This walkthrough contains a guide on the Pokemon League in the main adventure of Pokemon Sun and Moon including Pokemon, Trainer Battles and Items.
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Ultra Dimension

1.Talk to Guzma (who now appears to be losing his wits because of being affected by the Ultra Beast)

- Talk to Lusamine (it seems that her mental state has also been altered, and Lillie is firmly against her new cause). You will have to battle Lusamine who unites with Nihilego.

Aether President Lusamine

Name | Reward |
「Lusamine」 | ?? |
[Battle Tip]
Since Clefable recovers using Moonlight, you’ll want to defeat it as soon as possible. It is best to attack with Physical Move since its Sp.Def is increased. Lilligant has high speed and the powerful Special move Petal Dance. You’ll want to bring a Fire-type Pokemon to finish it off quickly. Mismagius uses different attack types so it wise to use abilities that lower an opponent’s attack. Paralyzing it is also be a good strategy.
Bewear uses Pain Split when its HP decreases. Switching out to a Pokemon that is already low on health is an effective countermeasure.
Lusamine’s Pokemon
Pokémon | Type | TM |
Clefable Lv.50 Sp.Def↑ |
Fairy | Metronome Cosmic Power Moonblast Moonlight |
Lilligant Lv.41 Sp.Atk↑ |
Grass | Teeter Dance Petal Dance |
Mismagius Lv.41 Speed↑ |
Haunter | Power Gem Shadow Ball Mystical Fire Pain Split |
Milotic Lv.41 Attack↑ |
Water | Hydro Pump Safeguard |
Bewear Lv.41 Defense↑ |
Normal/Fighting | Baby-Doll Eyes Hammer Arm Pain Split |
3. After you defeat Lusamine, you’ll return to the real world.

4. Solgaleo or Lunala will appear. Talk to them to battle them. Now is a good time to use the Master Ball you obtained earlier. But if you’re going to use weaker balls, you might want to use attacks that inflict Sleep or Paralysis on them.
5. After the battle, Island Kahuna Nanu will take you to the outskirts of Tapu village. He will also tell you about the Victory Road.
Name | Pokémon | Reward |
Gladion | Crobat Lv.52 Weavile Lv.52 Lucario Lv.52 Silvally Lv.53 |
8480pokédollar |
As you arrive at the foot of the mountain, Gladion will come down and thank you for your efforts in saving Lusamine and Guzma. He will then challenge you to a battle. You’ll get a Max Elixir after you defeat him.
Lana Kila Mountain
Pokemon Encounters
Name | Level |
Snorunt | 45 |
Zubat | 42 |
Absol | 42 |
Golbat | 43 |
Sneasel | 44 |
Raticate(Alola) | 40 |
Items Found | Location |
Escape Rope | On a grassy field after riding the elevator |
Zygarde Cell | On a small rock in the first grassy field. |
Technical Machine(TM)13 | In a narrow passage on the left inside a cave |
Full Restore | North of the first area |
Max Revive | Before the second elevator |
PP Max | Near a Pokemon Center to the left along a wall of snow |
Zygarde Cell | Left of the Pokemon Center |
1. Take the elevator at Lana Kila Mountain which Gladion also used.
2. Enter the cave and check the pedestal in the far right to find the Ice Z-crystal. You will find a Pokemon Center by using the second elevator.
3. Near the Pokemon Center, Ha’u will appear and challenge you to a battle.
Ha’u (Rival)
Name | Pokémon | Reward |
Hau | Raichu(Alola)Lv.53 / FlareonLv.53 / KomalaLv.53 / PrimarinaLv.54 | 8640pokédollar |
Raichu(Alola)Lv.53 / LeafeonLv.53 / KomalaLv.53 / IncineroarLv.54 | ||
Raichu(Alola)Lv.53 / VaporeonLv.53 / KomalaLv.53 / DecidueyeLv.54 |
4. After beating Ha’u, go up the hill. Talk to Professor Kukui in the building along the slope.
5. Enter the building to challenge the Elite Four and the Champion
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