This article is intended to explain the key differences between Pokemon Sun and Moon.
How are Pokemon Sun & Moon Different?
- Pokémon encountered in the wild
- Totem Pokémon
- Legendary Pokémon
- Time setting
- Events
- Ultra Beasts
Pokemon encountered in the wild
*This information is still being updated
Sun Version | Moon Version |
Lycanroc(Midday Form) | Lycanroc(Midnight Form) |
Passimian | Oranguru |
Turtonator | Drampa |
Vulpix(Alola) | Sandshrew(Alola) |
Rufflet | Vullaby |
Cottonee | Petilil |
Cranidos | Archen |
Tirtouga | Shieldon |
Evolutionary Paths
There are also Pokemon who have different evolutions depending on the version being played.
■ Rockruff
In Pokémon Sun, Rockruff will evolve into Lycanroc Midday Form at level 25 during the morning and evening. In Pokémon Moon, it will evolve into Lycanroc Midnight Form at level 25 during midnight. Both evolutions appear in the wild so you can catch both and register them to your Pokedex.
Purchasable accessories
Clothes and accessories sold at the Chibi Center in Marie City in Ula’ula Island in Pokemon Sun are not those same as those in Pokemon Moon. The former has rare caps while the latter has rare shoes. Also, after completing Gardenia’s Grand Trial, players can buy a Shiny Stone in Pokemon Sun and a Dusk Stone in Pokemon Moon.
Totem Pokémon
Totem Pokemon found in Pokemon Sun are not same as those found on Pokemon Moon.
Gumshoos is encountered as the Totem Pokemon at the Verdant Cavern in Pokemon Sun, while it is Alolan Raticate for Pokemon Moon.
Legendary Pokemon
The most obvious difference of course, is the legendary Pokemon encountered in these two versions of the game. Solgaleo appears in Pokemon Sun while Lunala is in Pokemon Moon.
The legendary Pokemon revered as the “messenger of the sun”, Solgaleo’s signature ability is Sunsteel Strike which is a move that inflicts damage while not being affected an opponent’s ability.
The legendary Pokemon worshiped as the “beast that calls the moon”, Lunala has the signature ability Moongeist Beam which also ignores the opponent’s ability.
For more information on these two Pokemon, please see this article.
Time Difference
Pokemon Sun & Moon also feature different in-game time settings. The Sun version will adopt the same time setting as those set on the player’s 3DS system. The Moon version however will be 12 hours ahead from the 3DS time setting.
Certain events in Pokemon Sun and Moon will also have varying elements. Though unlike Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, the criminal organization Team Skull appears the same in both Pokemon Sun & Moon.
The difference in events however, manifest themselves as subtle variations in the game environment which may be quite interesting.
Ultra Beasts
Sun Version | Moon Version |
Buzzwole | Pheromosa |
Kartana | Celesteela |
Which version is better?
It is difficult to tell which is better since all the differences between the two versions is unclear at the moment.
But since both games have different time settings, players might want to choose a game version that suits their playing habits and lifestyle.
Some people, for instance, may prefer to play during the hours of midnight. This makes it easier to catch Pokemon with the Dusk Ball.
Pokemon Sun and Moon Recommended Article List
This article is about Pokemon Sun and Moon. For information about Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon, click below.
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