Detailed information about the daily events, conditions, differences of events, presence of events based on In-Game Time in Pokémon Sun and Moon.
Time differences based on Version
The In-Game Time for Pokemon Sun and Moon is based on the time set on the 3DS unit. The corresponding time depends on the version you are playing.
<Time corresponding to version>
Sun | Same Time as the Setting of the 3DS unit |
Moon | It has a 12-hour difference from the 3DS unit |
Times of day
The game has its own time zone which is based on the Time Set on the 3DS. There are five times of day in the world of Pokemon Sun and Moon: Morning, Day, Evening, Night, and Midnight. This can be simplified into two: Day and Night.
Morning | 06:00~ |
Day | 10:00~ |
Evening | 17:00~ |
Night | 18:00~ |
Midnight | 00:00~ |
Conditions that depend on Time Zone
The following are conditions based on time necessary for certain Pokemon to appear or evolve:
Wild Pokémon Encounters
Some Pokemon appear at certain times of the day.
Pokémon Evolutions
Some Pokemon evolve only during Day or Night. Others require additional conditions to be fulfilled such as reaching a certain level on a specific game version, high happiness, holding a specific item, etc.
[List of Pokemon that only evolve in day]
Name | Evolution conditions |
Gumshoos | Yungoos will evolve at level 20 during day time. |
Lycanroc(Midday Form) | (Sun exclusive) Rockruff will evolve at level 25 during day time. |
Espeon | Eevee will evolve when its happiness is high during Day Time |
Lurantis | Fomantis will evolve at level 34 during day time. |
Lucario | Riolu will evolve when its happiness is high during Day Time |
[List of Pokemon that only evolve at night]
Name | Evolution conditions |
Raticate (Alola) | Rattata (Alola) will evolve at level 20 during night time. |
Lycanroc(Midnight Form) | (Moon exclusive) Rockruff will evolve at level 25 during night time. |
Umbreon | Eevee will evolve when its happiness is high during night Time |
Marowak | Cubone will evolve at level 28 during night time. |
Weavile | Sneasel will evolve when it gains a level while holding a Razor Claw during night time. |
Depending on the time of day (Day or Night) Zygarde Cell can be obtained.
Pink Nectar can only be obtained in Day time, and Yellow Nectar can only be obtained in Night time -
BGM changes on certain maps and increase in the capture rate of Dusk Ball when used at night.
Certain Pokemon can only be found with the Poké Finder during specific times of the day.
Dialogue of the Pokémon Center receptionist and delivery staff will vary depending on the time of day, etc.
Daily events
Location Name | Description |
[Festival Plaza] Lottery Ticket Booth |
You can draw a lottery ticket from the booth once a day. |
Common to all the islands
Location・Name | Description |
[Any Malasada Shop] Big Malasada |
You can buy a Big Malasada once a day. This Big Malasada can be used to cure all status ailments. |
[Any Pokémon Center] Pokebeans |
You can obtain pokebeans once a day. If you receive 1 piece, you cannot get another even if it was from a different Pokemon center’s cafe. |
<Daily Sweets obtainable in the Pokemon Center Café>
Monday | Lumiose Galette |
Tuesday | Rage Candy Bar |
Wednesday | Casteliacone |
Thursday | Old Gateau |
Friday | Shalour Sable |
Saturday | Lava Cookie |
Sunday | Sweet Heart |
■Melemele Island
Location Name | Description |
[Hau’oli City] Shopping mall Battle Buffet |
For 1200 pokédollars you can battle trainers for 10 turns once a day. You can obtain an item after battling. |
[Hau’oli City] Alola Tourist Information Center ID lottery |
Inside the tourist information office, you can draw a lottery ticket from the counter on the left. When the ID of the lottery matches the ID of Pokemon in your PC Box, you will obtain a prize. |
〈ID Lottery〉 | |
1st Prize(ID 5 numbers matched) | Master Ball |
2nd Prize(ID 4 numbers matched) | Rare Candy |
3rd Prize(ID 3 numbers matched) | PP Max |
4th Prize(ID 2 numbers matched) | PP Up |
5th Prize(ID 1 number matched) | Moomoo Milk |
■Akala Island
Location Name | Description |
[ Royal avenue] Thrifty Megamart Berries |
If you talk to the clerk who is on the left side of the store, you can get a random berry once a day. You can obtain one of the following: Oran Berry/Sitrus Berry/Mago Berry/Rawst Berry/Bluk Berry/Pinap Berry/Tamato Berry. |
[ Heahea City] Game Freak Director Battle |
After you cleared the game, you can battle Game Director Morimoto once a day. |
[Konikoni City] Lomi Lomi(Pokémon Groomer) |
The Pokémon Groomer can increase the friendship of the Pokemon which is leading the party once a day. |
[Konikoni City] Restaurant Olivia’s treat |
After finishing the Olivia’s Grand Trial, if you request Z set menu special, you can eat it for free once a day. You obtain 4 Heart Scales. |
[Hanoi Resort] Hanoi Beach Cleaning Pyukumuku |
Once a day, you can do part-time to clean the beach of Pyukumuku. Once you are finished, report to the manager to obtain 20,000 pokédollars. |
■Ula’ula Island
Location Name | Description |
[Malie City] Rolling Dreamer Gardenia’s treat |
After finishing the Gardenia’s Grand Trial, if you order Z Kaiki special, you can eat it for free once a day. You obtain 8 Heart Scales. |
■Poni Island
Location Name | Description |
[Seafolk Village] Shipboard restaurant Happu’s treat |
After finishing Hapu’s Grand Trial, if you ask for Z-Noodles, you can eat it for free once a day. You obtain 2 Heart Scales. |
Obtainable Pokémon for each day using the Island Scan
- The QR Code Scanner can read and store up to 100 Points worth of QR Codes scanned. For each scan, you will obtain information regarding the Pokemon’s habitat in the Poke Dex.
- The Pokemon must be obtained within the time limit.
Once you have accumulated 100 points, you can do an Island Scan to obtain a Pokemon for that appears for that particular day.
◆ Melemele Island
Day | Name | Location |
Monday | Totodile | Seaward Cave |
Tuesday | Deino | Ten Carat Hill |
Wednesday | Horsea | Kala’e Bay |
Thursday | Klink | Hau’oli City |
Friday | Chikorita | Route 2 |
Saturday | Litwick | Hau’oli Cemetery |
Sunday | Cyndaquil | Route 3 |
◆Akala Island
Day | Name | Location |
Monday | Spheal | Route 7 |
Tuesday | Luxio | Route 8 |
Wednesday | Honedge | Akala Outskirts |
Thursday | Venipede | Route 4 |
Friday | Bellsprout | Route 5 |
Saturday | Marill | Brooklet Hill |
Sunday | Gothita | Route 6 |
◆Ula’ula Island
Day | Name | Location |
Monday | Swinub | Tapu Village |
Tuesday | Duosion | Route 16 |
Wednesday | Roselia | Ula’Ula Meadow |
Thursday | Staravia | Route 10 |
Friday | Vigoroth | Route 11 |
Saturday | Axew | Mount Hokulani |
Sunday | Rhyhorn | Hoteli Mountain |
◆Poni Island
Day | Name | Location |
Monday | Conkeldurr | Poni Plains ※After Clearing |
Tuesday | Togekiss | Poni Gauntlet ※After Clearing |
Wednesday | Leavanny | Poni Meadow ※After Clearing |
Thursday | Serperior | Exeggutor Island |
Friday | Samurott | Poni Wilds |
Saturday | Emboar | Ancient Poni Path |
Sunday | Eelektross ※After Clearing | Poni Grove ※After Clearing |
Pokemon Sun and Moon Recommended Article List
This article is about Pokemon Sun and Moon. For information about Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon, click below.
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