This walkthrough covers Akala Island and explains the details from the return to Paniola Ranch up to Kiawe’s Island Challenge at Wela Volcano Park for Pokémon Sun and Moon.
Akala Island Part 2

Paniola Ranch
Return to Paniola Ranch from the Route 5 Pokémon Center. Head down from the starting point, then press A in front of the pair of Sudowoodo blocking your way to make them leave. A boy standing beside them says that they went off towards the Battle Royal Dome.
The boy will give you a Mystic Water in exchange for making the Sudowoodo leave the road.
Route 6
Pokémon Encounters:
Name | Levels |
Igglybuff | 14 |
Pikipek | 15 |
Lillipup | 15 |
Rattata | 14 |
Oricorio | 14 |
Item List
Name | Location |
Super Potion | Near the entrance of Route 6 |
TM 88 (Sleep Talk) | A corner of Paniola Town accessible from Route 6. |
Rare Candy | Destroy the big rock on Route 5 using Tauros’ Charge |
X Speed | Use Snoutland Search in the grass behind Beauty Trainer |
Carbos | Use Snoutland Search in the grass behind Dancer |
Trainers Encountered:
Trainers | Pokémon | Reward |
Youngster Anthony | Magby, Level 15
Yungoos, Level 16 |
320 pokédollars |
Pokémon Breeder William | Sudowoodo (Lv. 17) | 680 pokédollars |
Team Skull Grunt | Drowzee, Level 17 | 544 pokédollars |
Beauty Brittney | Cubone,Level 17 | 544 pokédollars |
Dancer Mica | Oricorio, Level 17 | 680 pokédollars |
Two trainers, a Youngster and a Pokémon Breeder, are waiting for you at the beginning of Route 6. After beating them, walk away from the Pokémon Breeder heading to the west. You will end up in a corner of Paniola Town. Use the Snoutland at the northern corner to get a Super Repel, then go to the opposite end to pick up TM88 (Sleep Talk).

Exit back to Route 6.
A cutscene will happen in the middle of Route 6. A girl named Hapu is being harassed by the Team Skull Grunts you have encountered before. One of the Skulls will challenge you, while Hapu will fight the other one.
The Skull Grunt will use a Level 17 Drowzee this time. Ghost-type and Dark-type moves will do the most damage as long as your Pokémon is at least 5 levels above the Drowzee.
Go farther down Route 5. Use your Tauros to destroy the big rock on your left and get a Rare Candy. There are a couple of trainers here as well. Use the Snoutland to dig out an X Speed in the patch of grass behind the Beauty Trainer, and a Carbos behind the Dancer.

Following Route 6 all the way to the south will lead you back to Heahea City, while going east takes you to the Battle Royal Dome.
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