Ash-Greninja now available!
From Pokémon XY & Z, Greninja makes a special appearance in the trial version of Pokémon Sun and Moon. When the trial version comes out, there’s a limited event that allows you to get this Pokémon and make him a member of your party. Because of being Water/Dark type, Greninja proved to be a valuable member of the party and also helps in filling up your Pokédex for your new journey!
But this is no ordinary Greninja. When you activate it’s special Battle-Bond ability, it transforms into the Ash-Greninja from the Pokemon XY & Z series!
How to download the Trial Version:
Pokémon Sun and Moon Trial version becomes available by October 18, 2016. When the trial version of the Pokémon Sun and Moon game becomes available, download it from the Nintendo E-shop from the home website.
After you get the game, use the 3DS Nintendo’s camera to scan the QR code above. After scanning you can then proceed to the download screen.
To download from Nintendo, make sure you login into the website using your Nintendo Account. Don’t forget to connect the Nintendo 3DS to the internet.
How to get Ash’s Greninja
This powerful Water/Dark-type Pokémon is non-transferable. When you open up the special chapter, you’ll encounter Greninja. From there, the Pokémon will be traded to you at level 5 from his original trainer – Ash.
By using the skill Battle Bond, you can change from an ordinary Greninja into Ash-Greninja.
Note about downloading the trial version: (from the official website)
When downloading “Pokemon Sun Moon special trial version”, make sure the SD card has at least 400 MB free in storage.
If you are downloading both the download version (3.2 GB) of the chapter and the special trial version with the SD card (4 GB) that came with the Nintendo 3DS the first time, the space might not be enough.
In order to get this Pokémon, both the special trial version and the chapter have to be in the SAME card.
For more details, please refer to the Nintendo website support information. Look under “About SD card / microSD card” to check how to transfer data between cards.
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This article is about Pokemon Sun and Moon. For information about Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon, click below.
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