About the Ability Pickup
After winning a battle, any Pokemon on the team that has the ability Pickup has a 10% chance of obtaining a held item for itself. There’s a low chance of obtaining a rare item, however, the rarity of the item that your Pokémon may get depends on how high its level is.
Don’t forget to check the Pokemon with this ability because it will no longer obtain an item if it already has one.
Pokémon with the Pickup ability
Pokémon | Location |
Meowth (Alola) | Melemele Island: Route 2, Trainers’ School Ula’ula Island: Malie Garden |
Pikipek | Melemele Island: Route 1 Akala Island: Route 4, Route 5 ※ Pickup is its hidden ability |
Munchlax | Melemele Island: Route 1 (Area accessible by destroying a rock with Tauros Poke Ride.) |
Lillipup | Akala Island: Paniola Ranch, Route 4, Route 5 |
Obtainable items
Type | Item |
Consumables | ・Potion ・Super Potion ・Hyper Potion ・Ether ・Elixir ・Max Elixir ・Repel ・Escape Rope ・Antidote ・Full Heal ・Revive ・Full Restore ・Max Revive ・PP Up ・Rare Candy |
Poké Balls | ・Great Ball ・Ultra Ball |
Evolution Items | ・Moon Stone ・Sun Stone ・Prism Scale |
Held Items | ・Destiny Knot ・Leftovers |
Valuable Items | ・Pearl String ・Balm Mushroom ・Big Nugget ・Nugget |
Move Reminder | ・Heart Scale |
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This article is about Pokemon Sun and Moon. For information about Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon, click below.
Great I already have Munchlax so it is a matter of before I get a destiny knot.
Thanks, now I just need to catch 5 lillipups that don’t have vital spirit.