Use Cappy to take control of the rocket.
  4. Swing across the poles to a pole that goes up and down.
  5. Wall-jump up to the pole up to you.
  6. Keep wall jumping up until you get to the Power Moon.

Metro Kingdom Power Moons

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