This article will discuss the requirements for evolving Pokemon such as leveling, using evolution stones, specific time conditions and more.
This list will be updated regularly as new information is obtained.
Evolving through leveling up
Name | Requirement |
Dartrix | Rowlet Lv17 |
Decidueye | Dartrix Lv34 |
Torracat | Litten Lv17 |
Incineroar | Torracat Lv34 |
Brionne | Popplio Lv17 |
Primarina | Brionne Lv34 |
Trumbeak | Pikipek Lv14 |
Toucannon | Trumbeak Lv28 |
Charjabug | Grubbin Lv20 |
Ribombee | Cutiefly Lv25 |
Mareanie | Toxapex Lv33 |
Mudsdale | Mudbray Lv30 |
Dewpider | Araquanid Lv22 |
Shiinotic | Morelull Lv24 |
Bewear | Stufful Lv27 |
Steenee | Bounsweet Lv18 |
Palossand | Sandygast Lv42 |
Golisopod | Wimpod Lv30 |
Hakamo-o | Jangmo-o Lv35 |
Kommo-o | Hakamo-o Lv45 |
Salazzle | Salandit(♀) Lv33 |
Metapod | Caterpie Lv7 |
Butterfree | Metapod Lv10 |
Ledian | Ledyba Lv10 |
Ariados | Spinarak Lv22 |
Slowbro | Slowpoke Lv37 |
Pelipper | Wingull Lv25 |
Kadabra | Abra Lv16 |
Hypno | Drowzee Lv26 |
Hariyama | Makuhita Lv24 |
Magneton | Magnemite Lv30 |
Haunter | Gastly Lv25 |
Drifblim | Drifloon Lv28 |
Golbat | Zubat Lv22 |
Fearow | Spearow Lv20 |
Braviary | Rufflet Lv54 |
Mandibuzz | Vullaby Lv54 |
Primeape | Mankey Lv28 |
Golduck | Psyduck Lv33 |
Gyarados | Magikarp Lv20 |
Whiscash | Barboach Lv30 |
Machoke | Machop Lv28 |
Boldore | Roggenrola Lv25 |
Tentacruel | Tentacool Lv30 |
Lumineon | Finneon Lv31 |
Shelgon | Bagon Lv30 |
Salamence | Shelgon Lv50 |
Herdier | Lillipup Lv16 |
Stoutland | Herdier Lv32 |
Masquerain | Surskit Lv22 |
Parasect | Paras Lv24 |
Poliwhirl | Poliwag Lv25 |
Fletchinder | Fletchling Lv17 |
Talonflame | Fletchinder Lv35 |
Mallow | Goldeen Lv33 |
Magmar | Magby Lv30 |
Sliggoo | Goomy Lv40 |
Rampardos | Cranidos Lv30 |
Bastiodon | Shieldon Lv30 |
Archeops | Archen Lv37 |
Carracosta | Tirtouga Lv37 |
Lanturn | Chinchou Lv27 |
Metang | Beldum Lv20 |
Metagross | Metang Lv45 |
Krokorok | Sandile Lv29 |
Krookodile | Krokorok Lv40 |
Vibrava | Trapinch Lv35 |
Flygon | Vibrava Lv45 |
Gabite | Gible Lv24 |
Garchomp | Gabite Lv48 |
Glalie | Snorunt Lv42 |
Electabuzz | Elekid Lv30 |
Garbodor | Trubbish Lv36 |
Vanillish | Vanillite Lv35 |
Vanilluxe | Vanillish Lv47 |
Granbull | Snubbull Lv23 |
Gastrodon | Shellos Lv30 |
Sharpedo | Carvanha Lv30 |
Wailord | Wailmer Lv40 |
Dragonair | Dratini Lv30 |
Dragonite | Dragonair Lv55 |
Muk (Alola) | Grimer(Alola)Lv38 |
Dugtrio (Alola) | Diglett(Alola)Lv26 |
Graveler (Alola) | Geodude(Alola)Lv25 |
Pangoro | Pancham Lv32(the player must have a Dark-type Pokemon in the party) |
Evolving through trading
Name | Requirement |
Slowking | Trading a Slowpoke holding King’s Rock |
Alakazam | Trading a Kadabra |
Gengar | Trading a Haunter |
Machamp | Trading a Machoke |
Gigalith | Trading a Boldore |
Politoed | Trading a Poliwhirl holding King’s Rock |
Milotic | Trading a Feebas holding Prism Scale |
Magmortar | Magmar holding Magmarizer |
Trevenant | Trading a Phantum |
Porygon2 | Trading a Porygon holding Up-grade |
Porygon-Z | Trading a Porygon2 holding Dubious Disc |
Electivire | Trading a Electabuzz Electrizer |
Golem (Alolaform) | Trading a Graveler(Alola) |
Scizor | Trading a Scyther holding Metal Coat |
Evolving using evolution stones
Name | Requirement |
Arcanine | Use a Fire Stone on Growlithe |
Mismagius | Use a Dusk Stone on Misdreavus |
Lilligant | Use a Sun Stone on Petilil |
Whimsicott | Use a Sun Stone on Cottonee |
Cloyster | Use a Water Stone on Shellder |
Vaporeon | Use a Water Stone on Eevee |
Jolteon | Use a Thunder Stone on Eevee |
Flareon | Use a Fire Stone on Eevee |
Wigglytuff | Use a Moon Stone on Jigglypuff |
Poliwrath | Use a Water Stone on Poliwhirl |
Starmie | Use a Water Stone on Staryu |
Clefable | Use a Moon Stone on Clefairy |
Froslass | Use a Dawn Stone on Snorun(♀) |
Sandslash (Alola) | Use a Frozen Stone on Sandshrew(Alola) |
Ninetales (Alola) | Use a Frozen Stone on Vulpix(Alola) |
Exeggutor (Alola) | Use a Leaf Stone on Exeggcute |
Honchkrow | Use a Dusk Stone on Murkrow |
Evolution at a specific time
Name | Requirement |
Lycanroc (Midday Form) | Rockruff Lv25 between the morning and evening (Pokemon Sun) |
Lycanroc (Midnight Form) | Rockruff Lv25 during midnight (Pokemon Moon) |
Chansey | Happiny must level up while holding an Oval Stone during the daytime |
Espeon | Eevee must have a high friendship when leveling up in the morning |
Umbreon | Eevee must have a high friendship when leveling up in the evening |
Lurantis | Fomantis must level up to Lv34 or higher during the day |
Lucario | Riolu must have a high friendship when leveling up during the day |
Gumshoos | Yungoos must level up to Lv20 or highter in the morning |
Marowak (AlolaForm) | Cubone must level up to Lv28 or higher at midnight |
Weavile | Sneasel must level up while holding a Razor Claw at night |
Raticate (AlolaForm) | Rattata(Alola)must level up to Lv20 or higher at midnight |
Evolving at a certain location
Name | Requirement |
Magnezone | Magneton must level up at Poni Island’s Great Canyon |
Crabominable | Crabrawler must level up at Lana Kila Mountain |
Leafeon | Evee must level up at Lush Jungle’s Mossed Rock |
Glaceon | Evee must level up at Lana Kila Mountain’s Ice Rock |
Goodra | Sliggoo must level up to Lv50 or higher in the rain |
Vikavolt | Charjabug must level up to Lv20 or higher at Poni Island’s Great Canyon |
Evolving through high friendship
Name | Requirement |
Blissey | Chansey must level up with a high friendship |
Snorlax | Munchlax must level up with a high friendship |
Persian (Alola) | Meowth(Alola) must level up with a high friendship |
Crobat | Golbat must level up with a high friendship |
Jigglypuff | Jigglypuff must level up with a high friendship |
Clefairy | Cleffa must level up with a high friendship |
Pikachu | Pichu must level up with a high friendship |
Evolving by learning a move
Name | Requirement |
Sylveon | Once Eevee reaches a high Pokemon Refresh, it will learn a Fairy-type move. An Eevee that can use a Fairy-type move will evolve into Sylveon by leveling up. |
Sudowoodo | Bonsly will learn Mimic by leveling up. A Bonsly that can use Mimic will evolve into Sudowoodo by leveling up. |
Tsareena | A Steenee that can use Stomp will evolve into Tsareena by levelling up. |
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Thnxs for the help I’m struggling to evolve my meowth please help me with any tips and/or tricks for it
Simply go fly to the Battle Tree on Poni Island during the night. Instead of actually going into the Battle Tree head a way from it and mess around in the closest patch of grass. During the night you’ll have a better chance of finding Raticate if you simply just want to catch one. I suggest having a Pokemon with a level higher than at least 65, the battles aren’t gonna be easy. Make sure you have Meowth in your party. Hope this helps