Super Mario Odyssey - Luncheon Kingdom Power Moon No. 15 (Golden Turnip Recipe 1): Location Guide

The Golden Turnip Recipe 1 is the 15th power moon in the Luncheon Kingdom. You'll need to find some Golden turnips for this one.

Golden Turnip Recipe 1


Peronza Plaza

How to Get

  1. Once you reach Peronza Plaza, head to the East side of town to find a Volbonan working on a pot of stew.
  2. Approach him and he’ll ask you to bring turnips – especially golden ones.
  3. One turnip that’s easy to find is north next to the Crazy Cap Shop.
  4. There are also two regular ones near the golden turnip. After gathering that, throw it in the stew.
  5. Wait a few seconds or even talk to the Flick standing there to wait for the Golden Turnip Recipe 1 Power Moon to appear.

Luncheon Kingdom Power Moons

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