This walkthrough will guide players on the main adventure on the Aether Paradise. This includes info on Pokemon, Trainer Battles and Items.
Aether Paradise

Name | Location |
Rare Candy | On the central elevator |
Technical Machine(TM)6 | At the bottom left part of the area |
X Sp. Atk | Passage extending to the lower left of the area |

Trainer Encounters
Name | Pokémon | Reward |
Aether Foundation Employee | Dugtrio(Alola)Lv.36 Sliggoo Lv.37 |
?pokédollar |
Aether Foundation Employee | Herdier Lv.36 Lumineon Lv.37 |
1776pokédollar |
Aether Foundation Employee | Shelgon Lv.37 Trumbeak Lv.36 |
1728pokédollar |
Aether Foundation Employee | Primeape Lv.37 | 1776pokédollar |
Aether Foundation Employee | Parasect Lv.36 Drifblim Lv.36 Vibrava Lv.37 |
1776pokédollar |
Branch Chief Faba | Hypno Lv.39 | 4680pokédollar |
1. When you’ve arrived at the Aether Paradise, head to the center of the basement. Since the building is swarming with Aether Foundation Employees, you might want to avoid unnecessary battles. You can hide behind boxes to avoid being seen.
2. Take the center elevator and go up to the first floor.
1st Floor
Trainer Encounter
Name | Pokémon | Reward |
Branch Chief Faba | Hypno Lv.39 | 4680pokédollar |

3. When you arrive at the 1st floor, you will immediately battle Branch Chief Faba. Since he only uses Hypno, it won’t be that difficult to beat him.
4. You can heal your Pokemon by talking to the receptionist at the ground floor.

5. On the first floor, Gladion will appear. When you’re ready, talk to him and then go to the second floor.
2nd Floor
Name | Location |
Zygarde Cell | Before the door at the back of the aisle |
Full Restore | In the room with Gladion |

Trainer Encounters
Name | Pokémon | Reward |
Aether Foundation Employee | Muk(Alola)Lv.37 | 1776pokédollar |
Aether Foundation Employee | MagnetonLv.37 | 1776pokédollar |
Aether Foundation Employee | Porygon2 Lv.37 | 1776pokédollar |
Aether Foundation Employee | Machoke Lv.37 Vanillish Lv.37 |
3552pokédollar |
6. The 2nd floor has many areas to explore. Here, you’ll meet Ha’u again and he’ll give you a Max Revive.

7. From the elevator to the right, you’ll encounter three Aether Foundation Employees. Since they use only one Pokemon each, these won’t be difficult to defeat. In the path behind you will see Gladion. You’ll then have to enter the laborotary. From here, a 2-on-2 battle will ensue with Hau as your ally. You can check the lab desk for a report on Cosmog as well.

8. Exit the lab and take the elevator back to the 1st floor. Once Gladion gets back to the elevator, you will now be able to enter the opposite side of the laboratory.
1st Floor revisited
Trainer Encounters
Trainer | Pokémon | Reward |
Aether Foundation Employee | Mudsdale Lv.37 Pelipper Lv.37 |
3552pokédollar |
Aether Foundation Employee | Electabuzz Lv.38 Magmar Lv.38 |
3648pokédollar |
Aether Foundation Flee | Slowbro Lv.39 / Ledian Lv.38 Bruxish Lv.39 Hypno Lv.40 |
6624pokédollar |

As you arrive back at the first floor, you will find out that Faba was planning to take your team down by calling more employees to assist him.

9. After beating all of them, Wicke will appear and heal all your Pokemon. Head towards Hau and Gladion and you will find Faba. You’ll have to battle Aether Foundation Employees twice with Hau and Gladion as your allies. After you defeat them, Faba will give you the keys to the mansion.
In front of the mansion
Name | Location |
Full Heal | At the left of the path exiting the Aether Foundation building |
Zygarde Cell | At the right of the path exiting the Aether Foundation building |
Zygarde Cell | At the upper left of the area after defeating Guzma |
Hyper Potion | At the right of the area after defeating Lusamine |

Trainer Encounters
Name | Pokémon | Reward |
Team Skull Grunt |
Golbat Lv.37 | 1184pokédollar |
Team Skull Grunt |
Raticate(Alola)Lv.37 | 1184pokédollar |

1. You will encounter two Team Skull Grunts near the entrance of the mansion.

2. A third Team Skull Grunt will appear. Talk to him to battle against Guzma.
Team Skull Boss Guzma
Name | Reward |
Guzma | 4800pokédollar |
Battle Tip

Since Guzma uses Bug-type Pokemon, Flying and Fire types Pokemon will be effective against him. He is a formidable opponent and may be the hardest battle thus far.
Guzma’s Pokemon
Pokémon | Type | Moves |
Golisopod Lv.41 | Bug/Water | First Impression Swords Dance |
Ariados Lv.40 | Bug/Poison | Shadow Sneak / Sucker Punch |
Masquerain Lv.41 | Bug/Flying | Air Slash |
Pinsir Lv.40 | Bug | X-Scissor |
Inside the mansion
Name | Location |
Zygarde Cell | Shelf on the right upon entering the mansion |

1. When you enter the mansion, you will find Lusamine.

2. Follow Lusamine to the collection room.

3. Ultra Wormholes will open all over the region, causing Ultra Beasts to wreak havoc. Hau will stop Guzma and you will have to battle Lusamine.
Aether Foundation President Lusamine
Name | Reward |
Lusamine | 9840pokédollar |
Lusamine’s Pokemon

Pokémon | Type | TM |
Clefable Lv.41 | Fairy | Metronome Cosmic Power Moonblast |
Lilligant Lv.41 | Grass | Teeter Dance |
Mismagius Lv.41 | Haunter | Power Gem Shadow Ball Mystical Fire |
Milotic Lv.41 | Water | Hydro Pump Safeguard |
Bewear Lv.41 | Normal/Fighting | Baby-Doll Eyes Hammer Arm |

4. After the battle, follow Lusamine, Guzma and Ultra Beast to the Ultra Wormhole. Then, you will need to find clues on what transpired in the mansion.

As you exit the mansion, you will meet up with Lillie and Gladion again. Lillie will show you her new attire which signifies her maturity to save Cosmog, Lusamine and Guzma. Gladion on the other hand, will tell you that your next destination is Poni Island.

- You will soon meet up with Lillie again (who’s looks more dependable now since she’s also gone through the Trials). You’ll also meet Gladion again he will show you an image of the Flute that does not correspond to your version (Lillie will have this flute). You will also obtain the Master Ball.

6. Take the elevator down to to the first floor and go to the port. Once there, talk to Gladion and get on the ship.

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