445 | Garchomp | 108 | 130 | 95 | 80 | 85 | 102 | 600 |
445 | MegaGarchomp | 108 | 170 | 115 | 120 | 95 | 92 | 700 |
Ability:Sand Veil
Hidden Ability:Rough Skin
Ability :Sand Force
super effective(4):Ice
super effective(2):Dragon/Fairy
not very effective(1/2):Fire/Poison/Rock
not very effective(1/4):---
doesn’t affect:Electric
Attack Moves | Type | Pow. | Acc. | Effect |
Outrage | Dragon | 120 | 100 | Behavior fixed |
Dragon Rush | Dragon | 100 | 75 | Flinch20% |
Dragon Claw | Dragon | 80 | 100 | - |
Dual Chop | Dragon | 40*2 | 90 | Attacks twice |
Earthquake | Ground | 100 | 100 | - |
Stone Edge | Rock | 100 | 80 | critical rank+1 |
Rock Slide | Rock | 75 | 90 | Flinch30% |
Rock Tomb | Rock | 60 | 95 | Speed↓100% |
Iron Tail | Steel | 100 | 75 | Defense↓30% |
Iron Head | Steel | 80 | 100 | Flinch30% |
Poison Jab | Poison | 80 | 100 | Poison30% |
Fire Fang | Fire | 65 | 95 | Burn/Flinch10% |
Fire Blast | Fire | 110 | 85 | Burn10% |
Flamethrower | Fire | 90 | 100 | Burn10% |
Draco Meteor | Dragon | 130 | 90 | Sp.Atk↓↓ |
Physical | Type | Acc. |
Swords Dance | Normal | - |
Substitute | Normal | - |
Toxic | Poison | 90 |
Sleep Talk | Normal | - |
Endure | Normal | - |
Level Up
1st | 2nd | 3rd | Move | Pow. | Acc. | type | Cat. | PP |
- | - | 1 | Fire Fang | 65 | 95 | Fire | Physical | 15 |
1 | 1 | 1 | Tackle | 50 | 100 | Normal | Physical | 35 |
3 | 3 | 3 | Sand Attack | - | 100 | Ground | Status | 15 |
7 | 7 | 7 | Dragon Rage | - | 100 | Dragon | Special | 10 |
13 | 13 | 13 | Sandstorm | - | - | Rock | Status | 10 |
15 | 15 | 15 | Take Down | 90 | 85 | Normal | Physical | 20 |
19 | 19 | 19 | Sand Tomb | 35 | 85 | Ground | Physical | 15 |
- | 24 | 24 | Dual Chop | 40 | 90 | Dragon | Physical | 15 |
25 | 28 | 28 | Slash | 70 | 100 | Normal | Physical | 20 |
27 | 33 | 33 | Dragon Claw | 80 | 100 | Dragon | Physical | 15 |
31 | 40 | 40 | Dig | 80 | 100 | Ground | Physical | 10 |
- | - | 48 | Crunch | 80 | 100 | Dark | Physical | 15 |
37 | 49 | 55 | Dragon Rush | 100 | 75 | Dragon | Physical | 10 |
TM/HM | Moves | Pow | Acc | Type | Cat | PP |
TM01 | Hone Claws | - | - | Dark | Status | 15 |
TM02 | Dragon Claw | 80 | 100 | Dragon | Physical | 15 |
TM05 | Roar | - | - | Normal | Status | 20 |
TM06 | Toxic | - | 90 | Poison | Status | 10 |
TM10 | Hidden Power | 60 | 100 | Normal | Special | 15 |
TM11 | Sunny Day | - | - | Fire | Status | 5 |
TM15 | Hyper Beam | 150 | 90 | Normal | Special | 5 |
TM17 | Protect | - | - | Normal | Status | 10 |
TM18 | Rain Dance | - | - | Water | Status | 5 |
TM21 | Frustration | - | 100 | Normal | Physical | 20 |
TM26 | Earthquake | 100 | 100 | Ground | Physical | 10 |
TM27 | Return | - | 100 | Normal | Physical | 20 |
TM28 | Dig | 80 | 100 | Ground | Physical | 10 |
TM31 | Brick Break | 75 | 100 | Fighting | Physical | 15 |
TM32 | Double Team | - | - | Normal | Status | 15 |
TM35 | Flamethrower | 90 | 100 | Fire | Special | 15 |
TM37 | Sandstorm | - | - | Rock | Status | 10 |
TM38 | Fire Blast | 110 | 85 | Fire | Special | 5 |
TM39 | Rock Tomb | 60 | 95 | Rock | Physical | 15 |
TM40 | Aerial Ace | 60 | - | Flying | Physical | 20 |
TM42 | Facade | 70 | 100 | Normal | Physical | 20 |
TM44 | Rest | - | - | Psychic | Status | 10 |
TM45 | Attract | - | 100 | Normal | Status | 15 |
TM48 | Round | 60 | 100 | Normal | Special | 15 |
TM54 | False Swipe | 40 | 100 | Normal | Physical | 40 |
TM56 | Fling | - | 100 | Dark | Physical | 10 |
TM59 | Incinerate | 60 | 100 | Fire | Special | 15 |
TM65 | Shadow Claw | 70 | 100 | Gastlyト | Physical | 15 |
TM68 | Giga Impact | 150 | 90 | Normal | Physical | 5 |
TM71 | Stone Edge | 100 | 80 | Rock | Physical | 5 |
TM75 | Swords Dance | - | - | Normal | Status | 20 |
TM78 | Bulldoze | 60 | 100 | Ground | Physical | 20 |
TM80 | Rock Slide | 75 | 90 | Rock | Physical | 10 |
TM82 | Dragon Tail | 60 | 90 | Dragon | Physical | 10 |
TM84 | Poison Jab | 80 | 100 | Poison | Physical | 20 |
TM87 | Swagger | - | 90 | Normal | Status | 15 |
TM88 | Sleep Talk | - | - | Normal | Status | 10 |
TM90 | Substitute | - | - | Normal | Status | 10 |
TM94 | Secret Power | 70 | 100 | Normal | Physical | 20 |
TM100 | Confide | - | - | Normal | Status | 20 |
HM01 | Cut | 50 | 95 | Normal | Physical | 30 |
HM03 | Surf | 90 | 100 | Water | Special | 15 |
HM04 | Strength | 80 | 100 | Normal | Physical | 15 |
HM06 | Rock Smash | 40 | 100 | Fighting | Physical | 15 |
Egg Moves
Moves | Pow | Acc | Type | Cat | PP |
Dragon Breath | 60 | 100 | Dragon | Special | 20 |
Outrage | 120 | 100 | Dragon | Physical | 10 |
Twister | 40 | 100 | Dragon | Special | 20 |
Scary Face | - | 100 | Normal | Status | 10 |
Double-Edge | 120 | 100 | Normal | Physical | 15 |
Thrash | 120 | 100 | Normal | Physical | 10 |
Metal Claw | 50 | 95 | Steel | Physical | 35 |
Sand Tomb | 35 | 85 | Ground | Physical | 15 |
Body Slam | 85 | 100 | Normal | Physical | 15 |
Iron Head | 80 | 100 | Steel | Physical | 15 |
Mud Shot | 55 | 95 | Ground | Special | 15 |
Rock Climb | 90 | 85 | Normal | Physical | 20 |
Iron Tail | 100 | 75 | Steel | Physical | 15 |
Move Tutor Attacks
Moves | Pow | Acc | Type | Cat | PP |
Snore | 50 | 100 | Normal | Special | 15 |
Mud-Slap | 20 | 100 | Ground | Special | 10 |
Sleep Talk | - | - | Normal | Status | 10 |
Swift | 60 | - | Normal | Special | 20 |
Iron Head | 80 | 100 | Steel | Physical | 15 |
Aqua Tail | 90 | 90 | Water | Physical | 10 |
Outrage | 120 | 100 | Dragon | Physical | 15 |
Earth Power | 90 | 100 | Ground | Special | 10 |
Twister | 40 | 100 | Dragon | Special | 20 |
Headbutt | 70 | 100 | Normal | Physical | 15 |
Iron Tail | 100 | 75 | Steel | Physical | 15 |
Stealth Rock | - | - | Rock | Status | 20 |
Dual Chop | 40 | 90 | Dragon | Physical | 15 |
Dragon Pulse | 85 | 100 | Dragon | Special | 10 |
Draco Meteor | 130 | 90 | Dragon | Special | 5 |
egg group | Monster/Dragon |
hatching steps | 10240steps |
Gender | ♂:♀=1:1 |
Evolution conditions | Gible(Lv.24)→Gabite(Lv.48)→Garchomp |
Dragon Breath | Horsea(egg)/Altaria(L35)/Bagon(L31)/Deino(L17)/Goomy(L18) |
Outrage | Charmander(egg)/Dratini(L55)/Larvitar(egg)/Axew(L56)/Druddigon(L62)/Deino(L62)/Goodra(L63) |
Scary Face | Charmander(L19)/Rhyhorn(L19)/Totodile(L15)/Larvitar(L23)/Bagon(L40)/Cranidos(L19)/Scraggy(L34)/Axew(L16)/Druddigon(L13)/Deino(L52) |
Double-Edge | Bulbasaur(L27)/Cubone(L43)/Aron(L50)/Bagon(L55)/Bergmite(L49) |
Thrash | Nidoking(L35)/Cubone(L31)/Gyarados(L1)/Totodile(L41)/Larvitar(L28)/Tyrunt(L40) |
Body Slam | Lapras(L18)/Snorlax(L36)/Chikorita(L34)/Tropius(L37)/Deino(L48)/Goomy(L32) |
Iron Head | Aron(L29)/Shieldon(L42) |
Rock Climb | Scraggy(L45)/Druddigon(L49) |
Iron Tail | Aron(L39) |
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