This walkthrough will guide players on the main adventure on Poni Island. This includes info on Pokemon, Items, Trials and the Island Kahuna of Poni Island.
Fisherman’s Village
Items Found | Location |
Lucky Punch | A group on a silver ship |
Zygarde Cell | Scaffolding on the opposite side of the Pokemon Center |
X Sp. Atk | Passage extending to the lower left |

1.Once the ship arrives in Poni Island, head towards the big tree.

2.You will need to find Hapu on the island. But first, you have to go through the Poni Wilds.
Poni Wilds
Pokemon Encounters
Name | Level |
Gumshoos | 43 |
Pelipper | 43 |
Granbull | 43 |
Gastrodon | 43 |
Exeggcute | 40 |
Raticate(Alola) | 40 |
Items Found | Location |
Max Repel | By the sandy beach |
Zygarde Cell | By the sandy beach |
Rare Candy | Between rocks near a tree northwest of the area |
Dusk Stone | Near the water of the fishing area |
Pearl String | Upper left of the water |
Max Potion | Under the cliff at the top right of the area |

Trainer Encounters
Name | Pokémon | Reward |
Dancer | Oricorio(Sensu Style)Lv.43 | 1170pokédollar |
Ace Trainer | Skarmory Lv.44 Sharpedo Lv.45 |
3060pokédollar |
Ace Trainer | Garbodor Lv.44 Toxapex Lv.45 |
3060pokédollar |
Cook | Parasect Lv.43 Ribombee Lv.43 |
1720pokédollar |
1. After entering Poni Wilds, proceed east.
Poni Island Path
Pokemon Encounters
Pokémon | Level |
Gumshoos | 43 |
Pelipper | 43 |
Granbull | 43 |
Gastrodon | 43 |
Exeggcute | 40 |
Raticate(Alola) | 40 |
Items Found | Location |
Zygarde Core | By the bed in Hapu’s house |
Zygarde Cell | Near the well at Hapu’s house |
Zygarde Cell | On the other side of the fence in Hapu’s field |
Shiny Stone | Near a tree at the left before the entrance to Poni Canyon |
Technical Machine(TM)79 | By the side of uneven grass from the hidden point of Poni Island |

If you follow Tapu’s Old Gran, you can have your party healed by talking to her Miltank. Check the other doors leading outside to find a Zygarde Cell.

Trainer Encounters
Name | Pokémon | Reward |
Collector | Turtonator Lv.43 Drampa Lv.43 |
1376pokédollar |
- Proceed to the Poni Island Path and talk to Hapu in front of the big house. You will receive the Machamp Ride Pager from Hapu’s old gran.

2.Ride the Machamp and follow Hapu to the ruins at the Poni Breaker Coast.
Poni Breaker Coast
1.Go east and enter the ruins to begin the trial.

Items Found | Location |
Zygarde Cell | Near a geyser. |

Trainer Encounters
Name | Pokémon | Reward |
Tourist | Sandshrew Lv.43 Geodude Lv.43 Graveler Lv.43 Vulpix Lv.43 |
2580pokédollar |
Poni Ruins
Items Found | Location |
Zygarde Cell | Before the entrance to the ruins |
- Talk to Lillie at the entrance to the ruins

- Using the Machamp Poké Ride, drop a rock into the hole. Proceed to the newly opened path and solve a puzzle.
Puzzle Strategy:
- Move the left block up three times
- Move the block in the middle to the right once
- Drop the same block in the hole located 2 squares up
- A ceremony will take place when you reach the ruins. Hapu will become an Island Kahuna. Listen to information about the Exeggutor Island which is where you will proceed to next.

- Head to Exeggutor Island by taking the S.S. Magikarp ship from the Poni Meadows.

Exeggutor Island

Pokemon Encounters
Name | Level |
Pelipper | 42-43 |
Gastrodon | 43 |
Exeggcute | 40-42 |
Exeggutor | 40 |
Items Found | Location |
Prism Scale | At the island’s shore to the north |
- When you arrive at the island, you will be attacked by Exeggutor. This is the only island where you can encounter Alolan Exeggutor so be sure catch one.

- Proceed to the end of the island and listen to Lillie. There will be a pedestal at the back of the island. Examine it to get a Sun Flute (if you are playing Pokemon Sun) or a Moon Flute (if you are playing Pokemon Moon).

- Return to the S.S. Magikarp and sail back to Poni Island.
Head to Poni Island Great Canyon to the north of Poni Island.

Vast Poni Canyon

- When you reach the Vast Poni Canyon, there will be many Team Skull Grunts blocking the entrance. Defeat two Grunts. Plumeria will appear and give you the Poisonium Z Crystal. Talk to Lillie to heal your Pokemon.

Trainer Encounters
Name | Pokémon | Reward |
Team Skull Grunt |
Fomantis Lv.44 | 1408pokédollar |
Team Skull Grunt |
Salandit Lv.44 Raticate(Alola)Lv.44 Haunter Lv.44 Mareanie Lv.44 Golbat Lv.44 |
1408pokédollar |
- Proceed to Vast Poni Canyon to begin the Grand Trial by talking to Hapu.

Island Kahuna Hapu

Name | Reward |
Hapu | 7680pokédollar |
[Battle Tip]
Using Flying-type Pokemon or those that have Levitate will make this battle easier. Though keep in mind that Flygon and Gastrodon can still hit your Pokemon with Dragon Breath and Muddy Water respectively. Having a Gyarados with Aqua Tail would also be effective against Hapu’s Pokemon. You can also use Dragon Dance at the start of the battle against the Alolan Dugtrio.
Hapu’s Pokemon
Pokémon | Type | Move |
Dugtrio(Alola)Lv.47 | Ground/Steel | Sandstorm Sucker Punch Iron Head |
Flygon Lv.47 | Ground/Dragon | Dragon Breath |
Gastrodon Lv.47 | Water/Ground | Muddy Water |
Mudsdale Lv.48 | Ground | Double Kick |
- The Grand Trial will be completed after you have defeated Hapu. You will then obtain the Ground Z-Crystal.

- Lillie will give you a Max Revive after reaching the end of the Grand Canyon. She will also heal your Pokemon.
Pokemon Encounters
Name | Level |
Boldore | 42-43 |
Dugtrio(Alola) | 41-44 |
Carbink | 43 |
Golbat | 43 |
Skarmory | 43 |
Golduck | 43 |
Lycanroc Midday Form | 42 |
Jangmo-o | 40 |
Hakamo-o | 40 |
Items Found | Location |
Elixir | A hole where a rock must be smashed |
Max Potion | Near a broken rock at the top of a hill |
Revive | Bottom right of the big rock from the cave |
Zygarde Cell | Near a small rock that leads to the cave |
Escape Rope | In a small hole in front of the bridge near the Veteran Trainer |
Technical Machine(TM)99 | Near the Ace Trainer |
Zygarde Cell | Entrance of the cave after crossing the bridge |
Full Restore | Moving a block out on the left of the area |
Dusk Ball | Moving a block out on the lower right of the area |
Zygarde Cell | Left of the Dusk Ball |
Full Heal | Left of the Black Belt |
Rare Candy | In a cave from a passage under a tree. |
Technical Machine(TM)35 | Further above the rare candy |
Zygarde Cell | Near the shadow of a rock through a shortcut to the deepest part. |
Technical Machine(TM)02 | The deepest section of the cave. |

Trainer Encounters
Name | Pokémon | Reward |
Veteran Trainer | Torkoal Lv.46 Arcanine Lv.46 |
4048pokédollar |
Backpacker | Whimsicott Lv.44 | 1056pokédollar |
Hiker | Archeops Lv.44 Rampardos Lv.44 |
1408pokédollar |
Veteran Trainer | Starmie Lv.46 Shiinotic Lv.46 Talonflame Lv.46 |
4048pokédollar |
Veteran Trainer | Starmie Lv.46 Shiinotic Lv.46 Talonflame Lv.46 |
4048pokédollar |
Ace Trainer | Lilligant Lv.46 Weavile Lv.46 |
3128pokédollar |
Scientist | Muk(Alola)Lv.43 Magnezone Lv.44 |
2112pokédollar |
Punk Girl | Persian(Alola)Lv.44 Honchkrow Lv.44 |
1408pokédollar |
Punk Guy | Pangoro Lv.44 | 1408pokédollar |
Black Belt | Poliwrath Lv.46 | 1408pokédollar |
Ace Trainer | Lapras Lv.47 | 3196pokédollar |
Veteran Trainer | Stoutland Lv.47 Tsareena Lv.47 Klefki Lv.47 |
3196pokédollar |
Veteran Trainer | Granbull Lv.47 Golem(Alola)Lv.47 Gengar Lv.47 Cloyster Lv.47 |
4136pokédollar |
- Enter the Grand Canyon and follow the signposts as you go along.
- Lillie will be attacked by three Murkrow but she will not be afraid to cross the bridge. After that, she will heal your Pokemon.
- You will need to solve another puzzle before climbing the ladder.
Puzzle Stategy:
- Move the block at the top left corner down 2 times
- Move the block below to the right once
- Move the block to the right upwards once

- Meet Mina and you will obtain the Fairium Z Crystal.

- Go under the tree branch to enter the hidden area. Another road leads to the entrance of the Great Canyon which can be used as a shortcut if you ride a Machamp.
Then go further down the deepest part of the area. You will face three trainers on your way there.
10. After reaching the deepest section of the canyon you will be asked to begin the Trial. Select “Yes”. You will be ambushed by two wild encounters so be prepared.

Examine the pedestal to battle the Totem Pokemon.

Totem Pokemon Battle
Name | Level |
Totem Pokémon「Kommo-o」 | Lv.45 |
[Battle Tip]
The Totem Pokemon’s Defense, Sp.Atk and Sp.Def are increased by one stage. It can also call Hakamo-o for help. Since it will have lower Defense when it uses Clanging Scales, it will be good to use Physical attacks against it. The best strategy would be to attack it with Fairy-type moves since it will be taking 4x damage.
Type | Dragon/Fighting |
Move | Call for Family Clanging Scales / Protect Flash Cannon / |
- After defeating the Totem Pokemon, you will obtain the Dragonium Z Crystal.
- Follow Hapu up the stairs to the altar.

- Use the Sun or Moon flute with Lillie. Cosmog will then appear and evolve. You will then enter the Ultra Wormhole.

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