Steelix,How to Battle,Strategy,Moveset,Weekness,breakpoint

208 Steelix 75 85 200 55 65 30 510
208 MegaSteelix 75 125 230 55 95 30 610

Level Up

Lv Name Type Cat Pow Accuracy PP Range DA
1 Thunder Fang Electric Physical 65 95 15 Normal
1 Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95 15 Normal
1 Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95 15 Normal
1 Mud Sport Ground Status 15 Both Side
1 Tackle Normal Physical 50 100 35 Normal
1 Harden Normal Status 30 Self
1 Bind Normal Physical 15 75 20 Normal
4 Curse Ghost Status 10 Self
7 Rock Throw Rock Physical 50 90 15 Normal
10 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 60 95 15 Normal
13 Rage Normal Physical 20 100 20 Normal
16 Stealth Rock Rock Status 20 Other Side
19 Autotomize Steel Status 15 Self
20 Gyro Ball Steel Physical 100 5 Normal
22 Smack Down Rock Physical 50 100 15 Normal
25 Dragon Breath Dragon Special 60 100 20 Normal
28 Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal
31 Screech Normal Status 85 40 Normal
34 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 Many Others
37 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal
40 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
43 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
46 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal
49 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal
52 Sandstorm Rock Status 10 Both Side


Ver Name Type Cat Pow Accuracy PP Range DA
ORAS Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal
ORAS Block Normal Status 5 Normal
ORAS Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal
ORAS Magnet Rise Electric Status 10 Self
ORAS Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal
ORAS Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 85 100 10 Normal
ORAS Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
ORAS Bind Normal Physical 15 75 20 Normal
ORAS Snore Normal Special 50 100 15 Normal
ORAS Stealth Rock Rock Status 20 Other Side

Egg Moves

Ver Name Type Cat Pow Accuracy PP Range DA
ORAS/XY Flail Normal Physical 100 15 Normal
ORAS/XY Block Normal Status 5 Normal
ORAS/XY Defense Curl Normal Status 40 Self
ORAS/XY Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
ORAS/XY Rock Blast Rock Physical 25 90 10 Normal
ORAS/XY Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal
ORAS/XY Heavy Slam Steel Physical 100 10 Normal
ORAS/XY Stealth Rock Rock Status 20 Other Side
ORAS/XY Rototiller Ground Status 10 Your Party


No Name Type Cat Pow Accuracy PP Range DA
05 Roar Normal Status 20 Normal
06 Toxic Poison Status 90 10 Normal
10 Hidden Power Normal Special 60 100 15 Normal
11 Sunny Day Fire Status 5 Both Side
12 Taunt Dark Status 100 20 Normal
15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal
17 Protect Normal Status 10 Self
21 Frustration Normal Physical 100 20 Normal
23 Smack Down Rock Physical 50 100 15 Normal
26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 Abjacent
27 Return Normal Physical 100 20 Normal
28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
32 Double Team Normal Status 15 Self
37 Sandstorm Rock Status 10 Both Side
39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 60 95 15 Normal
41 Torment Dark Status 100 15 Normal
42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
44 Rest Psychic Status 10 Self
45 Attract Normal Status 100 15 Normal
48 Round Normal Special 60 100 15 Normal
64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 Abjacent
66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
69 Rock Polish Rock Status 20 Self
71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal
74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical 100 5 Normal
77 Psych Up Normal Status 10 Normal
78 Bulldoze Ground Physical 60 100 20 Abjacent
80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 Many Others
82 Dragon Tail Dragon Physical 60 90 10 Normal
87 Swagger Normal Status 90 15 Normal
88 Sleep Talk Normal Status 10 Varies
90 Substitute Normal Status 10 Self
91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal
94 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
94 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
96 Nature Power Normal Status 20 Varies
97 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal
100 Confide Normal Status 20 Normal


No Name Type Cat Pow Accuracy PP Range DA
01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal

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