Super Mario Odyssey - Luncheon Kingdom Power Moon No.1 (The Broodals are After Some Cookin): Location Guide

The Broodals are After Some Cookin is the first power moon you'll encounter in the Luncheon Kingdom of Super Mario Odyssey.

The Broodals are After Some Cookin

the broodals are in for some cookin


Platforms after the Lava Bubble. However, you’ll only gain the Power Moon after defeating Spewart.

How to Get

  1. When you arrive at Luncheon Kingdom, use the Lava Bubble to get you up the platforms.
  2. After you climb up the platforms, you’ll trigger a scene with the Broodals.
  3. Once the scene ends, you’ll be forced to fight Spewart.
  4. After defeating Spewart in the boss battle, a cut scene ensues to reveal the The Broodals are After Some Cookin Power Moon rising from a platform.
  5. Approach the platform to finally get your first Luncheon Kingdom Power Moon.

Luncheon Kingdom Power Moons

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