The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD - Permanent Events

A guide on all permanent events, unchangeable choices, missable items, and points-of-no-return in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD - Permanent Events

Permanent Events

Sealed Grounds Dark Portal (Point-of-no-return)

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD - Permanent Events

After defeating Ghirahim (3rd Encounter) at the Sealed Grounds, you will be able to travel back to the present age through the Gate of Time at the Temple of Hylia.

Chapter 18: The Final Showdown Walkthrough

If you choose to head into the dark portal at the Sealed Grounds, Fi will tell you that there is no chance for you to go back without defeating Demise (final boss). Be sure to stock up on any items you need before entering the portal as the battle against the game’s final boss will begin immediately.

Treasure Chest at Isle of the Goddess

A treasure chest containing 20 Rupees can be found along the pathways that wind around the Isle of the Goddess. This chest is very hard to miss but will disappear when the Sky Keep appears. Since it only contains a small amount of money, it will not be of any significant loss if you do not claim its contents.

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