Zygarde’s strongest Forme makes its debut in Pokémon Sun & Moon out on November 18, 2016!
Zygarde Complete Forme
Source: Youtube
The video above shows Zygarde changing into its Complete Forme in battle!
Source: Youtube
Previously released videos have shown Zygarde’s 10% Forme as a dog-like Pokémon. When it gets into a pinch (or at less than half its maximum HP), it activates the Ability Power Construct to transform into the awesome Zygarde Complete Forme!
Source: Youtube
Zygarde Complete Form can use its the Signature Ability Core Enforcer, a powerful Dragon-type attack. Check out its awesome move animation from these images!
Source: Youtube
Source: Youtube
Zygarde Complete Forme first gathers energy in its chest, then releases a destructive beam that traces a ‘Z’-shape on the battlefield. The ground with the Z-shape then explodes. Since Core Enforcer is a Dragon-type attack, the Garchomp in the video is in for a world of hurt!
The range of Core Enforcer’s beam seems pretty wide so it probably hits all enemies at once.
It’s fair to assume that Core Enforcer will only be usable when Zygarde is in its Complete Forme. Its likely then that each Forme will have a different set of moves so be sure to remember them!
Zygarde 10% Forme
Source: Youtube
Here’s a video of Zygarde 10% Forme showing off its move Thousand Arrows!
Source: Youtube
Source: Youtube
Thousand Arrows is a move that rains down arrows of light on opponents. It also seems to hit all opponents on the battlefield. Since Zygarde does not make physical contact with this move, it may be a Special attack.
Source: Youtube
Source: Youtube
Thousand Waves is a move that turns Zygarde into a cloud or ‘wave’ of green particles that attacks its opponents. The particles recombine to Zygarde when its move finishes. This is likely to be a Physical attack!
Source: http://www.pokemon.co.jp/anime/tv/
Zygarde is a Pokémon formed from countless ‘Zygarde Cells’. Zygarde’s attacks (Thousand Arrows and Thousand Waves) that appear as green particles of light may actually be those ‘cells’. Though it’s a Dragon/Ground-type Pokémon, its moves in the video don’t really look like those typical of the Dragon or Ground type.
Since Thousand Arrows and Thousand Waves are Ground-type moves, they will be effective against the enemy Metagross since its a Steel/Psychic-type Pokemon. Water, Electric, Fighting and Bug type attacks will only deal normal damage to Metagross, but you can power them up using other moves or items.
The video also shows Zygarde 10% Forme living through a Garchomp’s Dragon Claw attack. But it isn’t really clear if Zygarde 10% Forme had enough stat investment to survive, or if Dragon Claw will somehow be nerfed in Pokémon Sun & Moon.
Source: Youtube
It’s also worth noting that the Trainer now appears alongside his Pokémon at certain points during battle when the camera view switches. While this is indeed a new design element in Pokémon Sun & Moon, we’re more concerned about getting a glimpse of Zygarde 10% Forme’s HP when it was hit with Dragon Claw.
Source: Youtube
When Zygarde 10% Forme changes to Complete Forme, its maximum HP increases from 125 to 287! That’s up by 162! Zygarde will also recover HP equal to the difference between the maximum HP of the 10% Forme and Complete Forme.
While Pokémon like Darmanitan have a Hidden Ability that allows it to change its form after taking enough damage, Zygarde is the first to have its maximum HP increase after transforming.
In Complete Forme, Zygarde will prove to be a formidable Pokémon, especially since 287 HP at level 50 is quite impressive. Running a little math, it would make sense to assume that Zygarde Complete Forme may have 180 to as much as 227 base HP stat values.
While it is pretty risky to activate Power Construct, Zygarde 10% Forme should still have great potential with the right items like Focus Sash or Life Orb. You can turn the tide of battle after Zygarde transforms into its Complete Form with attacks like Core Enforcer or even Extreme Speed!
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