Detailed Information regarding Dragonite’s Location and the strategy to encounter it in Pokémon Sun and Moon.
How to Get a Dratini
Dratini spawns at Vast Poni Canyon (Fishing Spot) in Poni Island.
How to Get a Dragonair
Dratini will evolve into Dragonair at level 30.
You can encounter it when it intrudes Dratini in a SOS battle.
It is recommended to capture either Dragonair or its pre-evolution with the Hidden Ability.
How to Get a Dragonite
Dragonair will evolve into Dragonite at level 55.
When it fully evolves, its Hidden Ability Multiscale reduces damage at maximum HP making it formidable in battle.
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where is the fishing spot tho
this information is great
Uh, could you recommend a good strategy to catch it, like with the adrenaline orb trick?
You can tell by the title of my response
thank helpful
Can you still get a high IV Dragonair through SOS chaining like you can with other ‘mons?
This helped me alot
Thanks for the help =)