This article will discuss tips on how to get a Rare Candy daily. Getting Poké Beans will be discussed as well.

How to get Rare Candy
Giving Rare Candy to a Pokemon is the fastest way to power it up ever since the first Pokémon games. In Pokemon Sun and Moon, there’s a way to get more without resorting to using cheat codes.
One way of receiving Rare Candy is to feed Poké beans to the Pokémon in your party. You can get Beans from the baristas in Pokémon Centers throughout the Alola region. Feed your team 15 or more Poké Beans, and the next barista you talk to might give you a Rare Candy.
However, since we need more Poké Beans, developing the Poké Pelago is recommended.
This table summarizes the required amount of Poke Beans to be fed in order to obtain the next Rare Candy.
Fed Poké beans | Reward |
5 | Rare Candy x1 |
10 | Rare Candy x1 |
20 | Rare Candy x1 |
50 | Rare Candy x1 |
100 | Rare Candy x1 |
200 | Rare Candy x1 |
500 | Rare Candy x1 |
1,000 | Rare Candy x1 |
10,000 | Rare Candy x1 |
100,000 | Rare Candy x1 |
How to get Poké Beans

Get some from the Poké Pelago islands
You can get Poké Beans from Isle Abeens, the first island that you can visit in the Poké Pelago. Isle Abeens has a beanstalk growing in its middle; tap the beanstalk to make Poké Beans fall to the ground for you to collect them. You can harvest Poké Beans again after a few minutes.
You get access to the Poké Pelago after clearing the Trial of Captain Kiawe and registering Charizard to your Ride Pager.
Get them from the Cafe
You can get Poké Beans after ordering in the Cafe at Pokémon Centers. The barista will give you 12 random beans once a day.
Pokemon Sun and Moon Recommended Article List
This article is about Pokemon Sun and Moon. For information about Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon, click below.
I have not tried yet
I have not tried yet
no help at all
The baristas tell you how many rare candies you’ve fed your pokemon. I’ve gotten about 7 rare candies from the cafes, and only fed them around 40 Poke beans so far. I don’t think the chart is correct. However, if it is, that means there’s a finite amount of rare candies to be received from the baristas. I certainly have gotten the seven rare candies without giving my Pokemon 500 Poke beans.
They are wrong and that means one thing it means you can get unlimited rare candies!!
that right wo-man or m-a-n
None of the rare candy qr codes dont really give you rare candy
Thanks for the help
how to get 100 rare candies
i wish it was easier than that
how am supposed to get100,000 candies!!!!!!!?????!!!
I want to marry you will you do that
I didn’t know bit now I do cause I wanted to levely pikachu and as greninja and Lycanroc* to 100
this is awesome because I did not know how many poke beans that I needed but all I knew was that when you fed your pokemon 5 of them.
OMG, how can I feed THAT much? That would probably take a month for me since I can’t play on weekdays, but I CAN play on weekends, anyway. I just can’t feed my pokemon 100,000 pokebeans. Can you people try to find another way to get rare candies, in a much easier, faster, way? And please try to find a way that gives a lot of rare candy!
It says its a possibility, not that you have to. You can feed them any number on the list to get rare candies.
you can farm the battle dome for bp a buy them for 48 bp each
you can buy them from battle spot
In ultra sun/moon, if you go to festival plaza and to the battle center inside the building, every time you win 3 consecutive battles, you win rare candy. My luck is really good with it, and i always get good pokemon, so i have gotten about like 13 rare candies so far, and i have had ultra moon for only a week. btw i found out about it like 2 days ago, and it is rlly handy. use it as soon as u can when u get access to it, you will just win. its good for playthrough, but if u wanna do competitive, never use rare candies, its a waste of EVs
Wait, feed ur entire team?
thanks for helping me
What happens after 100,000?
Who knows?????????????????????
Jacob do you have Flygon?
I would love to trade it for Dragonite
How is that even possible
A person can quick connect to e second 2ds/3ds duh it’s just so obvious
If you beat the game right you will get him or if you traded by gts,link,or wonder trade
William, what would u want for a lunala?
I did it by going to the alter of you cover legendary at the time of day that is not acoiated with your cover legend go through the worm hole (have to have your cover legend in your party). It will be the oposit time of day go to the Lake of the (cover legend) you will trigger a cut seen, proced with the cut seen and you will obtain cosmog. You have to give cosmoen to a friend who is playing th e oposit game title and have n them level cosmoen from 52 too 53. And boom you have the oposit cover legend.
Thanks!!!Toucannon and downfall of lurantis here I come!!!
Thanks!!!Totes helpful!!
How long will I have to wait until my Pokemon are hungry again?
fight battles. At 0 hunger, pokemon can eat 3 pokebeans. So I assume pokebeans fill two slots. Anyways, on to the question. One battle will empty 1 hunger point. Meaning that doing five battles with that pokemon will get it down to the will to eat 3 pokebeans. 4 battles 2 pokebeans. 3 battles 2 pokebeans. 2 battles 1 pokebean and 1 batttle 1 pokebean.
How do i tell how many i have currently fed while I’m between the marks
Hi Pikablu, I think you have to count them manually. If you lost track, trial and Error might help.
What if you have already past the 200 Poke-beans fed mark?
Hi Yoshi, we’ve just updated the list. We’re not sure about the reward after the updated mark though.
i think…
I have 4 meowths on my team, and I have lapras, thx!
for me I have to feed my pokemon 100 poke beans to get a rare candy 🙁
You can get a rare candy by the lady near the shop in hea hea city