This article will discuss the method for obtaining a Pokemon with the ability Synchronize early in the game.
Achieving the desired nature of wild Pokemon encountered
If a Pokemon with Synchronize is leading the party, there will be a 50% chance that wild Pokemon encountered will have the same nature as the Pokemon with this ability.
Since this also affects legendary Pokemon, it is a useful method when trying to obtain them with the nature that you desire.
In Pokemon Sun and Moon, you must capture Solgaleo and Lunala to progress through the main story, so having a Pokemon with Synchronize would allow you to choose what nature you want them to possess.
In addition, Synchronize will still take effect even if the Pokemon which has this ability faints. Just make sure that the Pokemon with Synchronize is leading the party.
Recommended Pokemon with Synchronize
A good choice for a Pokemon with this ability is Abra. It can be found in the tall grass areas of Hau’oli City early in the game. And since it will be low-leveled, it can be caught easily.
Espeon is also a good Pokemon with Synchronize, though you might only obtain one as you progress further in the main story. Your Eevee’s friendship level must be high in order for it to evolve into Espeon, making it impractical to reproduce.
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