This walkthrough covers Akala Island and explains the island’s introduction up to the completion of Lana’s Trials for Pokémon Sun and Moon.
Akala Island – Heahea City
Name | Location |
Zygarde Cube | From Dexio, after defeating Sina’s challenge |
Rare Candy | From a lady across the street from the Tourist Bureau |
Trainer Encounters
Name | Pokémon | Reward |
Pokémon Trainer Sina | Delibird (Lv.15) Glaceon (Lv.16) |
2,240 pokédollars |

Kukui’s boat will dock at Heahea City on Akala Island. Olivia, Akala Island’s kahuna, will greet you when you land. She is with Mallow, one of the the island’s three Trial Captains.

Walk onwards and enter the Akala Island Tourist Bureau. If you have given any of your Pokemon nicknames, you can have it inspected by the Name Rater inside. Exit the Tourist Bureau. Don’t forget to grab a Rare Candy from the woman on the other side of the street.

Meet up with Lillie in front of the store and talk to her. She will either inspect the Ruins, or shop for new clothes. She will mention something about the guardian of Akala Island, Tapu Lele. She will also say that she is staying at the Tide Song hotel.
The road ahead will be blocked by a trainer riding a Stoutland, so you need to find another way. Walk back to the Pokemon Center’s corner, then head up to the hotel (marked with a red flag on your map.)
- The Pokemon Center in Heahea City sells some TMs.
A couple will approach you when you get to the marker, and introduce themselves as Dexio and Sina. Dexio will challenge you in Pokemon Sun, while Sina will challenge you in Moon; you must win the challenge to get access to Route 4.

Winning against Sina will get you 2240 pokedollars, while Dexio will hand over a key item – the Zygarde Cube. You can use this to collect Zygarde Cores and Cells throughout Alola in order to assemble the legendary Pokemon. Dexio and Sina will leave once the battle is over, so proceed to Route 4.

Route 4
Pokémon Encounters
Name | Possible Levels |
Grubbin | 12 |
Lillipup | 13 |
Pikipek | 13 |
Mudbray | 14 |
Crabrawler | 14 |
Eevee | 14 |
Name | Location |
Great Ball | Go right from the starting point |
Tiny Mushroom | At the dead-end path with the rock sticking up |
Zygarde Cell | Climb the slope in the middle of Route 4. The location will have green sparkles coming out of it. |
Revive | Behind the trainer wearing a blue shirt |
Adrenaline Orb | Jump from a ledge in the middle of Route 4. |
Energy Root | Near the trainer cook |
Berries | Go up from where you found the Energy Root |
Trainers Encountered
Name | Pokemon | Reward |
Bellhop Jody | Drifloon (Lv.14) | 560 pokedollars |
Collector Bryan | Munchlax (Lv.13) Bagon (Lv.14) |
448 pokedollars |
Sightseer Scotty | Rattata (Lv.14) | 840 pokedollars |
Cook Ernie | Cutiefly (Lv.14) | 560 pokedollars |
Route 4 has large grassy areas with a variety of Pokemon and some trainers waiting for an easy win. The grassy areas offer a good opportunity if you need to level up your party, but take along several Potions to be safe.
From the starting point, move to the right. There’s a trainer waiting just after the grass, but you can easily slip by him. Get the Great Ball lying on the ground, between the flowery bush and the big plant.

Go up and into the path with a rock sticking out at the end. Inspect the rock to get a Tiny Mushroom.

Climb the slope to your left. There are green sparkles coming from the ground near one edge. Press A when you’re near it to get a Zygarde Cell. Sina will call you through the Rotom Dex when you get the Zygarde Cell.

Move towards the trainer off to your left, but stay close to the wall so he won’t see you. Get the Revive behind him and move on.

Go up and to your right. A trainer is walking back and forth a path; take the path below him and jump off the ledge. Pick up the Adrenaline Orb on the lower ground. Move back up to the path, and go down again.

A trainer in a cook’s uniform is waiting for you. Avoiding him is a little tricky because he’s in a narrow area, but it can be done by timing your movement while he’s not looking. He won’t be a hard opponent though, since he’s only carrying a Lv.14 Cutiefly.

Go right, then back down into the grassy area. Pick up the Energy Root at the end. A Berry Tree is at the other end of the path, but just like before, a Crabrawler will jump out at you the first time you try to get Berries.

Ahead of you is the entrance to Paniola Town.
Paniola Town
Name | Location |
Quick Ball | Talk to all of the Magmar inside Captain Kiawe’s house. The last one will give you a Quick Ball. |
Revive | Buried beside the cart of hay at the upper left corner of the town |
Fresh Water | Beside the pond |
Trainer Encounters
Name | Pokémon | Reward |
Hau | Pikachu (Lv.16) Dartrix/Torracat/Brionne (Lv.17) |
680 pokédollars |
Hau will run up to you as you are walking into Paniola town. He will challenge you to a battle, saying that Hala has also given him a Z-Ring. Hau won’t be much of a challenge thanks to the Exp.Share, but do try to take him out early on to keep him from using the Z-Ring. He will use a Pikachu plus either Dartrix, Torracat or Brionne.

Hau will give you 680 Pokedollars if you beat him, as well as the Dire Hit item.

Before leaving Paniola Town, talk to all of the Magmar inside Trial Captain Kiawe’s house(the one beside the Pokemon Center). The last one will give you a Quick Ball.
Drop by the Pokemon Center to heal your team before going on.
Paniola Ranch
Pokémon Encounters
Name | Possible Level |
Tauros | 12 |
Lillipup | 14 |
Mudbray | 14 |
Name | Location |
Moomoo Milk | Inside the area where Mallow upgrades your Ride Pager (Moomoo Paddock) |
Repel | Inside the area where Mallow upgrades your Ride Pager (Moomoo Paddock) |
Zygarde Cell | Beside the tall ramp with the barrels. |
Fresh Water | Inside the area where Mallow upgrades your Ride Pager |
Super Repel | In the grassy area below the big ramp |
Oval Stone | In the enclosed area with the barrels |
Big Mushroom | In the grassy area beside the red truck |
Amulet Coin | Behind the red truck |
Ether | Go down from where you found the Zygarde Cell. |
Trainers Encountered
Name | Pokemon | Reward |
Pokemon Breeder Glenn | Mudbray (Lv.15) | 600 pokedollars |
Pokemon Breeder Amanda | Lillipup (Lv.14) Growlithe (Lv.15) |
600 pokedollars |
Gentleman Gerald | Sableye (Lv.15) | 3000 pokedollars |

Walk up when you enter Paniola Ranch. The old lady in green up ahead is a trainer, but can slip by her if you don’t feel like facing her yet. Go on to the man in overalls at the end of the path. He will take you to the Captain…

…who turns out to be Mallow, the Trial Captain you met earlier.

Mallow registers a Stoutland in your Ride Pager. Riding the Stoutland works much like the Item Finder in previous games, in that it lets you find buried items in the area. Mallow then tells you to go to Brooklet Hill, passing by Route 5, and say hi to her friend Lana.

Before leaving, try out the new Ride Pokemon available!

Exit the Moomoo Paddock and go to the main road in Paniola Ranch. Go into the grassy area in front of you, then go along the fence to the corner to get a Zygarde Cell. Walk back and climb up the tall ramp. Another Zygarde Cell is on the other side.

The girl inside the nursery will explain that unlike the Day Care buildings in other Pokemon games, the Alola Nurseries do not help your Pokemon get stronger or learn new moves. However, if you leave two Pokemon in the nursery, you may find an Egg. She will then ask you if you want to have an Egg she found. Eggs in Sun and Moon work the same way as other games in that you need to include them in your party for them to hatch.

Talk to the other girl in the nursery to get TM10 (Hidden Power). She can also tell the type of Hidden Power each member of your team will have if given TM10. Leave the nursery when you are done.

If you are searching for items with your Snoutland, it will alert you to an object buried in the area in front of the Nursery. Hop off the Snoutland and enter the space with the broken fence and barrels. Inspect the lower one to get an Oval Stone. Note that you won’t be able to get in the space while you’re on the Snoutland though.

The road will split near the Nursery. Since we are going to Brooklet Hill, take the road going up. Before proceeding though, get the Amulet Coin from behind the red truck parked near the signpost.

You can take pictures of Pokemon with the Poke Finder at the left side of the road. Go on to enter Route 5.
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This article is about Pokemon Sun and Moon. For information about Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon, click below.
You battle Dexio in Sun. Dexio’s team is a level 15 Slowpoke and a level 16 Espeon. I see that you are a Moon player, so I’ll suggest this edit because I’ve played Sun before (but mainly Moon).
P.S Keep up the good work!
At Paniola Ranch, you can also rarely find Miltank. Miltank isn’t currently listed under the Paniola Ranch – Pokemon Encounters section, so I figured I’d suggested this small edit. Anyway, overall, I’m happy with the site and it is very dependable. I want to say, thank you Samurai-Gamers for providing helpful free resources to the gaming community!