Elden Ring - All Cookbooks

A list of all Cookbooks in Elden Ring. Elden Ring is scheduled for release on February 25th, 2022 on Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Microsoft Windows.

Elden Ring - All Cookbooks List

All Cookbooks in Elden Ring

Below are all Cookbooks in Elden Ring. These cookbooks are used for crafting items and you can use it to progress on the game story, the list contains the name, how to get them, and description for each item.

List of Cookbooks

Name Description Craftable Item
Armorer’s Cookbook I Record of crafting techniques left by an armorer who served the great general Radahn.
  • Firebone Arrow
  • Firebone Arrow (Fletched)
  • Neutralizing Boluses
  • Cured Immunizing Meat
Armorer’s Cookbook II Record of crafting techniques left by an armorer who served the great general Radahn.
  • Fire Grease
  • Drawstring Fire Grease
  • Fireproof Dried Liver
Armorer’s Cookbook III Record of crafting techniques left by an armorer who served the great general Radahn.
  • Exalted Flesh
Armorer’s Cookbook VI Record of crafting techniques left by an armorer who served the great general Radahn.
  • Preserving Boluses
Armorer’s Cookbook VII Record of crafting techniques left by an armorer who served the great general Radahn.
  • Giantsflame Fire Pot
Missionary’s Cookbook I Record of crafting techniques left by a man who was denied the path of becoming a Finger Maiden.
  • Holy Water Pot
  • Script stone
  • Gold-Pickled Fowl Foot
Missionary’s Cookbook II Record of crafting techniques left by a man who was denied the path of becoming a Finger Maiden.
  • Scriptstone
  • Grace Mimic
  • Gold-Pickled Fowl Foot
Missionary’s Cookbook III Record of crafting techniques left by a man who was denied the path of becoming a Finger Maiden.
  • Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot
Deserter’s Cookbook I A fugitive deserter’s record of crafting techniques.
  • Bone Arrow
  • Bone Arrow (Fletched)
  • Staunching Boluses
  • Pickled Turtle Neck
Deserter’s Cookbook II A fugitive deserter’s record of crafting techniques.
  • Poisonbone Arrow
  • Poisonbone Arrow (Fletched)
  • Exalted Flesh
Fevor’s Cookbook I Record of crafting techniques left by a man who was denied the path of becoming a Finger Maiden.
  • Sleep Pot
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook I A record of crafting techniques left by roaming nomad warriors.
Contains knowledge for surviving in the face of utter scarcity.
  • Bone Arrow
  • Bone Arrow (Fletched)
  • Bone Bolt
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook II A record of crafting techniques left by roaming nomad warriors.
Contains knowledge for surviving in the face of utter scarcity.
  • Glowstone
  • Invigorating Cured Meat
  • Invigorating White Cured Meat
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook III A record of crafting techniques left by roaming nomad warriors.
Contains knowledge for surviving in the face of utter scarcity.
  • Pickled Turtle Neck
  • Poisonbone Arrow
  • Poisonbone Arrow (Fletched)
  • Poisonbone Bolt
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook IV A record of crafting techniques left by roaming nomad warriors.
Contains knowledge for surviving in the face of utter scarcity.
  • Fetid Pot
  • Roped Fetid Pot
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook V A record of crafting techniques left by roaming nomad warriors.
Contains knowledge for surviving in the face of utter scarcity.
  • Beastlure Pot
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook VI A record of crafting techniques left by roaming nomad warriors.
Contains knowledge for surviving in the face of utter scarcity.
  • Blood Grease
  • Drawstring Blood Grease
  • Bloodbone Arrow
  • Bloodbone Arrow (Fletched)
  • Bloodbone Bolt
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook VII A record of crafting techniques left by roaming nomad warriors.
Contains knowledge for surviving in the face of utter scarcity.
  • ???
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook IX A record of crafting techniques left by roaming nomad warriors.
Contains knowledge for surviving in the face of utter scarcity.
  • Rancor Pot
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook XI A record of crafting techniques left by roaming nomad warriors.
Contains knowledge for surviving in the face of utter scarcity.
  • Crystal Dart
  • Spellproof Dried Liver
  • Shattershard Arrow
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook XII A record of crafting techniques left by roaming nomad warriors.
Contains knowledge for surviving in the face of utter scarcity.
  • ???
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook XIII A record of crafting techniques left by roaming nomad warriors.
Contains knowledge for surviving in the face of utter scarcity.
  • Bone Great Arrow
  • Bone Great Arrow (Fletched)
  • Bone Ballista Bolt
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook XIV A record of crafting techniques left by roaming nomad warriors.
Contains knowledge for surviving in the face of utter scarcity.
  • Poison Pot
  • Roped Poison Pot
  • Poisonbone Dart
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook XV A record of crafting techniques left by roaming nomad warriors.
Contains knowledge for surviving in the face of utter scarcity.
  • Rotbone Arrow
  • Rotbone Arrow (Fletched)
  • Rotbone Bolt
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook XVI A record of crafting techniques left by roaming nomad warriors.
Contains knowledge for surviving in the face of utter scarcity.
  • Thawfrost Boluses
  • Stimulating Boluses
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook XVII A record of crafting techniques left by roaming nomad warriors.
Contains knowledge for surviving in the face of utter scarcity.
  • Soap
  • Oil Pot
  • Roped Oil Pot
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook XVIII A record of crafting techniques left by roaming nomad warriors.
Contains knowledge for surviving in the face of utter scarcity.
  • Dappled Cured Meat
  • Dappled White Cured Meat
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook XX A record of crafting techniques left by roaming nomad warriors.
Contains knowledge for surviving in the face of utter scarcity.
  • Volcano Pot
  • Roped Volcano Pot
Glinstone Craftsman’s Cookbook I A record of crafting techniques left by a glintstone craftsman who served the academy.
Contains information on “faux sorceries,” such as they were called.
  • Cuckoo Glintstone
Glinstone Craftsman’s Cookbook V A record of crafting techniques left by a glintstone craftsman who served the academy.
Contains information on “faux sorceries,” such as they were called.
  • Magic Grease
  • Drawstring Magic Grease
  • Magicbone Arrow
  • Magicbone Arrow (Fletched)
  • Magicbone Bolt
Glinstone Craftsman’s Cookbook VI A record of crafting techniques left by a glintstone craftsman who served the academy.
Contains information on “faux sorceries,” such as they were called.
  • Freezing Pot
Frenzied’s Cookbook I A record of crafting techniques left by those afflicted by the madness of the flame of frenzy.
Contains techniques discovered in desperation.
  • Clarifying Boluses
Ancient Dragon Apostle’s Cookbook I A record of crafting techniques taught by the capital’s ancient dragon cult.
Details techniques that harness lightning, the weapon of the ancient dragons.
  • Lightning Grease
  • Drawstring Lightning Grease
  • Lightningbone Arrow
  • Lightningbone Arrow (Fletched)
  • Lightningbone Bolt
Perfumer’s Cookbook IV
  • ????

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