Bug Report Board (Forum) for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (Zelda: TotK)
Bug report board for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Please use this forum page to post notices regarding various bugs and glitches encountered and possible solutions for them in Zelda: TotK. To post on the board, please scroll to the bottom of this page under “Leave a Reply” and write your messages in the comment box.
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I was in the depths and i trowed a brightbloom seed(whith a bow) on a lake and the seed was attached to the water. version 1.2.1
For some reason, during the Zeldas Golden Horse side quest/ adventure i have know idea what happened to cause this but i was moving the nearest skyview tower, the gleeok was coming over and it was frozen like it wasnt moving at all. Like I was curious about it and first of all, I was standing underneath it and it never noticed me and second of all, I moved far away like i was still in view of the gleeok and it was still in the same position for like 30 minutes. This happened if i recall exactly like back in 2024 mid december.
I’m not able to collect the treasure chest in the Gemimik shrine. I executed the instructions on all the guides I could find but I can’t get enough height. It doesn’t sound like a bug but given that I follow the instructions to the letter and it doesn’t work I can’t see another possibility.
I may be the only person still playing the game but I am trying to track down the last 10 or so koroks I missed. I watched a video where someone was walking through where every one was, and one of the wooden platforms that generates a light ring located on a rock ring in the Lanayru Sea is missing from my game. It simply is not there. The location is on every korok map out there, but there is no way to obtain the korok in my game. I am on the latest version and have no idea how to fix this. I want my Hestu poop award!
Wrong Hinox count.
I have used an interactive map to be sure i defeated all Hinoxes.
It is stuck on 14 left to defeat.
I have gone back to each Hinox, it says “defeated”.
An error occurred and now my game is all messed up. I have to restart from the beginning. I cannot copie or download the save.
What could have happened?
I think your save corrupted
Sidon (the physical character, not the vow) isn’t showing up in the throne room. When checking which side quests I was missing, I found that I was missing the Secret Treasure Under the Great Fish quest. I’ve already completed the Sidon of the Zora quest so according to my research, Sidon should be in the throne room next to Dorephan. But only Yona is next to Dorephan and Sidon is nowhere to be found. I’ve checked Mipha Court, Wellspring Island, everywhere in Zora’s Domain, even the Pristine Sanctum. I had an issue with another character, Dugby the goron, not spawning when I tried to start one of his quests. The solution was to either completely close the software and restart or to leave the area for a while then return. I just did both and it helped so I assumed the same thing would work for missing Sidon. But so far, nothing has worked. All the other sages are in their respective areas. I’ve completed all four Regional Phenomena quests, but I still haven’t finished the main quest. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
None of my abilities on zelda tears of kingdom will save. I get it, and as soon as u walk out the shrine I lose it. Whether I save it or not
I did a sidequest and it reset all my active side quests and added new ones by itself???
So when your at a stable, if you go up to Beetle while he is sitting down, and watch him clap his hands, his mouth moves as if he is talking when he is not.
There were 2 Impas at nighttime in kakariko village in her house. One was sitting at the desk without a hat, the other was looking at the calamity picture. I had just done 2 time skips through the plum garden lecture. Maybe that is why.
When I was trying to use ultra hand the select arrow won’t select the ability so I deleted the file and started a new one but the bug still was happening.
Having completed the four lighting temple batteries in fork I faced the last boss in the room at the top of the platform ,I decided to leave the area to get more weapons on my return I found I couldn’t ascend the lift because the fourth battery was not energised ,and now I seem to be stuck because the fourth batttery won’t respond to me any ideas anyone thankyou
My horse from breath of the wild disappeared after helping put up a Hudson construction sign with it nearby. Now it is not appearing on my horse list at stables 🙁
This sounds like your horse could just somewhere in the wilderness. Check your map for the little horse head symbol and once you’re near it, whistle and it should come to you.
2 electric Chuchus spawned, and I killed one, hut the other was just floating. I was in a cave, and it just sat in the air. I walked under and around it, and took pictures, and nothing ever happened. I eventualy just killed it.
Found the Isisim shrine and broke all rocks around it. Will not let me finis the quest properly. Let’s me keep all my weapons, clothes and when I get the end, will not finish out with reward have restarted several times. Has anyone else encountered this?
This just happened to me!!! I cannot finish the isisim shrine either. I enter fully clothed, kill the constructs go to the end and the chest is open and the “throne” area where you touch the glowing green screen just looks like rubble and broken. I’m hoping it’s the “golden ticket” for Zelda and I’ll get a million dollars or something…please?
Sometimes when i shoot a dragon, the parts disappear either just before or when they hit the ground. Its rather annoying to have to wait 10 minutes to try again because the part vanished into thin air. This has happened with all the dragons for me
Sorry akalla plains gleeok in below message
Akkala was Liam’s thunder glee next to south akkala plains chasm: if you fall off the edge of the castle and fight the gleok on the ground..you cannot reach the Gleeok in the air. During phase 2 of the fight the gleeok goes into the air. The gleeok drops lightning creating air vortexes to reach it. You cannot reach the gleeok unless you remain on the castle grounds. If you are fighting beside the chasm you will never reach it. When you try to climb up the castle to continue the fight, it is often raining and or thunder weather. Unless you have the full frog outfit even then it’s thought to get back up to the castle in the rain in the middle of the fight
The stamp/pin function just stopped working …!!! Why? Please help if there is a fix let me know please
I found a bug with getting the glider armor set. namely, I can’t seem to get the tights even though I have beaten the challenge 3 times.
Hello, I just discovered a bug concerning Zucchi (my game is French), a man on a horse with a cart, on the way between Mont Labulat and the Colline de Delass (here are the coordinates: -1532 1278 0144) (once again, my game is French). Zucchi disappears then reappears randomly a few meters away when I finish talking to him or when I no longer look at him.
After failing to help Addison on the Ukuku plains (4294, 0577, 0275) some of the necessary materials disappear for the second try. Two Zonai stakes and a wooden board are at your disposal, but after a failed attempt the wooden board and one of the stakes have disappeared. Other stake is back in original position, but the rest is nowhere to be found (searched vicinity thoroughly).
Items in my inventory just randomly disappeared, I do not use any hacks or glitches and my game is fully updated. All of my large Zonai charges disappeared. They need to fix this because I looked on a Reddit forum and a lot of people are experiencing this.
For reference, I fused all of the msgs with silver lynel saber horns.
I zuggled 9 msgs, then my ultrahand ability glitched to zoom out the camera to a great extent, but when it happens, you are unable to orient or move the item you are grabbing. Done in an unupdated version of the game.
For reference, I fused all of the msgs with silver lynel saber horns.
Tl;Dr – Floaty link glitch. In Lanayru east cave, I came in from the north, left out the West and re-entered, used the paraglider to drop in on the shrine area and blasted most of the rocks clear with my (ghost). I was able to look the rock salt debris. I cleared the shrine, came back out, paused (for like a half hour. Surprise! My basement leaked.) The interesting part was I cleared the remaining right hand side rubble and tried to go through, the game displayed no rocks there but had rocks for Link to climb. BAM! Floaty link. And I can still shoot the invisible rocks with bomb arrows and (ghost).
My game is permanently zoomed in whenever I use the purah pad to zoom in on something or use a bow and arrow. It’s been like this for 3 weeks now and I don’t know what to do. 😭
I went on vacation for a week, I didn’t take my Switch with me and now I am experiencing everything that you listed. I’m also unable to scan while using the zoom option. The only way I can make the game playable is to travel to a shrine to get the screen to unlock, but if I use the purah pad the glitches come back.
I am in the Hebra Cave with the Levethian bones and the ToQuomo shrine is literally not there. I’m in the right place, I even watched a video and the shrine is just not existent
Princess Zelda has started speaking Japanese midway through the English version of the game, but so far, only during her blood moon cutscene. I have no idea how this occurred or how to fix it.
After creating an autobuild vehicle then saving the game multiple times while using your creation, if your vehicle is destroyed or lost and you try and go back to one of your last saves where you still had it, the item will not be there or in any of your saved games. It removes it from all of your saved games. How to get these massages to game developers to create patches to fix these issues?
I’ve found a bug that affects bows (specifically bows with a Durabilty Up or Durability Up +).
If you happen to drop your Durability Up bow from your inventory it will still have it’s modifier of Durability Up however, it will lose the actual Durability.
For example, a Royal Guard Bow has a durability of 20 to a max of 30. Now if I drop a Durability Up + with 30 max durability then pick it back up it will have lost the glint in the top right noting it had “Max Durabilty” and drops it down to the base durability of 20.
The only way to “fix” this is by deliberately reducing the durability by drawing and releasing an arrow.
For example (Royal Guard Bow again) having a max durability of 30 (with Durability Up +) deliberately reducing it to a durability of 29 will allow you to drop it from your inventory and pick it back up while retaining it’s 29 durability.
Note, removing the Bow due to the Bow Stand or Like Like will not damage the durability. Nor having a Rock Octorok spit it out resulting in a Durability Up modifier will cause the damage.
You have to manually drop it from your inventory.
Not a great fix but, if anyone else is experiencing this bug hopefully it helps.
Forgot to add this, you can not use this bug to repair damaged bows.
For example (Royal Guards Bow with Durability Up +) if I use the bow and drop it from 30 to anything below 20 (which is base durability) let’s say 10 and drop it, when I pick it up it will still have 10 Durability remaining.
I’ve completed all 4 regional phenomena quests, got the master sword, and all 4 vows over a month ago. And have played tons since.
However when I opened my game today it shows that i didn’t complete a huge chunk of quests that I’ve done. I’ve lost all my vows and my master sword !! Is this a bug? Will it be fixed???
Iv got 9 bubble frogs left to find and using the sensor to find them in caves I may have missed them. I keep having the sensor going off in hebra south summit cave despite the fact Iv got the frog and keeps telling me there is one below me which would imply two in the same cave but I can’t find anything. Doing my head in.
Post 2 about majora’s mask in totk the mask seems to work with most mobs but the bokoblins , boss bokoblins, and monlins
My majoras mask isn’t working
When i am doing the faras quest to find the root with the detector it won’t work because i already found it so now i can’t finish the quest.
one time i was going to fight a silver lynel, i put on one piece of stealth armor took a picture of it, but when i went up to it it was just standing completely still with its weapon out and not doing anything, so either the yiga headwear has too much stealth, or something weird is going on with the game
For some reason I can no longer travel to the shrine under hyrule castle. Ive had it for weeks , but now it’s gone!
Sometimes the game will auto save and it will save all the weapons I have broken, where I have gotten to, but not what enemy’s I have killed. I noticed this was most prominent while attempting to defeat the monster forces at lurelin village, every time I die I will have lost the weapons I broke but all the monsters are still alive.
cannot hit the gong on 4f of the fire temple, even watching a guide and doing EXACTLY what they did, younobo visibly hits the gong, but the game does register it as being hit. HELP
Big glitch at Lomei Island Labyrinth. I found the shrine and completed it and even followed all directions, but no matter what I do, I cannot activate the dragon terminal to keep the quest moving. This is my last light root to activate in the depths so i need this quest to work. I updated software, I tried re doing the maze several times, tried flying in from above. When I reached the sky labyrinth I could not activate the sigil because I had not started the quest at the surface level. I am out of ideas.
Gerudo village skeleton quest where you need to go in the cave and ultrasound together the spine head and ribs. The ribs are supposed to be in a pile of rocks in the ceiling that need to shoot out if you go early they are not there and when u gain the quest if u shot out the rocks not knowing that was coming they do not spawn
Some plants only spawn 1-2 of the fruits (I.e. mighty bananas, fire fruit, etc…) not sure why this is happening but it is annoying
I just went to pondside cave and there is no chest where there should be to get the archaic tunic
I’m completing the “Yunobo – Clearly Not Himself!” Battle, and I get the first two hits in easily, but the third and final hit is impossible because he never becomes dazed. He immediately gets up and as fast as I can hit him, it never does any damage. Did anyone else experience this problem? I’m not sure what to do… any tips would be great because I can’t proceed in the Gordon Area Main Quest without completing this! 🙁
I finished the game. I completed the “Find princsess Zelda” and “Kill Ganondorf”. After I caught Princess Zelda and the end credits appeared I returned to the game and it appeared that I still hadn’t completed the “Find Princess Zelda” and “Kill the Demon King” quests. I worked really hard for this and it really sucks and it’s annoying that the game didn’t get it. I would appreciate an explanation to my email: led.noam@gmail.com
I may be mistaken but I don’t think you can ever save a Zelda game after the final quest is completed right? I’m pretty sure you just get the end credits but then it always just reverts back to before you kill Ganon. It did that for Breath of the Wild at least!
After upgrading the game to v1.2, I am still having a game breaking bug with Messages from an Ancient Era. v1.2 has fixed the issue with numerous quest reset bug including Incomplete Stable and Finding Spot. However for Messages from an Ancient Era, Wortsworth is still no where to be found in Outlook landing or Kakariko Village.
Missing Sage’s Will! For some reason one of the sages wills won’t spawn. I may have defeated one of the enemies, and not picked it up. But now it refuses to respawn. I’ve refought all the enemies multiple times and nothing!
Yes, we are having the same issue. We have searched all 20 islands 3-4 times each, waited for a natural blood moon and even triggered a panic blood moon. Additionally, we proceeded to beat the main quest line and still we cannot find one last sage’s will. There must be some sort of spawn issue perhaps with the flux constructs.
same here
Yep same. I even tried dying hehe. Mine is South Nucluda sky construct. The chest fell off the edge. I tried to save it with rewind but no luck. I even tried to look around the ground level. Oh well I guess I’ll never be 100% because I am not starting over!
I just bought a new pro controller, but every time I play zelda tears of the kingdom the motion of the camera will drift no matter what I am doing how do I fix it?
Not a big bug, but when you buy arrows at gerudo Town and choose the option to buy all of them, it will only buy 2 bundles of arrows and not all 3. You do pay full price for 3 bundles though.
So my friend is about to all the way give up on TOTK because he accidentally used all of his King Scales and when he returned to King Dorephan he just has dialog and he can’t get any more scales from him even though he said to return to him if you need more. We also looked through his entire inventory and he doesn’t have any remaining scales so he can’t get to the Water Temple.
A bug regarding the miner’s gear. I found nothing but Zonai Charges in 2 of the chests, where this gear is normally found.
I went to Cece, but there is no outfits there. I checked the bargainer statue, no outfits there either.
I found the head gear just fine. But the chest and legs are missing from my game.
For some reason whenever I shoot the dragons, nothing drops. I tried reloading the game, saving and loading, quitting the game and joining back, and even completely shutting down my switch and joining back. This issue happened after I have gotten a few light dragon spikes and a few of its scales. It also happened the same time around after I finished all of the main quests but the Ganondorf fight. Can someone explain this?
You have to land on the dragons to get materials off of them
There is a bug I encountered after completing mystery in the depths. I had completed two of the regional phenomona quests already, but after the mystery and the depths quest the remaining two disappeared from my map. I am effectively softlocked since i don’t know where to go for the main quests.
This requires a certain game state to hit but I was in the middle of A Call From the Depths, where I had moved the eyes from where they were dropped in the chasms, but just to set me up for moving around in the depths. While I was in the process of completing this, I hit a blood moon and now the eyes are nowhere to be found. They’re not where I left them, not where they were dropped, and not on the main land where I originally found them
Since the latest update, I cannot stealth. Craziest thing so far: I was on a sky island in full stealth armor and bokoblins on the ground noticed me. The depths is almost impossible because all creatures detect me. Again, in full stealth armor – makes things a touch difficult.
Frost gleeok not dropping any look. Defeated it 3 different times with no drops
This isn’t really a bug, but in the “Teach Me a Lesson II” side quest, it says Goron city is northeast of Hateno Village which isn’t true.
Is there any way to contact the game devs about bugs? I defeated the side quest miskos treasure of awakening 2 and read the stone and everything and even redid all the steps several times but the quest will not say complete. It is the only quest I haven’t finished and is keeping me from 100% clearance
The game didn’t record me beating the hinox in the main quest – all other 68 have been defeated, but it still says 1 is left. I’m not about to replay just to get the medal. It’s annoying to say the least, all other medals acquired with no issues.
Gave Wortsworth my first photo…no problem….got rest of photos but now he goes thru his dialogue but the prompt for me to give him a photo never appears
I purchased about 30-40 of the large crystalized charges from a construct and they have completely disappeared, along with the large zonite I used to make the purchase.
The “Destroy Ganondorf” quest gets stuck at “Talk to Josha” even though I’ve defeated Kohga. It never updates the map pointer to over the castle.
What I actually needed to do was talk to Purah.
OMG thank youuuu – I’ve been trying to figure this outtt
The “Destroy Ganondorf” quest gets stuck at “Talk to Josha” because she just keeps saying that she’ll look for more information in the depths, even though I’ve defeated Kohga.
What I actually needed to do was talk to Purah.
After starting the “Regional Phenomena” quest, the game instantly triggers a Blood Moon if you head straight to either Rito Village or Lucky Clover Gazette.
Gleeok achievement/ tracking in lookout landing inaccurate. Have defeated all 13 gleeoks multiple times, dude still says I have one left. Even defeated them all in one blood moon once.
same here, it’s driving me nuts
You can clip into the ground behind some crates in luareland villige
For some reason, I can’t get any fairies. No matter where I look, or how many blood moons pass, I can’t get any, I don’t even have them in my inventory. Please fix this.
Yea mine have stopped spawning
Cannot Get any fairies. None after any blood moon, and none at spawn locations. Cannot get any AT ALL. I don’t even have any in my inventory.
I have done the wind temple and happily hunted game on trabantha snowfields. Today – nothing is there; no animals atall. Tried reloading etc and still nothing working.
Endless Horse Soothing Bug. No clue what caused this bug, but I can no longer tame any wild temperament horses. Resetting the game did not help. Changing controllers did not help. Restarting my Switch did not help. Updating the Switch and updating from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2 did not help. Save and reload did not help. And changing shrine location and horse hunting location did not work. I am completely locked from taming any horses. My L bumper is 100% working on all of my controllers and joy-cons, I used to be able to tame horses as well with no issue. This is not player error, my save file is completely bugged. I have not tried deleting and redownloading my game for fear of risking my save file.
I’m having this bug too. I did delete and redownload, but it didn’t help.
Hebra great skeleton quest bug- I entered the cave and loon was not there for me to complete the quest when repairing the skeleton. I found this out by placing the bones and wondering if there was anything else left to complete so I searched the quest and found out I was supposed to speak to her first but she is not located in the cave. I tried to exit the game as well as respawn but she isn’t showing up.
There’s this bug that I’ve encountered several times where while traversing through the Depths while controlling a contruct vehicle (also on a stalhorse) an explosion randomly occurs. I have also experienced this exact same glitch while operating a hoverbike high in the air.
I had inquired about it on a r/zelda on reddit and someone thought that it may be from bombflowers spawning in random places such as the air and are invisible (haven’t rendered in due to quick movement possibly) .
I have a bug in the hidden royal passage: I broke rocks the first time I went there, but now they are back, they are invisible, and worst of all, they are undestructable. At first it happenned with the rocks burying the Stalhinox, these invisible rocks were there the second time I went to the passage, but on the third time I now have invisible rocks at the beginning of the passage, shortly after the statue. This prevents from going into the passage, I hope Nintendo will fix it…
My Lake Hylia shrine crystal landed in the lake by the whirlpool. There is no way to get it that I have found/tried. Is there a way to reset so the crystal is back in the sky that anyone’s found? I’ve done a ton since it happened and don’t want to lose progress but also don’t settle for less than 100%. Lol
So I have done the call to the depths side adventure and have got all the other barginer statues but no matter what I try the tunic of memories won’t become available for me in the barginer statues shop whether I have the bare minimum or a 100 poes.
I obtained the Yunobo sage vow and used it successfully. Dismissed it and summoned it with no problems But after getting Turin’s sage vow, Yunobo’s sage vow has disappeared from my inventory. I can see it faintly on the RHS of the screen when loading so the game history is aware I’ve completed that section. Software is up to date, have returned to the fire temple to check nothing needed to be reloaded there and spoken to Yunobo in Goron city but still have no Yunobo sage vow. Suggestions welcomed.
i don’t know how to describe this but Zelda totk when you select a weapon it took a delay like 0.5sec or 0.8sec to equip it. compare to botw when you select it, it just equip right away without taking a delay second. and I found that really annoying since Ive just finish the botw and I’m used to being at a fast performance. please consider fixing it and I don’t see the point of the delay time to equip it makes no sense
That’s annoying when starting playing TotK after being used of BotW speed, however WE eventually get used to it. It’s probably a technical limitation due to the number of possibilities in terms of fused weapons. This is less visible with the arrows, for example.
Soft lock, reboot needed on Gasas Shrine. First obstacle locked out of first gap block release
Assembling Mineru’s body –
I completed assembling 2 arms and one leg on Mineru and now I have a blinking quest light for that location on the map telling me there is something left to accomplish (the left leg) but now all of the parts depots are closed, locked, and dark.
I left one of the depots early because I couldn’t figure out how to transport the leg thinking it wouldn’t close until task was completed but that was not the case. Can I complete the game without the 5th sage? Thank you.
When removing my controllers, (the blue and red things), whenever I through a weapon, fire an arrow, use ultra hand, ect, my entire screen starts spinning, link, the map, everything. It just spins.Plz make it stop I just wanna play Zelda on the big screen 🙁
Visual glitching on map menue while trying to pin a stamp on the map while at max zoom out.
ive been having this problem quite a lot too
Can confirm, it’s actually pretty consistent, if I open up the map and then immediately go to place a stamp or beacon while the map is fully zoomed out the whole thing starts flashing like crazy
Mount Floria cave. I’m at the end just past the gate next to the bubble frog.
Built vehicle with 4 big wheels and control stick on long cement provided in cave. 14 batteries attached. Can’t attach 15. (Limit) A shield with armour is connected to bed of vehicle to keep in case of shield breakage. Equipped shield royal shield plus cannon. Wearing full yiga outfit and royal broadsword and phrenic bow. I stuck a spring onto the vehicle and didn’t care if it fell off. I attached a laser emitter and finally a flame emitter. As soon as I attached the flame emitter a wheel popped off the vehicle even though said spring with two devices was not attached to vehicle. I tried to reattach wheel and another wheel popped off. It wasn’t until I removed the devices from the unattached spring that I was able to put wheels back on to vehicle. I understand a limit but maybe should not be that way when the devices are not attached to the vehicle.
I am trying to find an Eldin ostrich for a paraglider fabric. However, it seems all wildlife spawns have stopped completely in this area. I had previously taken a picture for the Hyrule compendium and have spent ~hour searching for one, but the Sheikah sensor hasn’t even blinked. I have completed the regional phenomena for the area, if that helps. Any idea what to do?
I just finished rebuilding the whole of Lurelin village, and only just realized that I was missing the general store at the pier. Figured out that I need to talk to either Garini or Mubs? Except there was apparently a quest that I was supposed to have triggered before fixing Lurelin called “Village Attacked By Pirates” (which is nowhere in my adventure log) that would bring Garini back for another quest about how his boat was taken by the pirates or something? When I talk to either Garini or Mubs they keep repeating the same thing about how they don’t know how Lurelin is since it got attacked. There’s no way for me to obtain the quests or let them know that Lurelin is fixed. And I don’t want to restart the whole Lurelin restoration quests. I think it may have occurred because I didn’t talk to Garini before saving Lurelin? Really annoying
Unlocked the boat rally racing in Lurelin Village but everytime I try to start a race it spawns me off map and I can’t do anything but disembark the boat that’s not even visible to cancel the race.
Update: waited for the rain to stop and also moved the steering wheel more centered as Bolson did not allow the way it is in the bolt boat schema.
Same here. Can anyone tell us how to fix this?
Dyeing to find it – Shrine quest
I have completed the puzzle, spawned the shrine, and collected the Light of Blessing, yet the quest is still “active” in the adventure log.
Repeating the puzzle, shrine, or talking to the construct does not help.
Potential softlock in Gatanisis Shrine on east coast, “A Well Timed Bounce”
Without spoilers, the puzzle involves a giant ball and spring.
>go to jump on the spring and launch myself with it
>miss the jump
>fall below the spring
>jump off and fall to reset myself
>load back in under the spring
>look around
>there’s no ladder
My choices are to jump until I die or teleport out and do it again. I’ve literally never had to teleport out of a shrine before.
Update: forgot Ascend exists
Link’s footstep disappeared from the game at some time point. When he jumps, lands & runs up a mountain, footsteps can be heard for a short sec. But he walks or runs on the flatland there’s no footstep audio at all. This bug makes the underworld become complete silent without bgm nor Link’s footstep. Very creepy and frustrating.
All my fabrics went missing. But I can still see them when I go to the change fabric place.
paraglider fabrics only appear in your key items menu before you give them to sayge. after that, they no longer appear in the menu, as they have already been taken by sayge to rework into paragliders. it works similar to how your blessings of light disappear after you give them to a hylia statue.
Opened inventory as i was diving into the depths to switch gear. I am now stuck forever in the inventory menu because the b button does not function. I am able to move around still and select things, and i confirmed its not the controller because i can still go to the home screen, open something like settings and still succesfully exit using the b button.
Every time an NPC tries to give me a pony point, I lose points. I don’t know how this happened. I can’t talk to most of the stables without losing a point, so I just don’t talk to them. I’d like to get the points again. It feels weird not being able to get my horse out.
Are yoy sure you’re losing them? If you check the stable book, it says “points to next reward”. The number going from 3 to 2 means you’ve gained a point, not lost one.
I fell through the floor on eventide island
maybe some triggers are making it impossible to complete the sidequest of the northern labyrinth. Completed all in the ground / sky labyrinth … jumped in the underground .. and maybe that’s the trigger for the bug .. my son killed the beta instantly with bombflowers and a Lynel bow. We activated the checkpoint but the chest with the expected loot didn’t appeared. Only the small “tempel” appeard but without the chest. And the sidequest is still open and points to a western area of the sky labyrinth. We went to the sky labyrinth several times again but there’s nothing more to do. On the roof there’s the checkpoint and we can jump down again and again to the underground … frustrating
I do not know what caused this state, but here’s the glitch. Getting the shrine sensor softlocks the game. Once obtained, robbie tells you to follow it. Then he tells you to go outside and find the shrine. I couldn’t reach the door, he kept calling me back saying not to leave, and then that I should follow it outside. I keep talking to him and trying to leave through both doors, nothing worked. I reloaded the save and the same thing happened. I got around it by getting the shrine before getting the sensor, therefore skipping the tutorial for it.
that’s supposed to happen
Attempting “A Call from the Depths” side adventure. Started on North chasm to perform the first portion of the quest, dropping the requested objects down their respective chasms. Ended on West (went clockwise), placed a teleportation pad at surface of West chasm to streamline returning and hopping to the next chasm since I believed that would be quicker than running to it in the depths. Performed the delivery of object to destination, and got prompted to continue on. Upon teleportation out and diving down next chasm in path (still clockwise), the requested object was nowhere to be found. Searched the other three chasms, none of the objective items were to be found. I waited out two blood moon cycles to try and re-spawn the items, and they were not found on surface or depths. Closed out the game and re-opened it, and no change has been done.
Game breaking glitch where if you teleport after completing the pillars of light puzzle in the desert, Riju won’t appear at the Pedastal. I cannot progress the game because of this. One of the worst glitches I’ve ever seen.
Ok so for the south lomei castle, when you dive from the top maze into the depths my game freezes whenever im still diving and im about to enter the depths and the boss area, ive restarted my game and switch but whenever I hit the one area of depth my game just freezes and i cant do anything, i cant open any menus in the game so I just close the game.
If your copy of the game is physical, it could be damaged.
When you exit Lightning Temple before finishing it and reteleport to it, the temple is “locked”: you can’t have the positions of the unlockers
Zakusu shrine is bugged if you enter the area without first accepting the pertinent quest from Nazbi. Quest is marked “completed” without the shrine actually appearing.
Lynel guts are bugged. They are super rare drop, unless they are meant to be. Even still, I have killed almost 15 Blue, White, and Silver-Moaned Lynels and no guts dropped. Something doesn’t seem right there.
I rescued the hornist needed to unlock Miyas fairy fountain before actually getting the side quest. As a result, he and the troupe left Snowfield stable so I can’t unlock her.
I eliminated the pirates in Lurelin village and rebuild it but for some reason Garini still think the pirates are alive.
I have the same issue where I completed the rebuilding and I’m trying to get Garini to go back to Lurelin from Lookout Point but he still talks like it’s filled with monsters.
After jumping to the final ledge inside Morok shrine I can’t receive the blessing. It asks if I’m sure I want to leave the shrine.
Sage’s will on dragon head isn’t there and I’ve never collected it.
After finishing the Isisim shrine the game acted like all the boulders covering the shrine were back, but not visible. I was able to get out by climbing up to the back left of the shrine. As I was climbing I moved a little bit to my left and found a hole.
At the point after get all the water to fall into each of the five cups in the water temple and I go up to the little circle panel and hit a to examine link presses the thing and it goes to a loading scene and it just stops right there it won’t go any further or allow me to get to the battle part
Falling platform rocks…when you use recall on them they go about halfway to the top before recall runs out…If recall runs out by itself and then you use it again the rock will not go any higher. But if you turn off recall before it ends and apply it again the rock will continue going back up to the floating island from which it started.
Falling rocks actually don’t come off of islands, they just spawn in random spots in the sky.
I cannot get Garini to return to Lurelin even though I finished every possible Lurelin quest.
same here
After I unlocked all the sages, Sidon doesn’t spawn anymore… I can’t use his ability now. Also when I tried to summon him with the vow, the game said I couldn’t summon him here… Pls help
After I unlocked all the sages, Sidon doesn’t spawn anymore… I can’t use his ability now. Also when I tried to summon hil with the vow, the game said I couldn’t summon him here… Pls help
Link is perpetually sunburned, and I don’t know how to fix this. I wasn’t even in the desert, I was in the canyon. No matter where I go, he’s sunburned. Help!
I already completed the Misko’s Cave of Chests Quest, but it doesn’t show up in my Questlog. This is my final Side quest
Pls Someone Help me????
After setting off towards the celestial ship with Tulin, I teleported to a shrine, whereupon Tulin then made a brief announcement that this was the wrong way and that they would be waiting for me at the ship.
However, upon arriving at the ship, he wasn’t there. I searched everything in vain, but he couldn’t be found. Could it be a bug?
Basically my master sword doesn’t show the sparkle that’s it been fully restored after depletion. Happened not long after I pulled it from the dragons head. Wouldn’t bother me if I knew where its durability stood. Fusions also seem to only effect weapon damage or status and not increase durability like with other weapons.
The light dragon disappears when I get too close. I thought I wasn’t looking high enough so tested the theory. Located the light dragon around the wind temple, transported there, and it was gone. Flew far away enough and it was there again. When I flew closer and bounced to the top of the flying ships, it was gone again. I’ve already completed the dragon’s tears quest but now feel kind of stuck without having the master sword. The same thing happens when I go to the top of the great sky islands and the room of awakening.
Lurelin Village Restoration Project won’t complete. Started by fixing the mayors residence, then the other residence, then the restaurant, then the gift shop, but when I empty the inn the guy just keeps telling me to go empty it again. I’ve tried everything, but nothing works.
There are boards that can only be reached by putting another item in the building and attaching the boards.
i dont know what the code is but my fairys wont respawn. i have none in invitory, and its been several blood moons.
So I definitely found a game-breaking bug, it seems that you can’t complete the water temple if you skipped doing any zora story stuff. I just flew where I knew I needed to go, and used the king’s scales and such to enter the temple, however Sidon’s fiance’s name won’t show up, she’s stuck as “???”
The Lurelin Village Water Rally glitches to where I am not racing in the water, instead in standing at what appears to be the border between both the top of the Depths and the bottom of the ocean.
Found a weird bug where link is constantly in a half croutch posture instead of standing up straight. Switched a few controller, so I don’t think is my controller issue.
Possible spoiler- Bug in the water B1, faucet was extended already and could not be activated. Had to restart to before I opened the door.
Ever since the latest update yunobu’s ability doesn’t aim anymore making the fire temple impossible? He just rolls around half in the ground
After beating up some soldier constructs in the big thundercloud in the sky (trying to avoid giving away any spoilers) a cutscene triggered immediately after.
Now the regular sound effects for link’s footsteps and the audio of link’s equipment clacking together while he’s walking is completely gone.
This prolonged silence while playing the game is quite jarring.
Luckily I was able to get link’s walking sound effects back completely after closing the game from the switch’s home menu and then entering the game again.
On Courage Island, the Zonai hand prompt will not activate to start the rings so I can access the shrine. This is not the same as the challenge from the construct below to get the Glide Shirt, which worked just fine. Valor Island worked fine as well. This glitch is locking me out of a shrine, so I cannot get the full shrine completion reward, I cannot max out my hearts, and I cannot 100% the game.
For the “A Call from the Depths” Side Adventure, I actually broke open the gate and drained the lake before talking to the statue. She never called out to me afterward and still says “I am trapped…under the water” etc. when I try to pray. The stone blockage does not respawn and she will not start the quest.
I broke the gate before trying to pray at the ToT goddess statue too and realized something was missed. Go back to that gate you opened where the water drained out. Inside that now-dry area, just inside that gate there is a Bargainer Statue poking out of the ground. Talk to it and it and go back to the ToT goddess,and that will start the Calling from the Depths side adventure.
After completing the zora domain main quest. When zooming in and out of the map it still flashes like the sludge is still there. Minor bug but still annoying
I was fighting the Hilux at satori mountain and I killed it and the crystal for usazum shrine disappeared and it’s pointing downward and wen I check the shrine it does not respawn with the hilux at the blood moon and now i can’t complete the side quest
I had the exact same thing happen to me. I left for a while, came back, defeated the Hinox again after a blood moon, paused the game, ran around the cave for a little bit, and then it just popped back into existence. Maybe the game realized I couldn’t get to it or something? Or maybe there’s a time limit before it respawns.
Same, find any fix for this?
I was dumb enough to sell the Yiga-helmet from the Yiga-armor, because I needed money…
And now I find out i need it for a quest, but I cant find or rebuy the helmet again.
Is there a way to fix this?
I believe the Poe goddess statues can sell single-opportunity armor, and the fasionista in Hateno Village does as well after you finish the side adventures relating to the election in Hateno.
so with the fierce deity sword [that i got not using a amiibo] when i try to feed it to a octorock to repir it it spits it back out with out reparing and that should only happen if its from a amiibo so i think its because u can get it from a amiibo aswell hope this get fixed soon
Idk if this is the only location, but attempting to start a fire in the well of the third red pillar in Gerudo using wood and flint causes not a campfire to be made, but just the bundle of wood to burn forever. The wood doesn’t disintegrate when burned, it just kinda sits there.
A minor one. When zooming in and out on Dragonhead after it is revealed, the cloud keeps blinking in and out of existence. Though that might just be me not having updated.
The quest “Dad’s Blue Shirt” in Lurelin Village cannot be completed if the shirt was previously found and sold. Cece will not resell it, and it will not respawn the chest.
yes you have to talk to the kid on the beach for it to activate
I think that if you scan in an amino that would give you a paraglider fabric, and never open the chest/let it despawn, it still takes the fabric out of the item pool. Having a large amount of trouble getting the King of Red Lions fabric (with date-skipping). I’ve managed to get all of the others, but I’ve now gotten ~7 full hero of wind sets before getting the fabric.
I’ve completed the Regional Phenomena quest but still can’t start The Incomplete Stable quest. Lester is standing by himself and just tells me to wait. Karson is over by the well chopping wood and does not have a quest for me.
I threw a “spirit orb” from The Mysterious Eighth quest down a waterway before I knew what it was for and now that I’ve cleared up the sand storm and the water is running again it’s absolutely nowhere to be found and so now I can’t complete the quest ugh
You need to talk to the soldier in the middle by the stone platform woth the triforce on it a bunker will open up then everything starts
I’ve already opened the bunker and completed the main quest in the area, the orb is missing and I don’t know how to respawn it
I’m having the same issue. Karson is still chopping wood and it will actually let me continue to suggest he fix the Rito Bridge even though it’s already been fixed. I have checked in on him multiple times throughout the game and he does not leave the spot with logs and the well.
in the Tsutsu-um Shrine i flushed into the moving pillar thing to the left by using a stake and plate thing below it and it going down on top of me while I tried to ascend into it.
I can’t summon Sidon. The game said I can’t summon here but I can still summon other people just except Sidon
Just save the game with only Simon’s vow active then close thr game and load it
Found a glitch where if it’s raining outside. I’m inside building or cave where it’s not raining but you can see water dripping of my body
There is a weird immersion bremsing bug that happens if you visit Impa and fix the airbaloon then goes to the stable nearby. The fixing of the airbaloon can be done several times and this just seems weird to be. Especially because impa reacts with the same lines of wonder that you fixed it
I don’t know when it started, but I’ve encountered a bug where there are no longer wind sounds when skydiving, paragliding, or getting shot out of towers. Weirdly enough, there is still sound for fast falling
I have no fairies in my inventory and no fairies will spawn anywhere. I have checked guides and all the locations where they said they would spawn and none are there. It is frustrating getting one-shot by everything and not being able to even get fairies.
Found a glitch where if it’s raining outside. I’m inside building or cave where it’s not raining but you can see water dripping of my body
If you die to phantom ganon, he won’t spawn back at all
Cannot complete unusual monsters for gleeok medal. Says I have 1 gleeok remaining. I have killed each of them three time over. Total 13. They all say defeated. 3 of each element, and 4 kings. Not sure how to fix. This is the last thing I need for 100% completion. Any help would be welcome.
Never mind, I’m an idiot.
I activated a lightroot and now I hear constant echoing footsteps all the time. No matter where I am or what I do, even when standing still or gliding in the sky. Restarting didn’t help. Dismissing the spirits of the sages didn’t help (thought it might come from them but no)
Update: it stopped a few hours later after fighting a bunch of evermeans in the depths and opening a treasure chest. Not sure if it was the battle-music playing or the chest sound/event
I discovered a frustrating glitch regarding the Zora’s Domain quest. Upon fighting the Sludge Like, it ended up eating my Hylian Shield. Usually not a big deal, I can just get it back after the fight! Except a cutscene plays directly after the fight, and I was unable to reclaim my eaten shield. It’s not a big glitch, in fact if I’d have saved before I might not have even made a post, but it’s still frustrating in its own right. Please be aware!
im on patch 1.1.2 i think the Camera and Compendium quest line was bugged for me last patch and its still bugged now.
i should be at the hot air balloon stage of the quest line but i cannot start it.
Me too, how about you now?have you solved it?
Me too, how about you now?have you solved it?
I suddenly cannot break rock walls anymore, not even the brown basic ones. The only way I can break them is with a flowerbomb. not even attaching a rock to a sword will break the rocks, and it still shows the unused sparkle in the corner after I’ve hit the rock walls many times. Tried restarting several times with no luck. Don’t like to use flowerbombs so much!!! Not sure how to fix this bug.
Hi ! I wrote a comment about a bug I have which is making me stuck on the island of the beginning. I thought that the bug would be patched with all the updates bug I’m still stuck here, the hearts don’t go down when I try to push the door. I already restarted a new game (for the 4th time) and restarted my nintendo switch (which is borring for all the games I had, some are not possible to find anymore). I don’t know if you succeeded to fix this issue on your own but if it is the case, leave a comment. Thank you !
Since the update 1.1.2 I’ve lost a heart container and it’s nowhere to be found. I have all shrines, ancient hero’s prospect, the 6 from the main story, and the call of the depths completed but im at 37 full containers when just before the update, I was at 38 full heart containers and max stamina. Is there any way at all to resolve this issue or am I just kind of stuck with 37 now. I’m not gonna restart because I’ve put in too much work on everything I’ve done. I didn’t even dupe materials for my upgrades because I wanted to have the organic experience.
Hestu’s first quest did not exist for me. I was unable to find him in his designated location near the Skyview tower. The trees to save him from were also not spawned. This was not a blocker as he was in look out landing. But he also didn’t spawn their right away. More a functionality issue
Every time I throw a weapon, or use one of the hand abilities, my camera gets stuck in space where I started to throw or use the ability. Link can still run around, the camera just no longer follows him. The only way I’ve been able to fix this is by restarting the game
I have this issue. Everytime I aim with bow/hand abilities/throwing an object the screen freezes in place. I can no longer look around or play the game. While restarting does temporarily fix the issue, it breaks once more if I aim at something.
Same here ! Game breaking glitch ! I am playing on a switch lite, don’t know if that’s relevant . . . In any case, I guess an update from Nintendo might be necessary !
Same here !
I am playing on Switch lire I don’t know if that’s relevant . . . In any case it’s a bug that should be fixed by a Nintendo update it seems, can’t find a way around it as it is a complete game breaking glitch
I discovered sound based glitch. It occurs when you use the auto-build ability to make a fan-plane based structure and jump off at or near the moment it despawns causing the fan sound to continue endlessly till you cause a sound reload event.
After a 2h play run and getting back to main game menu, I encountered a very weird graphic glitch. I had the usual logo and menu choices, but the wall sculptures in the background didn’t load and I had only black rectangles instead. Strangely enough the “frame” between the wall pics remained visible, so really black pics hanging on the wall. E-shop version or the game in docked mode. Anyone else encountered this ?
I lost the ring ruins mission. I had it last night. Now it’s gone.? Any ideas why?
A minor spoiler: After fixing up Leurin Village, the water rally courses are broken. When it starts it spawns me under the map, says I’m not in the starting area, and fails me. One tome it almost crashed because it didn’t know where to respawn me so that the “you failed” event could even trigger.
I know the game released and its prob impossible to report a game bug to a big company like nintendo but I have found a bug post-release.
In cooking, the stat effect for all weather-attack effects is actually not working. Its defaulting to level 1 strength for all of them, no matter the combination of ingredients used. This means when you crit, it can increase the strength to level 2 for weather-attacks, but since crits don’t stack, its impossible to ever get a level 3 strength weather attack.
In the temple of water, while fighting the Mucktorock: upon phase 2 of the fight when the boss sends smudge all around the battleground, the smudge was invisible for me once it landed on the ground. Very annoying to fight the boss that way. Potential steps to recreate: 1) activate all 4 water spouts 2) Before activating zonai hand terminal, leave the area through teleportation (did that to get more hearts and stamina) 3) come back to water temple and activate terminal. 4) Fight begins.
I’ve got an issue where the steward construct doesn’t appear on top of the Temple of Time. Additionally, I’ve gone around the map counterclockwise twice and still can’t find the light dragon, but have found all other three dragons. Seems like the construct and light dragon de-spawned.
With the bone weapon prophecy armor on the weapons it adds a bounes doesn’t show the damage increase. Would be cool to see the bounes on the weapons damage number
Sooo there is a glitch that makes you obtain a MsgNotFound master sword and it never breaks. The only way to obtain it is to drop the master sword when you are beneath hyrule castle beginning game. If a player manages to be able to drop the master sword beneath hyrule castle, disable the drop button for the Master sword so you cannot obtain it. Also remove the message not found sword from everyone’s inventory
Whenever I go to Sayge to rework and new reference the game clears my fabrics from key items I can still rework them but they don’t show up in key items.
paraglider fabrics only appear in your key items menu before you give them to sayge. after that, they no longer appear in the menu, as they have already been taken by sayge to rework into paragliders. it works similar to how your blessings of light disappear after you give them to a hylia statue.
Final dragon tear never showed up after collecting first 11 geoglyphs and cant track quest, go to site location and nothing there.
I went to the yiga clan hide out in which after going there I was walking slowly permanently after resetting the game and all.
I was traveling through the Gerudo Canyon area on the 6 wheeled vehicle, and I ran over some lizalfos. For some reason, one of them would appear underneath, get hit, then disappear again every time I stopped the vehicle for the next two minutes
Throughout almost every cutscene, the audio is ahead of the lipsyncs, and it really takes you out of the experience. Is anyone else having the same issue?
POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT: At certain point at the end of the game, when you fall from the sky and you must catch someone that’s falling, that other character vanishes and you can’t advance (it’s a bug, because you can’t save nobody and the game enters on a loop, beginning from above again, falling, above, falling…).
For me there has been two bugs; The first being that every time I talk to Bolson to try to repair Lurelin Village he always just says “OK, so as far as logs go, I need 15 more.” even though I have way more logs than I need. The second bug I’ve experienced is the Lookout Landing stable quest. Even though I’ve completed the air, water, and fire temples, it doesn’t let me start the quest.
From what I can tell the logs are not the same as wood. He wants you to cut down a tree and before slashing it again to make it wood, he wants you to bring the actual log to him. So, it can’t go in your inventory.
I literally can’t finish the game. [Spoilers, duh]
At the end when Zelda is falling and you are supposed to catch her, I cannot find Zelda. She just isn’t in the sky. Which means I went through the trouble of defeating Ganon for nothing. I have never felt more unsatisfied. I have no idea why she did not appear.
I’ve got a bug regarding fairies in the game. Apparently I’ve no fairy in my inventory but sadly they do not respawn from those sky islands. Tried to wait til the blood moon but nothing seems to happen… Would you mind helping me out pls?
I’ve got a bug regarding fairies in the game. Apparently I’ve no fairy in my inventory but sadly they do not respawn from those sky islands. Tried to wait til the blood moon but nothing seems to happen… Would you mind helping me out pls?
I can’t find the dragons anywhere. I’ve tried camping out at various locations (land and sky). They’re supposed to loop round the map but they never appear.
The Fort at Ja’Abu Ridge is bugged and can’t be finished.
I went to the fort and cleared out all the enemies I could find but the large enemy health bar didn’t go away. One of the enemies either was no longer in the fort or had fallen and couldn’t get back up or something. I released the prisoner and talked to him and got all the stuff he gives you. I went to report it to Gaddison but she still says it needs to be cleared out. I went back and cleared it a second time, this time depleting the health bar fully, but because I had already let the Hylian out of the cage, he was no longer there, nor is the cage. Tried to report it to Gaddison again and she said the same, but now when I go back to the camp, neither the enemies nor the Hylian is there. The quest is fully unfinishable now.
I have the exact same thing happening to me with the shrine on Evertide Island. I killed all the monsters in all three camps before I talked to the guy on the beach. He didn’t get them memo, though. Now I can’t get to the shrine because the pirate ship never shows up.
I can’t start the Secret of the Ring Ruins quest. I think I broke the sequence by completing the Spirit Temple before hand.
Hey you playing emulator? I have a problem with the same mission. when i take a picture with the camera, the slate comes up as a question mark.
Hey you playing emulator? I have a problem with the same mission. when i take a picture with the camera, the slate comes up as a question mark.
Shrine Quest – Dyeing to find it.
I have done the puzzle, spawned the shrinez collected Light of Blessing, but the quest is still not completed in the Adventure Log.
Talking to the construct, entering/exiting the shrine and doing the puzzle once more does not help.
Hey you playing emulator? I have a problem with the same mission. when i take a picture with the camera, the slate comes up as a question mark.
I had my horses transfer over, like many of us. I was using Zelda’s white horse from the previous game and it randomly disappeared in front of me while I was helping Addison on my way to Hateno Village. I headed back to the stable to take out the horse again is it was completely unregistered?? Anyone else have this problem?
Same thing happened to me with the exact same horse
In Link’s house (the one you build yourself), the “shield stands” (i’m french, don’t know how to describe them) don’t work, you can only use the one in the middle by slowly walking on the lamp in front of it and mash the action button. Basicly they are too high for link to be able to interact with them.
In the fire temple I had trouble getting gor to follow me to ring certain gongs after I built a bridge to one of them. I also dropped down into the gated area with a gong next to the boss door and after I rang the gong the gate didn’t open and soft locked me into the room. I tried climbing and using ascend to get out but had to warp back to the nearest shrine to go ring the last gong. The room with the gate next to the boss door should probably be patched to open if the gong is rang regardless if it’s out of order. I tried doing this without a guide so it was likely out of order but I was determined to do it with no walkthrough or guide. I did manage to complete it though.
Hey there’s a gem thing right by the gate that you have to hit. I couldn’t find it for a bit
“Right hand ability” switcher completely stopped working for me after enabling Rospro Pass Skyview Tower. I’m stuck on Ultrahand and cannot switch ability. Holding down L enables the menu, but the arrow does not appear. Tried all the usual on-off stuff. Forced the game to boot from cold, used different controllers, etc. Still broken and not a happy camper.
I’ve put quite a few hours into this save file and I’d really rather not restart from scratch
I’m having the same problem I can’t switch hand abilities I can only use fuse and nothing it sucks -_-
I think there’s a problem with the Tulin of Ruto Village quest. I got partway through going up the sky platforms, then had to travel out as I ran out of things to counteract the cold. I got to where the first ship is. Tulin doesn’t come back like he did before actually going into the sky. You can’t get back to the sky platforms without his ‘gust’ assistance.
Just to clarify, the marker for the quest is now in the sky, I’m assuming that’s where Tulin is.
I have a similar issue. Before starting Tulin of Rito Village I had already mapped out most of Hyrule and had already finished Mayaumakis shrine. When I finished the cave and got the bow from the Aerocuda and got the cutscene, I saw that the next target was in the Sky Islands, so I teleported to Mayaumakis, but when I got there Tulin went “Huh, Link, that isn’t where I said Zelda went, if you have something else to do I’ll just go by myself”. But various teleports later and I have not gotten Tulin back.
Hope you can get Tulin back if you make it to the top of the rising island chains, probably with a lot of rockets. Sigh.
Rockets? I haven’t found them yet ???? I was hoping there is maybe something later in the game that will help me get up there. I’m now going for the water temple as I can’t finish the Turin quest atm.
I have the exact same glitch. Retraced the entire quest route from Rito Village and managed to get up to the Wind Temple– No Tulin.
When getting my first battery upgrade I spent 200 crystals but only got one extra battery
Tulin Wind Temple Glitch
Tulin does not appear while at the Wind Temple. All cutscenes play out with zelda, but after she goes through the portal, that’s it. No Tulin, no sense of direction or anything.
Fix – Load a save prior to entering the wind temple
Cannot complete the Camera Work in the Depths quest. Took the picture, came back to the Hyrule Field base and spoke to Robby and Josha, quest says complete even! But there is no option to continue it, I just keep being told to take the picture again.
SAME!!!!! It’s driving me insane! How do we fix this?
Hateno Village, when you are testing out the sensor inside the lab, getting the location right is very finicky – you literally have to walk in a specific spot, and it seems the sensor glitches out a bit.
I’ve collected the vows of the 5 sages, but since facing phantom Ganon in hyrule castle, riju’s vow consistently says cannot summon here and doesn’t spawn, no matter where I am. Has anyone faced an issue like this with Riju or any of the sages and if you managed to fix it how?
Same but with sidon
I’ve only got a few hours gameplay in and I’ve come to a game-stopping bug. Once I de-select Utlrahand and use a different ability, the game will NOT let me select Ultrahand again. The select wheel has an arrow pointing to literally every other slot on the the wheel, but when I try to select Ultrahand again, the arrow disappears and turns into a circle. It literally WON’T let me select it, it doesn’t even highlight it now.
If I load a previous save where I still have the Ultrahand selected, I can use it again. But as soon as I switch abilities, it won’t let me select it again.
I’m not so far into the game that restarting would be devastating, but this is incredibly frustrating to encounter such a major issue this early on. My son, my brother, SIL, and niece are all playing and none of them have encountered this issue. And I can’t find any posts anywhere that other people have encountered this so far, either.
Whatever you do, don’t restart. I had the same problem except with Fuse, and lost all my progress to restart with Fuse again. As soon as I got fuse, it worked, but switching out of Fuse won’t let me go back again. I lost all my progress to fix it, but restarting doesn’t fix it.
Any fixes yet? I’m sweating tears over here cause of this bug!!!
After completing the Dora’s domain main quest line, I’m no longer able to fast travel. I tried restarting my console but no luck.
Link can’t hold on to items in the main menu while wearing certain garments.
Items don’t show up in hands when try to hold on to an item in the dark tunic, tunic of the depths, or archaic tunic.
I have to reload the game to get animations to work.
Just started the gerudo/lightning temple and did the cut scene after getting the teleport point in main room. Now riju is stuck next to it and won’t move. Only option to ‘talk’ to her and cannot use her lightning. Can’t finish the temple.
The Satori Mountain Crystal shrine quest can bug out. I killed the Hinox carrying the crystal and when the crystal dropped from it, it went straight through the floor and became inaccessible. I waited until after the blood moon for the Hinox to respawn, hoping it would reset the crystal, but it did not. The guiding beam still points directly down through the ground and the crystal remains inaccessible, locking me out of the shrine.
I’m having issues with my horses; they won’t slow down!! When using the left joystick to pull on the reigns to make the horses slow down, link will in fact pull on the reigns, but they do not slow down. They continue to sprint, so I can only dismount my horse and have them run a mile away. My sibling’s switch + copy of the game does not have this issue, so must be a bug of some kind. I have a Switch OLED and no joycon drift. Tried recalibrating my joycon to no avail.
weird bug, if you shield surf into a shrine and that shield surf causes it to become badly damaged, if you hold up the shield it wont say its badly damaged, dropping the shield fixes this.
Goddess Statue of Wisdom Quest does not register that you’ve already collected the claw.
You have to drop the claw into the water in front of the statue to “offer it”, as it says in the quest log
A fixed device shrine – peg will not attach to the rotating device no matter how I align it on the large darker side. The option to attach never appears.
After getting the princess’ horse, if you forget to register and teleport to another area, the horse will disappear and you will not be able to get it
In Lighting temple, level B1 , far left room with a spinning wheel with spike, you have to jump on it in rewind time to access the chest above. You can get caught between the wall and the wheel when riding up.
Right d-pad select doesn’t work for me, can’t throw items. I have three controllers, have tried all of them and none of them work. Clicking the d-pad does successfully work for the scope, so I know it’s not an issue with the button itself
I beat the Wind Temple and got the sage but can’t use the wind gust ability this is the first temple I beat is that normal?
Dunno why, but the rock a korok is supposed to be under is just not there in my game
If you create a monster sculpture before he request, the task cannot go on.
When i go up the waterfall to the water temple sidon doesn’t go up with me
the stamina is going down three times as fast when i run and i keep running out really quilcky. please fix this
I have run into a bug in the “Call from the depths” quest where the eye dropped down the “Great plateau South chasm” is missing. Have searched the entire area around the Depths quest point without finding it.
Same here but with the North chasm
Likewise, except I started with the West chasm and I can not locate any of the other three’s eyes. Literally only one eye given to the statue, and the other three are gone. Even after two blood moon cycles and closing/re-opening game.
When opening the menu, I get put on the item menu automatically, regardless of what part of the menu I was last in
hey same, I ran into this problem while in the middle of duping, is it the same case for you, and did you find a fix for the bug?
i have all four shrines and spirt orbs for the great sky island at the beginning of the game and it wont let me open the last door it cuts all of the cut scene and wont work iv got the last heart and my hearts dont go down either when opeing the door how do i fix this
Facing the same issue, did you find a solution?
found the solution!, you have to just push the button (A) keep it push it
The thunder temple will not open. When approaching the temple the cut scene showing the location plays then no creatures spawn to fight.
Have restarted game and loaded from earlier save to try approaching again. No change.
I jumped into an abyss while the dragon was coming back, I put myself on its head and I was able to cross a huge part of the map thanks to that. We saw the whole map, all the abyss, it was obvious that it was not “normal”.
Im on dragon head
Not exactly a glitch, but I find the Ultrahand incredibly frustrating to use. Turning objects with buttons instead of a joystick feels wrong, I could control turning the boss keys in Skyward Sword easier, and with significantly less lag
I have all eleven tears but the cut scene is not happening for the twelfth
This just happened to me too.
I have the same issue, I’ve collected the other 11, I have one remaining. There was no cutscene of the lightdragon shedding a tear over Rist Peninsula. I have a feeling it has something to do with the fact that I already have the master sword. Do you already have the master sword?
I got 11 geoglyphs but the cut scene won’t happen for the 12th
The door on the island of the beginning is not moving, I can’t go through because my heart doesn’t go down when I push it. I changed the cartridge, restarted a new game, deleted all the data but nothing change
The “A Mystery in the Depths” quest reset after I had reached the Hebra Mine part. I can’t proceed in it now, because part of it is repairing Robbie’s balloon, but since I’ve already fixed it once, it’s gone now and can’t be Autobuilt… Josha won’t accept me building another hot-air balloon, but the parts required are gone, since Robbie has already left for Hateno…
Actually, I now notice that several quests seem to have reset. Many side-quests have reset, and all of them seem related to Lookout Landing (meaning they’ve either started there or included a character from there). The Lurelin Village quest rest even though I’ve already saved and rebuilt the whole village; Wortsworth’s translation of ancient Hylian texts quest is gone from my log, along with Wortsworth himself; the demon voice in the bunker at Lookout Landing, and so on and so forth. The actual progress doesn’t reset—Lurelin Village remains saved—but the quests have reset…
This is my problem too. I can’t continue in the story because i completed a quest but it says i still need to do it
I am having the same issue
same here having the same problem and I tried talking to robbie and josha
I am having the same issue here. I noticed the quest reset glitch happen after dying multiple times to a mob and I respawned with invisible armor on. Although my armor and weapons were equipped they were not appearing on the body and at this point I realized most of my side quests and the quests involving josha had been reset.
Kiyoyou Shrine broken. If you accidentally melt the ice cube it doesn’t respawn.
All images are very grainy and blurry once taken on the purdah pad. Includes pictures in the gallery and pictures on the hyrule compendium. This is driving me crazy!!!
I found a flock of keese that is only in the game for 4 seconds
I found a flock of keese that is only in the game for 4 seconds
In Mayachin Shrine the spike will not attach to the rotating device.
If I reload a recent save, my built items has disappeared
The Popla Foothills Excavation Cave isn’t able to receive a checkmark like other caves indicating that you completed it.
Glitch to reuse “balls” from shrines:
If you drop “ball” in the hole in the shrine then use Recall on that ball door will Open but you will not lose it
Mystery in the depths quest (original game on switch):
Thrown all 4 eyes in the chasms (correctly recorded in adventure log, that says I have thrown 4 eyes).
One of the eyes (west one) is nowhere to be found in the depths.
Back to the plateau it is still near the chasm, fixed by throwing again and following it.
This bug was super annoying.
I’ve got something similar! Threw all the eyes down, came across the Yiga Clan in the Great Abandoned Central Mine. Put an eye down to investigate, accidentally started a mission. Now the eye is nowhere to be seen
Myster in the depths quest started a second time
The mystery in the depths quest started a second time
The mystery in the depths quest started a second time
Camera Quest seems to be bugged. The Statue won’t show up as in frame so the mission can’t be completed. Loading an earlier Save didn’t fix it.
I have had issues with that quest as well! I have completed it but it keeps resetting and then I cannot complete it at all since Robbie just disappears and the camera doesn’t mark the statue with the red icon. Tried doing it again after the new update but it still doesn’t work.
This is my problem too. I can’t continue in the story because i completed a quest but it says i still need to do it
I used a bed to sleep until morning in the emergency shelter and I’m stuck in the loading screen. Nothing except closing the game worked and it was saved just before. I managed to wake up fine on my second attempt.
hey so in the first boss fight with the bunch of sqares attacted to the boos you have to jump across to the island in the begining at the sky islands and fight this boss. I came across a bug or glitch where you normally have to use your ultra hand to move this pice of concretle with things to hold onto to grab onto to get to the boss. but after defeating the first boss in TOTk on the island i am stuck on it cause the platform that i used with ultrahand reverted back to its original position so now i am stuck on the island that had the boss. i tried jumping off near the snowy summit and to no avail even with a stamina boosing mushroom i coulnt reach the top . it I loaded all my autosaves and see no way of fixing this . fuck nintendo for real. i spent 5 hours getting to this point and now i think i have to restart completley
Graphic bug, zooming in or out of map, or switching map layer to surface, causes a blink-and-you-miss-it moment of zora’s domain with sludge again. Had just beaten the water boss.
Not sure if this is a bug or just the part of the game I’m at but it literally will not stop raining and storming. Tried sleeping until all times of the day, reloading game etc and still just constantly raining where ever I go ..?
Lost my ultrahand ability after reentering the shrine.
Same here. After re-entering the Jiosin Shrine I can no longer select ultrahand. So I couldn’t even do the shrine or anything now that requires ultrahand. This sucks.
Literally just had this happen to me as well! I can reload back to a previous save where it was equipped, but cannot re-select it from that point forward.
I get software crash booting me to my switch mainhub in tv mode each time i enter a cave so i have to play in handheld mode and restart the game like this defeats the whole aspect of the switch
Mayachin Shrine issue? You’re supposed to be able to hit the rolling ball with a baseball bat contraption that you create…except mine TURNS THE WRONG WAY so it’ll never hit it. I’ve looked up plenty of videos for it and mine is the only one I’ve seen so far that turns to the outside instead of the inside
Attach the “bat” to the other side of the contraption
Serious glitch where graphics get super choppy, and when I enter dark caves my TV thinks that the switch is no longer connected or off. I can’t play the game in this condition.
I can’t transfer my horses from master mode. NINTENDO PLEASE FIX THIS!!
South Akkala Stable, rescue the cucco from the well is broken. i placed 4-5 campfires, threw pinecones on them so i can fly out of the well. Drop the cucco in front of the lady as she bemoans her missing cucco standing in front of her
i found a bug that just never lets you fast travel ever
no clue what caused it
When panning the camera the world and models become blurry or the textures are blurry for a second before returning to HD.
When battery depleted while using recall, all powers got some weird drifting. I was using a pro-control and then joy-con after pro depleted. I had to go back to a point in the game prior to the glitch :/
Weird bug: My pro-Controller run out of battery while using recall. So when changing to Joy-Cons, suddenly when using the scope, or recall, I can’t use those without drifting… even when changing back to pro-control. I tried to save, close, restart the switch and the only fix was loading a point in the game prior to the glitch.
I got ultrahand – and nothing is turning green in the first temple – Im stuck and cant do anything…wth
There is a noticeable delay in switching weapons/shield/bows from the dpad menu when compared to how it worked in BOTW. Not sure if this is by design, but hoping it’s a bug.
If you don’t actually change weapons but exit the menu with the same weapon there is no delay. Also, if you go from having a weapon to no weapon, there is no delay. And there is no delay when moving between the different weapons in the menu either. Only when leaving the menu with a different one selected than you were already using.
Also tried with version 1.0 unpatched, and release day patch, and same delay
Zonai devices are not kept when loading saves. I had a platform with 4 fans attached to it, and saved my game before launching to make sure I could try it again if I messed up. When I reloaded, the platform was where I first found it, my fans were missing, and 4 fans were gone from my inventory. These Zonai contraptions are really cool, but really janky too. It’s essential to be able to trust the save feature to preserve the contraptions.
I cant rotate object. Ive tried multipe different controllers so its not that. The game just will not let me rotate anything at all. It makes progessing through the game borderline impossible
the same problem cant rotate
Try pressing the R button not the rond one but at youre right hand above
Boss Bokoblin Reaper has an animation glitch where in the menu the ‘flag’ on the horn will be animated and conform to gravity but will stay stationary in game.
After getting the cut scene about getting more hearts and going to the other shrine, everytime I hit L to use rewind it opens the purdah pad instead of using Rewind. I have turned off and rebooted my system multiple times but nothing. I am unable to use Rewind now
im having the same problem rn and it’s sucks????
I’ve gotten the same thing :/ have you found any solutions?
You may want to check that you are actually using the recall ability and not the map option. I didn’t realize that you could access the map in that same menu as the abilities
Me too! How to fix??
On the road to Jogo and Yammo’s house, there are 15 misplaced Pine Trees near the Tabantha Hills Cave, which could possibly be a leftover from the previous game.
Hi ! The door of the temple, on the island of the beginning is stuck. I do have my 4 hearts but it won’t open… I saw videos where the door does damage to the health but it’s not the case in my version (idk why). I bought the game at a regular store and I didn’t glitch the game so I don’t understand why this is doing this
Restarting the game is useless
Hey man, did you find a fix for this? Facing the same problem
Same thing happening to me. Don’t know how to fix
No sorry guys I still have this problem even if I went to the store to change the cartridge :/
I guess we have to wait until a software update 🙁
Still getting the issue after the update
Yeah same that’s horrible
The gong for 4f in the Fire Temple doesn’t ring. I’ve tried everything. Reset the game, leave the area and come back and nothing is working! I can’t load to previous save as I went off to do something other stuff just to see if it would sort itself out.
I have tried different methods to get the gong rung but he will hit it and nothing will happen.
All the other gongs worked perfectly and I left 4f to do another gong just to check if it would work and it did. But 4f doesn’t seem to have a hit box!
I don’t know what to do. I can’t complete the quest!
Nvm I found the problem
I got this glitch twice, and I have not noticed it on anything else:
– Silver moblin horn + Sword total 55 dmg. During fight with phantom ganon, when the durability entered critical range, the damage doubled to 110. The sword was not on last hit, so its not the 2x dmg thing, and I have not seen this on anything else.
The motion controls are sometimes wobbly or other times straight up font work
hyrule field skyview tower and other towers aren’t working and I don’t understand why
If you climb into a tree the frames will tank tremendously
Getting really bad lag on controller inputs when playing with switch docked. It takes 2-3 seconds after releasing a button press to fire an arrow, use an ability, pan the camera, etc. Makes the game almost unplayable :/ using a brand new switch oled and joycons and don’t have these issues anywhere else.
Same here and that’s when it even registers that the button was pressed to begin with, also on a brand new totk oled, also only happens in this game
After getting fuse ability I am no longer able to switch back to ultrahand. Tried reloading save and software, no change
did you find a solution to this i have the same problem
I got to the Temple of Time and the goddess statue in there, it just says “the statue smiles upon you” and then nothing happens.
Nevermind, I’m just dumb
I’m dumb to I guess? Why is this happening to me?
The set bonus for the “Depths” set is “Gloom Attack Resist”. This set bonus happens when you get all three components upgraded to L2. A fourth “gloom resist” heart is added by the set bonus, but there is otherwise no observable effect for this set bonus. Damage taken by gloomed enemies is the same amount as without the set bonus and bypasses the “gloom resist” hearts just as before. Using gloom weapons glooms a heart just as before. The set bonus is broken or misnamed.
Tutorial area of the game got the fuse ability. Used the ability and worked as intended. Did not die manual save or choose the game but now I can no longer use fuse and am unable to fight the mini boss on my way to the 3rd shrine because I can shoot explosive arrows. Closing the game completely does not fix the ability either. Too many autosaves to load back and I have to start the game over as far as I can tell.
Same thing happened to me. Fuse vanished after I walked out of the shrine. Went back, received fuse again, manually saved, still vanishes once I leave the shrine. Pretty frustrating.
Would also like to report I am having this problem, unlocked it the shrine, worked as intended for a bit, can’t remember when it stopped working but now I’m unable to select fuse in the agility wheel. Have restarted the game multiple times.
Having the same issue
Having the same issue
I have the same problem. After getting the fuse ability, I fused a boulder to a bronze sword. Later after saving the game, I noticed I no longer had the fuse ability but still had the fused boulder and bronze sword. Tried to return to the temple to re-accomplish the task but the task has already been completed. Only current option is to restart the game unless there is a fix.