Weapons List for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (Zelda: TotK)
This page contains a list of all weapons for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (Zelda: TotK), including all obtainable one-handed weapons, two-handed weapons, spears, and bows, each armament’s properties (attack power and skills), common location (how to get), description (lore and weapon mechanics), and Hyrule Compendium Number (Hyrule No.).
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Hyrule Compendium
Weapon Type – Quick Jump Table
▼Weapon Types | |
▼One-Handed Weapons | ▼Two-Handed Weapons |
▼Spears | ▼Bows |
One-Handed Weapons
No. | Weapon | Properties | Common Location | Description |
329 | Master Sword | Revitalized Sword of Legend | Unknown | The legendary sword that seals the darkness. Its corruption was healed by its time with the Light Dragon. The blade gleams with sacred luster that can oppose the Demon King. |
330 | Tree Branch | 2 Attack Power | Great Sky Island, Hyrule Field | Wooden branches such as this are pretty common, but it’s surprisingly well-balanced. It doesn’t do much damage but can serve as a weapon in a pinch. |
331 | Torch | 2 Attack Power | Hyrule Field, Gerudo Desert | This torch will stay lit once ignited, but if you put it away, the flame will be extinguished until you light it again. |
332 | Soup Ladle | 4 Attack Power | Hyrule Field, West Necluda | A kitchen implement often used for serving delicious soups. It was carved from wood of a sturdy tree, so it actually packs quite the wallop. |
333 | Boomerang | 6 Attack Power | Lanayru Great Spring, Lanayru Wetlands | A decayed wooden boomerang. A useful tool that comes back after you throw it. Its current state has not lessened its performance. |
334 | Boomerang+ | 8 Attack Power | Unknown | This throwing weapon was originally used by the forest-dwelling Koroks. Its unique shape allows it to return after being thrown. |
335 | Sea-Breeze Boomerang | 16 Attack Power | Unknown | A boomerang said to have been used by a hero who traveled the Great Sea. It smells faintly of salt water. |
336 | Traveler’s Sword | 5 Attack Power | Hyrule Field, Central Hyrule Depths | An average sword used largely by travelers. The blade has decayed, but it can still serve its purpose. |
337 | Traveler’s Sword+ | 7 Attack Power | Unknown | A very common sword often kept by travelers to fend off small beasts. It’s fairly durable but a bit unreliable against monsters. |
338 | Soldier’s Broadsword | 6 Attack Power, Quick Charge | Hyrule Field, Eldin Canyon | A light, thin metal sword used by the guards of Hyrule Castle. Its light weight makes it easy to handle and enables quicker charged attacks. |
339 | Soldier’s Broadsword+ | 12 Attack Power, Quick Charge | Unknown | A sword brandished by soldiers who once protected Hyrule Castle. Its blade is well tuned for slaying monsters as it enables quicker charged attacks. |
340 | Knight’s Broadsword | 7 Attack Power, Desperate Strength | Gerudo Desert, Hyrule Castle | Knights of Hyrule once carried this sword. Even in its decayed state, it shows its true resolve in desperation and can yield powerful attacks when you’re down to your last heart. |
341 | Knight’s Broadsword+ | 18 Attack Power, Desperate Strength | Unknown | Knight of Hyrule Castle once carried this sword. It can yield powerful attacks when you’re down to your last heart. |
342 | Royal Broadsword | 10 Attack Power, Improved Flurry Rush | Hyrule Castle, Gerudo Highlands Depths | A sword gifted to accomplished knights by the royal family. Crafted for sword masters, it increases the power of flurry rush during perfect dodge. |
343 | Royal Broadsword+ | 24 Attack Power, Improved Flurry Rush | Unknown | The Hyrulean royal family would award this sword to knights who achieved remarkable feats. It increases the power of flurry rush during perfect dodge. |
344 | Forest Dweller’s Sword | 7 Attack Power, Fuse Recycling | Eldin Mountains, Great Hyrule Forest | A living, wooden Korok sword with a decayed blade. Bursting materials attached to the tip can be reused again and again. |
345 | Forest Dweller’s Sword+ | 16 Attack Power, Fuse Recycling | Unknown | Koroks crafted this wooden sword for Hylians. It might not be the best choice for head-on attacks, but bursting materails attached to the tip can be reused again and again. |
346 | Zora Sword | 6 Attack Power, Water Warrior | Lanayru Great Spring | A long Zora sword with a decaying blade. Made of metal favored by the Zora, it yields high attack power when it gets wet. |
347 | Zora Sword+ | 12 Attack Power, Water Warrior | Unknown | A unique sword with a thin blade of Zora design that yields high attack power when wet. This blade takes to water like a Zora. |
348 | Feathered Edge | 6 Attack Power, Wind Burst | Hebra Mountains, Tabantha Frontier | A double-edged Rito sword with a decayed blade. Swinging it produces a strong wind. |
349 | Feathered Edge+ | 13 Attack Power, Wind Burst | Unknown | Rito craftsmen forged this lightweight, double-edged sword so Rito warriors could maneuver quickly in midair. Swinging it produces a strong wind. |
350 | Gerudo Scimitar | 8 Attack Power, Strong Fusions | Gerudo Desert | A decaying scimitar from the Gerudo region, it is designed for maximizing force. Attaching a material greatly enhances the material’s power but doesn’t add as much durability. |
351 | Gerudo Scimitar+ | 17 Attack Power, Strong Fusion | Unknown | The most commonly used sword in the Gerudo region. Attaching a material greatly enhances the material’s power but doesn’t add as much durability. |
352 | Scimitar of the Seven | 28 Attack Power, Strong Fusion | Gerudo Town | A famous sword once beloved by the Gerudo Champion Urbosa. It is said that when Urbosa swung this sword in battle, her movements resembled a beautiful dance. |
353 | Eightfold Blade | 6 Attack Power, Improved Sneakstrike | Hyrule Field, Gerudo Highlands | A single-edged sword of the Sheikah tribe. Its small blade, now decayed, is suited for covert actions and yields more powerful sneakstrikes than ordinary blades. |
354 | Eightfold Blade+ | 15 Attack Power, Improved Sneakstrike | Unknown | A single-edged sword traditional to the Sheikah tribe. It just may be among the sharpest conventional weapons ever made. It can yield more powerful sneakstrikes. |
355 | Rusty Broadsword | 5 Attack Power | Hyrule Field, East Necluda Depths | This once-fearsome sword has seen better days. It can do some damage in the right hands but also breaks quickly. |
356 | Sword of the Hero | 17 Attack Power | Unknown | A sword once wielded by a hero in an ancient age. When it’s grasped, a strange sense of nostalgia washes over you. Take it when going alone would other be dangerous. |
357 | Royal Guard’s Sword | 22 Attack Power, Breaking Point | Unknown | A prototypical sword for knights. Its metal may not be as durable as others, but the sword yields massive destructive power just before it breaks. |
358 | Royal Guard’s Sword+ | 30 Attack Power, Breaking Point | Unknown | A weapon made by the Sheikah using ancient technology. Its low durability is a downside, but it yields massive destructive power just before it breaks. |
359 | White Sword of the Sky | 24 Attack Power | Unknown | A sword said to have once belonged to a hero from the sky. Its beautiful white blade stands out. When it’s wielded, a strange yet heavenly breeze kicks up around you. |
360 | Wooden Stick | 4 Attack Power | Hyrule Field, Central Hyrule Depths | A tree branch with an added grip and excellent balance. Equip it, and use it as a weapon. |
361 | Sturdy Wooden Stick | 5 Attack Power, Extra Durable | Hyrule Field, East Necluda | A stick made out of a hard tree branch. The tree soaked up lots of sunshine, so it’s sturdier than a regular stick and has high durability. |
362 | Gnarled Wooden Stick | 14 Attack Power | Gerudo Desert, Mount Lanayru | A very swingable stick made by honing a dried branch to the proper thickness and length. Its attack power is much greater than that of a normal stick. |
363 | Lizal Boomerang | 8 Attack Power | Hebra Mountains, Mount Lanayru | A curved sword favored by the Lizalfos. It’s made of metal so it can safely be used near fire. It you throw it, it will return to you. |
364 | Zonaite Sword | 6 Attack Power, Zonaite-Powered | Necluda Sky Archipelago, South Eldin Sky Archipelago | A Zonai sword made of zonaite. It resonates with attached Zonai devices to slightly increase its attack power. |
365 | Strong Zonaite Sword | 7 Attack Power, Zonaite-Powered | Lanayru Sky Archipelago, Thunderhead Isles | A strong Zonai sword made of zonaite. It resonates with attached Zonai devices to increase some of its attack power. |
366 | Mighty Zonaite Sword | 10 Attack Power, Zonaite-Powered | Unknown | A powerful sword used by Zonai and made of zonaite. It resonates with attached Zonai devices to greatly increase its attack power. |
367 | Magic Rod | 6 Attack Power | Gerudo Highlands, West Necluda | A small and intensely magic rod, it’s said to have been wielded by an ancient magician who awoke maximum latent power in gems. |
368 | Bokoblim Arm | 20 Attack Power | Great Hyrule Forest, Gerudo Desert Depths | A skeletal arm that keeps moving even after it’s severed from its body. It’s kind of gross to strap it to your back, but it’ll do in a pinch. It’s old and fragile, so it’s quick to break. |
369 | Lizalfos Arm | 22 Attack Power | Greater Hyrule | The arm of a Stalizalfos that continues to struggle even in death. It can be used as a weapon, but it’s very brittle. You can feel it wiggling when you strap it to your back… |
370 | Gloom Sword | 41 Attack Power, Gloom Toll | Unknown | This slender sword has an ominous presence. It is said to end the life of anyone it touches. Its gloom will gradually wear down the body of its wielder. |
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom One-Handed Weapons List
Two-Handed Weapons
No. | Weapon | Properties | Common Location | Description |
371 | Farming Hoe | 6 Attack Power | Hyrule Field, West Necluda | A farming tool primarily used for tilling fields. Its fine craftsmanship is sturdy enough to withstand backbreaking fieldwork, but its battle applications are untested. |
372 | Boat Oar | 4 Attack Power | East Necluda, Necluda Sea | Made for paddling boats, but it was made sturdy enough to fight strong currents. Maybe it’s useful for self-defense in a pinch. |
373 | Giant Boomerang | 11 Attack Power | Hyrule Field, Eldin Canyon | A massive boomerang that is weathered and decayed. It was originally used for hunting, but it can be a challenge to wield. Thrown well, it will come back to the thrower. |
374 | Giant Boomerang+ | 23 Attack Power | Unknown | This massive boomerang requires two hands. Originally used for hunting, it was modified for use as a weapon. The blades on the inner curves make it a bit tricky to wield. |
375 | Traveler’s Claymore | 6 Attack Power | Hyrule Field, Gerudo Desert | A basic two-handed sword once wielded by aspiring adventurers. It’s decayed and no longer cuts well, bit it can still knock a shield right out of enemies’ hands. |
376 | Traveler’s Claymore+ | 9 Attack Power | Unknown | A basic two-handed sword once wielded by aspiring adventurers. Its immense weight can knock enemies’ shields right out of their hands. |
377 | Soldier’s Claymore | 8 Attack Power, Charge Atk, Stamina Up | Hyrule Field, Eldin Canyon | A lightweight metal weapon forged for royal soldiers. It’s decayed now, but still easy to wield, so it consumes less stamina during charge attacks. |
378 | Soldier’s Claymore+ | 16 Attack Power, Charge Atk, Stamina Up | Unknown | An improved claymore, made lightweight for easier handling. It consumes less stamina for charged attacks. |
379 | Knight’s Claymore | 11 Attack Power, Desperate Strength | Hyrule Field, Gerudo Desert | A claymore, now decayed, once carried by knights of Hyrule. It resonates with the desire to protect at all costs and can yield powerful attacks when you’re down to your last heart. |
380 | Knight’s Claymore+ | 24 Attack Power, Desperate Strength | Hyrule Field, Gerudo Desert | Only the strongest of Hyrule Castle’s knights carried this two-handed sword. It can yield powerful attacks when you’re down to your last heart. |
381 | Royal Claymore | 14 Attack Power, Improved Flurry Rush | Great Plateau, Hyrule Castle | A large sword, now decayed, issued to the royal family’s guard. It’s tuned for skilled users and yields a powerful rush during a perfect dodge. |
382 | Royal Claymore+ | 34 Attack Power, Improved Flurry Rush | Unknown | A two-handed sword issued to the Hyrulean royal family’s immediate guard detail. Yields a powerful strike and increases the power of flurry rush during perfect dodge. |
383 | Zora Longsword | 8 Attack Power, Water Warrior | Lanayru Great Spring | A decayed Zora longsword, it’s suited for battles near water because it’s made of an unusual metal that increases attack power when it’s wet. |
384 | Zora Longsword+ | 17 Attack Power, Water Warrior | Unknown | A longsword made by the Zora using a special metal. It’s rarely used because the Zora prefer to use spears. It yields high attack power when it gets wet. |
385 | Cobble Crusher | 9 Attack Power, Demolisher | Eldin Canyon, Canyon Depths | In its former state, this hefty weapon knocked out many a foe. Decayed, it still packs a punch and is great for breaking rocks. |
386 | Cobble Crusher+ | 14 Attack Power, Demolisher | Unknown | A Goron-made two-handed weapon. It’s made from thick, hard metal and has no cutting edge, but its weight and hard surface make it a great tool for breaking rocks. |
387 | Boulder Breaker | 38 Attack Power, Demolisher | Goron City | This two-handed weapon was once wielded by the Goron Champion Daruk. Daruk made swinging it around look easy, but a Hylian would need an immense amount of strength. |
388 | Biggoron’s Sword | 36 Attack Power | Unknown | A legendary greatsword forged by a Goron craftsman for a hero who traveled through time. The exceptionally sharp cutting edge is a testament to the craftsman’s mastery. |
389 | Gerudo Claymore | 10 Attack Power, Strong Fusion | Gerudo Desert, Gerudo Highlands | A two-handed Gerudo sword with a decayed blade. Attaching a material greatly enhances the material’s power but doesn’t add as much durability. |
390 | Gerudo Claymore+ | 22 Attack Power, Strong Fusion | Unknown | Only the most talented Gerudo sword fighters carry this two-handed sword. Attaching a material greatly enhances the material’s power but doesn’t add as much durability. |
391 | Eightfold Longblade | 8 Attack Power, Wind Razor | Hyrule Ridge, Gerudo Highlands | A longblade that no longer cuts as well as it once did, due to its decayed edge. However, when wielded by a proficient fighter, it cleaves wind and creates a vacuum. |
392 | Eightfold Longblade+ | 23 Attack Power, Wind Razor | Unknown | A single-edge sword seldom seen in Hyrule. This weapon is pased down through the Sheikah tribe. When wielded by a proficient fighter, it cleaves wind and creates a vacuum. |
393 | Dusk Claymore | 32 Attack Power | Unknown | A slender claymore thought to have been handed down to the kingdom of Hyrule ages ago. The blade shines with a holy luster. |
394 | Fierce Deity Sword | 38 Attack Power | Unknown | A peculiar greatsword allegedly used by a hero from a world in which the moon threatened to fall. It slashes wildly in battle as if possessed by a Fierce Deity. |
395 | Rusty Claymore | 6 Attack Power | Hyrule Field, Eldin Canyon Depths | A two-handed sword not properly cared for. Although it can be used as a weapon, its durability is very low. Don’t expect it to last for more than a few strikes. |
396 | Royal Guard’s Claymore | 32 Attack Power, Breaking Point | Unknown | A decayed claymore prototype for the royal guard. It’s made of a metal refined using an unusual method, and it holds massive destructive power just before it breaks. |
397 | Royal Guard’s Claymore+ | 39 Attack Power, Breaking Point | Unknown | The Sheikah used the very essence of ancient technology to forge this greatsword. It’s low in durability, but its magic yields massive destructive power just before it breaks. |
398 | Thick Stick | 5 Attack Power | Hyrule Field, Hebra Mountains | A stick cut off from a large tree. It isn’t very sturdy, but its heavier end can swat a shield away. |
399 | Sturdy Thick Stick | 7 Attack Power, Extra Durable | Hyrule Field, Gerudo Desert | A solid stick cut from the crooked branch of a tough tree. It has high durability, despite the way it looks. |
400 | Gnarled Thick Stick | 19 Attack Power | East Necluda, Gerudo Highlands | A stick cut from a tree trunk, It’s been dried to increase its hardness. It has high attack power for something made of wood. |
401 | Zonaite Longsword | 8 Attack Power, Zonaite-Powered | Lanayru Sky Archipelago, Necluda Sky Archipelago | A large sword used by the Zonai and made of zonaite. It resonates with attached Zonai devices to slightly increase its attack power. |
402 | Strong Zonaite Longsword | 10 Attack Power, Zonaite-Powered | Lanayru Sky Archipelago, Thunderhead Isles | A strong, large sword used by the Zonai and made of zonaite. It resonates with attached Zonai devices to increase some of its attack power. |
403 | Mighty Zonaite Longsword | 15 Attack Power, Zonaite-Powered | Unknown | A powerful, large sword used by Zonai and made of zonaite. It resonates with attached Zonai devices to greatly increases its attack power. |
404 | Magic Scepter | 7 Attack Power | Central Hyrule Depths, Mount Lanayru Depths | A long and mysterious magical rod, it’s said to have been wielded by an ancient magician who woke the latent power of gems. |
405 | Moblin Arm | 28 Attack Power | Great Hyrule Forest, Deep Akkala Depths | A Moblin bone that continues to move even after being detached from its body. The bone is thick enough to be used as a weapon but is extremely brittle and easily broken. |
406 | Gloom Club | 50 Attack Power, Gloom Toll | Unknown | A metal stick filled with madness and symbolic of doom. Its forceful strike can smash an object to pieces. Its gloom will gradually wear down the body of its wielder. |
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Two-Handed Weapons List
No. | Weapon | Properties | Common Location | Description |
407 | Wooden Mop | 3 Attack Power | Hyrule Field, Eldin Canyon | Just a mop to the untrained eye, it excels at tidying up the place. But it owes its sturdy construction to a true craftsman, so it actually has some combat merit. |
408 | Farmer’s Pitchfork | 4 Attack Power | Hyrule Field, West Necluda | A farming tool used to collect hay efficiently. It’s light enough to be used by anyone. The four prongs are very sharp. |
409 | Fishing Harpoon | 4 Attack Power | Lurelin Village | A fisherman’s tool that excels at catching large fish. Its particularly sharp spearhead makes it valuable as a weapon as well. |
410 | Throwing Spear | 3 Attack Power | Central Hyrule Depths | A spear for throwing with a decayed tip. Lost its sharpness, but kept the balance perfect for throwing, enabling you to throw it very far. |
411 | Throwing Spear+ | 8 Attack Power | Unknown | A specialized spear weighted to excel as a throwing weapon. It’s perfectly balanced to be thrown farther than you average spear, able to pierce targets from a great distance. |
412 | Traveler’s Spear | 3 Attack Power | Death Mountain, Gerudo Highlands | An average spear carried by travelers for protection. It’s decayed and doesn’t cut well, but the shape makes it easy for anyone to handle. |
413 | Traveler’s Spear+ | 4 Attack Power | Unknown | A spear used mainly by travelers to fend off wolves and other beasts. It’s easy to hold and simple to use. |
414 | Soldier’s Spear | 4 Attack Power, Quick Charge | Hyrule Field, Eldin Canyon | Although now decayed, this lightweight metal spear was made for royal soldiers. Because it’s light and easy to handle, it enables quicker charged attacks. |
415 | Soldier’s Spear+ | 10 Attack Power, Quick Charge | Unknown | A long spear once used by the guards of the Hyrule Castle. Easy to use but difficult to master. Enables quicker charged attacks. |
416 | Knight’s Halberd | 6 Attack Power, Desperate Strength | Gerudo Desert, Faron Grasslands | Now decayed, this halberd was made for knights of Hyrule. It reflects their courage in defending the kingdom. It can yield powerful attacks when you’re down to your last heart. |
417 | Knight’s Halberd+ | 14 Attack Power, Desperate Strength | Unknown | A spear used by knights adept in mounted combat. The spearhead is modeled after an axe. It can yield powerful attacks when you’re down to your last heart. |
418 | Royal Halberd | 7 Attack Power, Improved Flurry Rush | Hyrule Castle, East Necluda | Although now decayed, this spear was once given to knights who guarded critical areas of Hyrule Castle. It enables a powerful flurry rush during a perfect dodge. |
419 | Royal Halberd+ | 18 Attack Power, Improved Flurry Rush | Unknown | This spear was issued to the knights who guarded Hyrule Castle’s throne room. It yields a powerful flurry rush during a perfect dodge. |
420 | Forest Dweller’s Spear | 6 Attack Power, Fuse Recycling | Great Hyrule Forest | A Korok spear with a decayed tip. It’s still full of vitality. Bursting materials attached to the spearhead can be reused again and again. |
421 | Forest Dweller’s Spear+ | 14 Attack Power, Fuse Recycling | Unknown | The Koroks made this spear for Hylians. The shaft is made from a light, sturdy wood. Bursting materials attached to the spearhead can be reused again and again. |
422 | Zora Spear | 6 Attack Power, Water Warrior | Lanayru Wetlands, Upland Zorana | A Zora spear with a decayed point. It’s made of a water-resistant metal and yields a high attack power when it gets wet. |
423 | Zora Spear+ | 11 Attack Power, Water Warrior | Unknown | This spear is a Zora’s weapon of choice. It’s made from a special metal and is used by the Zora for both fishing and protecting home. It yields high attack power when it gets wet. |
424 | Lightscale Trident | 22 Attack Power, Water Warrior | Zora’s Domain | A spear of peerless grace cherished by the Zora Champion Mipha. Although Mipha specialized in healing abilities, her spearmanship was in a class all its own. |
425 | Feathered Spear | 4 Attack Power, Wind Burst | Hebra Mountains, Tabantha Frontier | A spear used by Rito soldiers, its point is now decayed. It still boasts quick attacks in midair and it produces a strong wind. |
426 | Feathered Spear+ | 10 Attack Power, Wind Burst | Unknown | Its lightweight design is a hallmark of Rito craftsmanship. It gives Rito warriors more maneuverability during aerial combat – and it produces a strong wind. |
427 | Gerudo Spear | 6 Attack Power, Strong Fusion | Gerudo Desert | A Gerudo spear with a decayed blade that is designed to draw force to its tip. Attaching a material greatly enhances the material’s power but doesn’t add as much durability. |
428 | Gerudo Spear+ | 12 Attack Power, Strong Fusion | Unknown | This spear was used widely by the Gerudo soldiers. Attaching a material greatly enhances the material’s power but doesn’t add as much durability. |
429 | Rusty Halberd | 3 Attack Power | Hyrule Field, East Necluda | A rusty polearm likely used by knights from an age past. The spearhead is in bad shape due to prolonged exposure to the elements, so its durability is low. |
430 | Royal Guard’s Spear | 15 Attack Power, Breaking Point | Unknown | A prototype spear wielded by knights. It’s made from a special metal with low durability but which yields massive destructive power just before it breaks. |
431 | Royal Guard’s Spear+ | 24 Attack Power, Breaking Point | Unknown | This Sheikah-made spear was created using ancient technology. It has poor durability, but the magic it contains yields massive destructive power just before it breaks. |
432 | Long Stick | 2 Attack Power | Tabantha Frontier, Hebra Mountains | A long stick fashioned from a tree branch. Its straight makes it work well as a lunging weapon. |
433 | Sturdy Long Stick | 4 Attack Power, Extra Durable | Gerudo Desert, East Necluda Depths | A long, durable stick made from a branch with good piercing power. It has high durability because it comes from the hardest part of the tree. |
434 | Gnarled Long Stick | 10 Attack Power | Gerudo Desert | A long stick made bumpy at one end when its shoots were cut off. It has higher attack power than a normal stick. |
435 | Zonaite Spear | 4 Attack Power | Rising Island Chain, Lanayru Sky Archipelago | A Zonai spear made of zonaite. It resonates with attached Zonai devices to slightly increase its attack power. |
436 | Strong Zonaite Spear | 6 Attack Power | Lanayru Sky Archipelago, Lomei Labyrinth Island | A tough spear used by the Zonai. It is highly durable. It resonates with attached Zonai devices to increase some of its attack power. |
437 | Mighty Zonaite Spear | 8 Attack Power | Unknown | A powerful Zonai spear made of zonaite. It resonates with attached Zonai devices to greatly increase its attack power. |
438 | Magic Staff | 4 Attack Power | Eldin Mountains, North Gerudo Sky Archipelago | A long rod with a bit of magic, it’s said to have been wielded by an ancient magician who awoke the latent power of gems. |
439 | Gloom Spear | 40 Attack Power, Gloom Toll | Unknown | A spear whose ominous appearance strikes fear into hearts. It is said to cost its bearer a part of their soul because its gloom will gradually wear down the body of its wielder. |
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Spears List
No. | Bow | Properties | Common Location | Description |
440 | Arrow | None | Greater Hyrule | A common arrow. Its shaft was carved from the wood of a sturdy tree. |
441 | Old Wooden Bow | 4 Attack | Great Sky Island | A wooden bow from the olden days. It’s built for hunting, but it’s not very powerful. |
442 | Wooden Bow | 4 Attack | Hyrule Field, South Lanayru Sky Archipelago | This wooden bow may not be the most reliable for battling monsters, but it is excellent for hunting small animals. |
443 | Traveler’s Bow | 5 Attack | Hyrule Field, Central Hyrule Depths | A small bow used by travelers for protection. It doesn’t do a lot of damage, but it can be used to attack foes from a distance. |
444 | Soldier’s Bow | 14 Attack | Hyrule Field, Hebra Mountains | A bow designed for armed conflict. Inflicts more damage than a civilian bow, but it will still burn if it touches fire |
445 | Knight’s Bow | 26 Attack | Gerudo Desert, Akkal Highlands | The sturdy metal construction of this bow offers superior durability, while its lack of firing quirks makes it quite reliable. Once favored by the knights at Hyrule Castle. |
446 | Royal Bow | 38 Attack | Hyrule Field, Central Hyrule Depths | In the past, the king of Hyrule presented this bow to only the most talented archers in the land. Its combat capabilities are as impressive as its extravagant design. |
447 | Forest Dweller’s Bow | 15 x 3 Attack | Great Hyrule Forest | The Koroks made this bow for Hylians. It’s crafted from flexible wood and uses sturdy vines for the bowstring. Its construction may be simple, but it fires multiple arrows at once. |
448 | Zora Bow | 20 Attack | Lanayru Great Spring | A bow favored by the Zora for fishing. It doesn’t boast the highest firepower, but the special metal it’s crafted from prioritizes durability. |
449 | Swallow Bow | 8 Attack | Hebra Mountains, Tabantha Frontier | This bow is a favorite among Rito warriors. The bowstring has been specially engineered for aerial combat, which allows it to be drawn faster than a normal bow. |
450 | Falcon Bow | 14 Attack | Tabantha Frontier, Hebra Mountains | A highly refined Rito-made bow created by a master Rito craftsman. Rito warriors favor it for its superior rate of fire, which helps them excel even further at aerial combat. |
451 | Great Eagle Bow | 28 x 3 Attack | Rito Village | A bow without equal wielded by the Rito Champion, Revali. It’s said Revali could loose arrows with the speed of a gale, making him supreme in aerial combat. |
452 | Gerudo Bow | 25 Attack | Gerudo Desert, Gerudo Highlands | This Gerudo-made bow is popular for the fine ornamentations along its limbs. Designed for hunting and warfare alike, this bow was engineered to strike distant targets. |
453 | Phrenic Bow | 10 Attack | East Necluda, West Necluda2e | A bow passed down through the Sheikah tribe. Concentrating before drawing the string will allow you to target distant enemies as easily as those nearby. |
454 | Royal Guard’s Bow | 50 Attack | Unknown | This prototype Sheikah-made bow was designed to fight the Great Calamity. Made with ancient technology, it boasts a high rate of fire and firepower but has low durability. |
455 | Dusk Bow | 30 Attack | Unknown | A bow that’s been in the royal family for ages. Said to have been used by a princess who fought beasts of twiligh. It forcefully fires long-range arrows. |
456 | Boko Bow | 4 Attack | Hyrule Field, Central Hyrule Depths | A basic Bokoblin bow made of wood. It’s made by taking any tree branch and just tying a string to either end, so don’t expect much in the way of combat effectiveness. |
457 | Spiked Boko Bow | 12 Attack | Hyrule Field, Gerudo highlands Depths | An upgraded Boko bow bound with animal bone to boost its durability and firepower. Its craftsmanship is sloppy, but it’s light and easy to use. |
458 | Dragonbone Boko Bow | 24 Attack | Gerudo Highlands, Gerudo Highlands Depths | A Boko bow reinforced by fossils. Bokoblins handpicked the material it’s made from, so it boasts a respectable firepower. |
459 | Lizal Bow | 14 Attack | Lanayru Wetlands, Gerudo Desert Depths | A wooden bow created by Lizalfos. It’s renforced by the bones of a large fish, a marked improvement over any standard wooden bow. |
460 | Strengthened Lizal Bow | 25 Attack | Gerudo Desert, Akkala Highlands Depths | A Lizal bow with a grip reinforced by metal. The body is made from the branches of a flexible tree that grows near water, which offers some serious destructive power. |
461 | Steel Lizal Bow | 36 Attack | Gerudo Highlands Depths, Central Hyrule Depths | This bow is wielded by Lizalfos who are expert marksmen. The metal that reinforces much of the weapon adds some additional weight but offers heightened durability. |
462 | Lynel Bow | 10 x 3 Attack | East Necluda, Deep Akkala | A Lynel-made bow crafted from rough metal. True to the vicious nature of Lynel weaponry, it fires a spread of multiple arrows at once. Ideal for taking down quick-moving targets. |
463 | Mighty Lynel Bow | 20 x 3 Attack | Lanayru Great Spring, Akkala Highlands Depths | This massive Lynel bow sports a bowstring made from a metal so tough, mere Hylians have trouble drawing it back. |
464 | Savage Lynel Bow | 32 x 3 Attack | Gerudo highlands, Lanayru Wetlands Depths | This Lynel Bow is made from a special steel found at the peak of Death Mountain. It has tremendous stopping power and can pierce thick armor as easily as thin paper. |
465 | Duple Box | 14 x 2 Attack | Hyrule Field, Gerudo Desert Depths | A bow favored by the skilled archers of the Yiga Clan. It’s been engineered to fire two arrows at once to ensure your target comes to a swift and none-too-pleasant halt. |
466 | Construct Bow | 5 Attack | South Lanayru Sky Archipelago, North Gerudo Sky Archipelago | A bow used by a captain Construct. Though simply built, it is made of fireproof materials and won’t catch fire as wooden bows do. |
467 | Strong Construct Bow | 11 Attack | Rising Island Chain, Death Mountain Depths | A sturdy bow for a Captain Construct. Besides being fireproof, It’s been strengthened to allow for more powerful shots. |
468 | Mighty Construct Bow | 24 Attack | Lomei Labyrinth Island, Thyphlo Ruins | A powerful bow for a Captain Construct. Though still fireproof, it’s more complex than earlier models. The bowstring is extremely tenses and requires great strength to draw. |
469 | Zonaite Bow | 30 Attack | Unknown | A Zonai bow that draws power from your Energy Cell. Power drains and arrows can fly much farther according to how long a shot is charged. |
470 | Demon King’s Bow | 60 Attack | Unknown | A magical bow prized by the Demon King. Its performance reflects the power of its wielder. The higher your maximum number of hearts, the more its attack power increases. |
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Bows List
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