Where to find a Wild Pokemon that drops an item
Wild Pokemon that drop items are often the ones located in areas with a patch of shaking grass or splashing water. However, these encounters are very rare.
These Pokemon drop an item after defeating or capturing them in battle.
List of Wild Pokemon and the items that they drop
Pokémon | Dropped Item |
Yungoos | ・Oran Berry (Probability: High) ・Sitrus Berry (Probability: Low) |
Gumshoos | ・Sitrus Berry |
Rattata(AlolaForm) | ・Oran Berry (Probability: High) ・Sitrus Berry (Probability: Low) |
Raticate(AlolaForm) | ・Sitrus Berry |
Makuhita | ・Oran Berry (Probability: High) ・Sitrus Berry (Probability: Low) |
Hariyama | ・Black Belt |
Spearow | ・Pretty Wing (Probability: High) ・Sharp Beak (Probability: Low) |
Fearow | ・Swift Wing (Probability: High) ・Health Wing (Probability: Medium) ・Sharp Beak (Probability: Low) |
Rufflet | ・Pretty Wing |
Braviary | ・Muscle Wing (Probability: High) ・Genius Wing (Probability: High) |
Vullaby | ・Pretty Wing |
Mandibuzz | ・Muscle Wing (Probability: High) ・Genius Wing (Probability: Low) |
Diglett(AlolaForm) | ・Big Root (Probability: High) ・Soft Sand (Probability: Low) |
Dugtrio(AlolaForm) | ・Big Root (Probability: High) ・Soft Sand (Probability: Low) |
Fomantis | ・Honey |
Sandygast | ・Spell Tag |
Staryu | ・Stardust (Probability: High) ・Star Piece (Probability: Low) |
Tentacool | ・Poison Barb |
Wimpod | ・Big Pearl (Probability: High) ・Nugget (Probability: Medium) ・Big Nugget (Probability: Low) |
Jangmo-o | ・Heart Scale |
Hakamo-o | ・Heart Scale |
Skarmory | ・Clever Wing (Probability: High) ・Resist Wing (Probability: Low) |
Sandile | ・Black Glasses |
Trapinch | ・Figy Berry |
Wailmer | ・Big Pearl |
Wailord | ・Big Pearl |
Scyther | ・Aguav Berry |
Emolga | ・Cell Battery |
Primeape | ・Wiki Berry |
Petilil | ・Absorb Bulb |
Cottonee | ・Absorb Bulb |
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