Battle Royal Dome
Item List
Name | Location |
Pink Nectar | The glowing flowers in the Town Square |
Zygarde Cell | In the town square, behind the girl sitting with the Slowpoke Between the red and blue trucks in the parking lot of the Megamart |
HP Up | Behind the Thrifty Megamart. |
Rare Candy | Search the area near the Malasada Shop using Stoutland |
Ultra Ball | Northwest Corner of Royal Avenue |
Soda Pop | Search the area near the two Team Skull Grunts using Stoutland |
TM44 (Rest) | From a Hypno in the Thrifty Megamart |
Lemonade | From a Drifloon in the Thrifty Megamart |
Enter Royal Avenue. Go to the town square and get two Pink Nectar from the glowing flowers. There’s also a Zygarde Cell behind the girl sitting with the Slowpoke. Move up and you will see a short cutscene showing Gladion entering the Battle Royal Dome.

Go left and pick up an Ultra Ball from Royal Avenue’s northwest corner. Retrace your steps and go east to the Thrifty Megamart. Get the Zygarde Cell between the red and blue trucks in the parking lot, then go around to the back to get an HP Up. Search the area near the two Team Skull Grunts to get a Soda Pop.

Go to the Malasada shop at the right side of the square. Search the area in front of the shop using Stoutland to get a Rare Candy.
When you have collected all of the items, enter the Battle Royal Dome.

A cutscene introducing a character named The Masked Royal will happen once you enter the Battle Royal Dome. He explains the mechanics of the Pokémon Battle Royal to you, and challenges you to join.
Hau then appears, and takes on the challenge as well.
The Masked Royal will also challenge Gladion to the Battle Royal.
Once the foursome is completed, the Pokémon Battle Royal begins!
Make sure that you have your strongest Pokémon in first place before attempting the Battle Royal, because you won’t be able to swap out to your other team members while it is going on. You will battle against the Royal, Hau and Gladion only once, so make it count!
After the Battle Royal, Trial Captain Kiawe will appear, and a cutscene will happen. You can now compete in the regular Battle Royal as much as you want.
The clerks inside the Battle Royal Dome also sell many items that you can use to beef up your team before facing Captain Kiawe.

Before taking on the trials, duck inside the Thrifty Megamart to get some helpful items. The clerk at the entrance will give you a 50% discount coupon that you can reuse over and over as long as you stay inside the Megamart, so shop wisely.
Another clerk inside the Megamart will give you a berry every day. You can also get TM44 from a Hypno inside the Megamart, and a Lemonade from the young trainer with a Drifloon at the eastern side of the store.
Once that’s done, exit the store and head up on Route 7 en route to Wela Volcano Park.
Route 7
Pokémon Encounters
Name | Possible Levels |
Magikarp | 17 |
Wishiwashi | 17 |
Staryu | (rare) |
Finneon | 17 |
Pyukumuku | 17 |
Tentacool | 17 |
Wingull | 17 |
Alolan Diglett | 17 |
Name | Location |
Max Repel | Up the cliff at the northern tip of the beach |
Antidote | Under water in the outer part of the bay |
TM73 (Thunder Wave) | Near the fishing hole on the island. |
Net Ball | The southern edge of the beach (Use Stoutland) |
Pearl | Hidden in the middle of the beach. |
Zygarde Cell | Beside the big rock |
Trainers Encountered
Name | Pokémon | Reward |
Swimmer Tiare | Alomomola (Lv.19) | 456 pokedollars |
Swimmer Casey | Mareanie (Lv.19) | 456 pokedollars |
Swimmer Vanessa | Shellder (Lv.18) Corsola (Lv.19) |
456pokedollars |
Swimmer Dakota | Surskit (Lv.19) Dewpider (Lv.19) |
456 pokedollars |
Route 7 is pretty short in terms of walking distance, but it has a wide bay containing lots of Water Pokémon that can help against Captain Kiawe. There are also Rare Fishing Spots that have a higher chance of netting rare Water Pokémon. Rare Fishing Spots can be identified by the bubbles coming from the rocks under the surface
Take your Lapras out to sea, but move around carefully. Do not use the boost (B Button) so as not to spook the Pokémon in Rare Fishing Spots.
Route 7’s trainers will use mostly Water-type Pokémon, so an Electric and Grass-type combination delivers the most damage.
Get the Net Ball at the southern tip of the beach to make catching rare Water Pokémon easier if you encounter one. There’s also a Zygarde Cell beside the big rock in the middle of the beach.
You won’t get through the rocks in the water using Lapras. Follow the trail around the big rock (where you found the Zygarde cell) to get to the other side.
The island in the bay has a fishing hole; TM73 (Thunder Wave) can be found beside the hole.
Climb back up to Route 7’s main road to go to Wela Volcano Park.
Wela Volcano Park
Pokémon Encountered
Name | Possible Levels |
Cubone | 17 |
Magby | 17 |
Salandit | 17-19 |
Fletchling | 17 |
Item List
Name | Location |
Hyper Potion | On top of the first ledge |
Zygarde Cell | The first step after the gate with the Trial Guides |
Charcoal | Go forward from where you found the Zygarde Cell. |
TM39 (Rock Tomb) | On a ledge beside Ace Trainer Jim |
Burn Heal | Take the long way around the volcano. |
Trainers Encountered
Trainer | Pokémon | Prize |
Sightseer Mariah | Meowth (Lv.19) | 1140 Pokédollars |
Hiker Calhoun | Roggenrola (Lv. 18) Machop (Lv.19) |
608 Pokédollars |
Ace Trainer Jim | Kadabra (Lv.21) | 1428 Pokédollars |
Big patches of grass line the way up Wela Volcano Park, so you won’t have difficulty filling up your Rotom Dex. However, the Poison/Fire Pokémon Salandit can be a bit annoying, since they are very common in the area and call for help frequently. Stock up on Burn Heals and Antidotes to be on the safe side.
Get the Hyper Potion lying on the ground on the first ledge. Continue up and defeat the female trainer on the second ledge. Follow the path as it curves right; a girl standing beside a tunnel tells you that it leads straight up to the peak of the volcano, thus directly to the trial. There is an item on the other side of the tunnel entrance, but you won’t get it unless you take the long way around.

You can choose to go on to the trial, but if you want to strengthen your team some more and get some more items, we suggest taking the long way up. Either way you do it, enter the cave. We will take the long way up for this walkthrough.
Talk to the first Trial Guide after exiting the cave. She will revive your team members back to fighting form. Go forward a little bit, then get the Zygarde Cell by the wayside. Go forward some more to get a Charcoal, then enter the second tunnel.

An Ace Trainer with a Kadabra is waiting for you at the other end. Take him out with a Bug or Ghost-type opponent, then grab TM39 (Rock Tomb) from the ledge beside him. You can use the Poke Finder on the ledge as well.

Proceed along the path. Another trainer is waiting for you, but you can skip him if you want to. Jump down a series of steps, picking up the item you were not able to get before – a Burn Heal. You will end up at the first tunnel you entered.
Captain Kiawe’s Trial

Head up the trail from the gate (remember to have the Trial Guide at the gate heal your team) to face Captain Kiawe.
Captain Kiawe is a student of fire dancing, and dancing Pokémon makes up the first part of his challenge. He will challenge you to memorize dance sequences, and tell the difference between them.

The correct answers to the challenge are:
First dance | The Marowak in the middle |
Second dance | The hiker |
Third dance | All answers are correct. |
A Lv.18 Alolan Marowak and the hiker’s Lv.19 Magmar will challenge you in between the first two dances. You won’t be able to heal your team outside, so remember to pack healing items such as Super Potions and Burn Heals.
The Totem Pokémon, a Lv.22 Salazzle will show up in the last dance.
Battle Tips: Totem Pokemon Salazzle

Salazzle will make use of its Poison-type abilities like Toxic to chip away at your health, while raising its own Sp. Def to protect against Special moves. It will also use Torment, keeping you from using the same move twice in a row.
Salazzle will also call on Salandit, which will use Taunt to force your Pokemon to use attack moves.
The best combination for this tricky Totem Pokemon is a Water/Rock/Psychic team, all supported by Antidotes and other healing items. As always, try to take out the Totem Pokemon first before it and its allies take you out.
Defeating the Totem Salazzle gives you the Fire-type Z Crystal called Firium-Z, ten Quick Balls, and registers Charizard to your Ride Pager, allowing you to fly anywhere you have been to before!

Finally, Kiawe tells you to show the Firium-Z to the Guide standing beside the barricaded gate in Route 7 to unlock the way to Route 8.
Getting Charizard registered to your Ride Pager also means that you can now visit the Poke Pelago islands to get an endless supply of Poke Beans!
Akala Island has a lot more adventures in store for you, so let’s go on to Part 3 of the walkthrough!
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