This article contains details on narrowing down the desired IVs (such as HP and Speed) during battle, as well as the obtainable Legendaries, Ultra Beasts, Guardian Dieties, and some of the currently unobtainable Mythical Pokemon in Pokemon Sun and Moon.
What are Legendary, Pseudo-Legendary, and Mythical Pokemon?
Legendary Pokemon belong to the Undiscovered Egg Group which means these cannot be bred. These Pokemon cannot be used during regular Rating Battles due to the restrictions. In terms of the Main Story, there are only a handful of obtainable Legendaries. Apart from having exceptionally high Base Stats, Legendary Pokemon also have their own Signature Moves.
Similar to Legendary Pokemon, Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon are also part of the undiscovered egg group and only 1 per species exist for each game. Unlike the Legendary Pokemon, Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon are allowed during Rating Battles.
Another type of Legendary Pokemon are the Mythical Pokemon such as Mew and Magearna. These are unobtainable in the Main Story but will be distributed during local and international events through Promotions, and Distributions as Wonder Cards that can be sent to the game by accessing Mystery Gift.
Legendary | Pseudo-Legendary* | Mythical | |
Egg | Cannot Be Bred | Cannot Be Bred | Cannot Be Bred |
Story | Only 1 (Obtainable) | Only 1 (Obtainable) | Unobtainable |
Rating Battle | Restricted | Allowed | Restricted |
Battle Tree | Restricted | Allowed | Restricted |
*For purposes of simplicity this article will categorize the Guardian Dieties and Ultra beasts as Pseudo-legendaries.
Soft Resetting for a Desired Legendary
As mentioned above, Legendary Pokemon and Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon cannot be bred.
Since these two categories of Pokemon cannot be acquired through mass hatching, the only method is to Soft Reset for the desired Individual Values before battling.
The process of resetting for the desired Nature and Individual Values (IVs) of the Legendary and Pseudo-Legendary depends on the way it is obtained: as a gift, or through a battle.
Similar to the previous generation, the Legendary and Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon for Pokemon Sun and Moon have 3 guaranteed 31 IVs chosen at random for every encounter. This means that only 3 more IVs are arbitrary.
The new Hyper Training mechanic introduces a way to obtain 31 IVs on a Pokemon that doesn’t have it. Due to this new mechanic, if Hidden Power Type is not much of a concern, an easier alternative is to farm Bottle Caps for Hyper Training as opposed to Soft Resetting.
The target Legendary and Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon consists of those that have the desired high IVs, and desired Hidden Power Types.
In comparison to the older games, the determination of desired IVs and Hidden Power Types have become easier.
[Related article]
How to Obtain Silver and Gold Bottle Caps
Gift Pokémon
Gift Pokemon include those that are obtainable by talking to the specific NPC. The method involves → triggering the dialogue that transfers the desired Pokemon to your party, checking for the desired Nature and IVs, and resetting if the IVs and nature are not desired. This version now allows Pokemon with Synchronize to work even on Gift Pokemon, therefore it is recommended to lead one with the desired nature.
Type: Null (Silvally)
After you clear the story, head to the second floor of Aether Paradise. Gladion will be at the back of the second floor and when you speak to him, you will obtain a Lv.40 Type: Null.
Type: Null will evolve into Silvally when it levels up with a high friendship.
[Related article]
How to Obtain Type: Null / Silvally
· The following Stats listed indicate that the individual value is 31.
Pokémon | Lv | HP | Attack | Defense | Sp.Atk | Sp.Def | Speed |
Type: Null | 40 | 138 | 102 | 102 | 102 | 102 | 70 |
93 | 93 | 93 | 93 | 64 | |||
83 | 83 | 83 | 83 | 57 |
※ Stats marked in red means that these are increased by the Nature; Stats marked in blue means that these are decreased by the Nature.
Cosmog (Cosmoem / Solgaleo or Lunala)
After finishing the Main Story, it is possible to befriend Cosmog, allowing you to obtain it.
Cosmog will evolve into Cosmoem at Lv.43. Once Cosmoem reaches Lv.53, it will evolve into Solgaleo if your version is Sun, and Lunala if your version is Moon.
[Related article]
How to obtain Cosmog
· The following Stats listed indicate that the individual value is 31.
Pokémon | Lv | HP | Attack | Defense | Sp.Atk | Sp.Def | Speed |
Cosmog | 5 | 20 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 11 |
9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 10 | |||
8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 10 |
※ Stats marked in red means that these are increased by the Nature; Stats marked in blue means that these are decreased by the Nature.
Legendary / Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon that requires a Battle encounter
This section shall provide information on how to effectively capture the desired Pokemon that needs to be battled first.
Solgaleo / Lunala
The Mascots of Pokemon Sun and Moon are obtainable in the Main Story.
[Recommended Nature]
· Solgaleo
Since Solgaleo has a high base Speed stat, the recommended Nature for Solgaleo is Jolly. In the case of running Choice Scarf, an Adamant Nature is also an option to finish off Xerneas and Fairy-Type Arceus. For mixed sets that also depend on Special Attacks, Naive is also recommended. The recommended moves are Fire Blast to counter Ferrothorn and Kartana, Earthquake when dealing with Heatran, and Hidden Power Ice for Landorus.
· Lunala
Similar to Solgaleo, Lunala also has a high Speed among the obtainable Legendary Pokemon. With its Shadow Shield ability, it can tank a hit during the first turn when it’s at maximum HP. Capitalizing on its Speed, a Timid nature is viable. On the other hand, if defenses are preferred, Bold or Calm natures are preferred. Hidden Power Fire is a recommended move as it allows Lunala to strike Steel-Types that resist its Psychic-Type Moves.
[Related article]
How to Obtain Solgaleo (Sun) / How to Obtain Lunala (Moon)
· The following Stats listed indicate that the individual value is 31.
Pokémon | Lv | HP | Attack | Defense | Sp.Atk | Sp.Def | Speed |
Solgaleo | 55 | 232 | 189 | 152 | 160 | 130 | 140 |
172 | 139 | 146 | 119 | 128 | |||
154 | 125 | 131 | 107 | 115 | |||
Lunala | 55 | 232 | 160 | 130 | 189 | 152 | 140 |
146 | 119 | 172 | 139 | 128 | |||
131 | 107 | 154 | 125 | 115 |
※ Stats marked in red means that these are increased by the Nature; Stats marked in blue means that these are decreased by the Nature.
Guardian Dieties
After finishing the game you can battle each of the Tapu’s in their respective Ruins.
You will be challenged by Tapu Koko after you have defeated Professor Kukui. If you defeat it, you can rebattle Tapu Koko at the Ruins of Conflict.
The Tapu will activate its Ability immediately as the battle commences. When several Pokemon appear in one battle, each of their ability activates in order of Speed.
Therefore, certain abilities such as Intimidate can be used to distinguish the desired Pokemon’s Speed before the move is issued on the first turn.
However, be reminded that certain Guardian Dieties have Status condition immunity such as:
Tapu Koko’s partial Electric-Typing makes it immune to paralysis;
Tapu Fini’s Ability which activates Misty Terrain preventing Pokemon from being affected by a Status Condition;
Similarly, Tapu Bulu is immune to Spore due to its Grass Typing.
[Recommended Nature]
· Tapu Koko
With High Base Speed, a recommended nature for Tapu Koko is one that increases Speed in order to check Greninja and other fast Pokemon. Although its Base Attack stat is higher than its Sp. Atk, it has access to the Special Move Dazzling Gleam which benefits from STAB. If you choose to run a Physically-oriented variant, you can opt for Wild Charge, Brave Bird, and U-turn. However, if you prefer to use Special Moves, you can catch one with a Timid nature instead. The recommended Hidden Power Type for Tapu Koko is Fire.
· Tapu Lele
With a Base 95 Speed Stat, a Maximum speed invested non-boosting nature, allows it to outspeed Maximum speed invested Base 81 groups that don’t have the item Choice Scarf.
Some Calculations:
at Lv 50, 31 Speed IV, Modest Tapu Lele (Neutral Nature) Base 95 Speed with 252 Speed EVs = 147 Speed
at Lv 50, 31 Speed IV, Jolly Gyarados (Speed Boosting-Nature) Base 81 Speed with 252 Speed EVs = 146 Speed
It has high Sp. Atk and the Psychic Surge ability which boosts its STAB attacks despite lacking a Sp.Attack boosting nature. Therefore, it is preferred to soft reset for a Speed increasing nature. However, Modest is still viable nature provided that you equip it with a stat boosting item. A good combination is having Effort Values (EVs) invested in HP complemented by an Assault Vest, or Sp. Attack invested EVs while equipped with the Choice Specs. A recommended Hidden Power is Fire to allow it to strike Steel-Types, but usually Focus Blast would suffice.
· Tapu Bulu
Tapu Bulu has powerful STAB coupled with a good typing. In spite of its defenses, it is better to capitalize on attacking and aim for an Adamant nature since it can replenish HP with its STAB move Horn Leech. If you plan on countering specific Pokemon, you can allocate some EVs in Defense and go for a Defensive-oriented nature instead. As for Hidden Power Types, Fire and Ground are recommended choices but these are not necessary.
· Tapu Fini
Recommended natures for Tapu Fini are Modest, Bold, Calm, etc. Since Tapu Fini is versatile in terms of its role, the suggested nature can be adjusted accordingly. The recommended Hidden Power Type for Tapu Fini is Fire.
· The following Stats listed indicate that the individual value is 31.
Pokémon | Lv | HP | Attack | Defense | Sp.Atk | Sp.Def | Speed |
Tapu Koko | 60 | 172 | 177 | 137 | 150 | 124 | 196 |
161 | 125 | 137 | 113 | 179 | |||
144 | 112 | 123 | 101 | 161 | |||
Tapu Lele | 60 | 172 | 137 | 124 | 196 | 177 | 150 |
125 | 113 | 179 | 161 | 137 | |||
112 | 101 | 161 | 144 | 123 | |||
Tapu Bulu | 60 | 172 | 196 | 177 | 137 | 150 | 124 |
179 | 161 | 125 | 137 | 113 | |||
161 | 144 | 112 | 123 | 101 | |||
Tapu Fini | 60 | 172 | 124 | 177 | 150 | 196 | 137 |
113 | 161 | 137 | 179 | 125 | |||
101 | 144 | 123 | 161 | 112 |
※ Stats marked in red means that these are increased by the Nature; Stats marked in blue means that these are decreased by the Nature.
■ Ultra Beast
The Ultra Beasts are obtainable upon completion of certain sub-events during the Post-Game.
Unlike the Guardian Dieties, some of the Ultra Beasts are exclusive to one version. In addition, the order on which you can obtain the available Ultra Beasts is fixed.
Sun only: Buzzwole / Kartana
Moon Limited: Pheromosa / Celesteela
Available in both: Nihilego / Xurkitree / Guzzlord
[Related article]
Ultra Beasts Locations and Strategy
[Recommended Nature]
· Nihilego
It outspeeds Garchomp by 1 base point, which makes Timid the recommended nature. To effectively check Garchomp, it is recommended to go for Hidden Power Ice.
· Buzzwole
Adamant nature is preferred due to its massive Base Attack stat. However, it can invest in a more defensive set with an Impish nature, and take advantage of Beast Boost while replenishing its HP with Leech Life.
· Pheromosa
Possessing an exceptionally high Base 151 Speed, Neutral Speed Pheromosa with at least 244 Speed EVs invested can outspeed Choice Scarf Base 70 Groups with Speed boosting natures and maximum Speed investment, and Base 130 Groups with Speed boosting natures and max Speed investment.
Some Calculations:
at Lv 50, 31 Speed IV, Modest Pheromosa (Neutral Nature) Base 151 Speed with 244 Speed EVs = 202 Speed
at Lv 50, 31 Speed IV, Choice Scarf Timid Politoed (Speed Boosting-Nature) Base 70 Speed with 252 Speed EVs = 134 x1.5 = 201 Speed
at Lv 50, 31 Speed IV, Jolly Mewtwo (Speed Boosting-Nature) Base 130 Speed with 252 Speed EVs = 200 Speed
It is recommended to run Maximum Speed investment with a Speed-increasing nature and allocate some EVs on Special Attack if you suspect that the opponent will be running Choice Scarf on the Singles Format.
As for Hidden Power Types, Rock and Electric are recommended for Pheromosa.
· Xurkitree
If the following Pokemon with base speed similar to: Dragonite, Togekiss, Gyarados, and Milotic, etc. need to be outsped, a Timid nature is suggested. Alternatively, Modest can be chosen when equipped with a Choice Scarf. The recommended Hidden Power Type for Xurkitree is Ice.
· Celesteela
Its Base Attack falls only a few points short of its Sp. Attack, however it is recommended to capitalize on Sp. Attack since it has access to better Special STAB moves.
The suggested nature for Celesteela depends on the role it needs to fulfill in the party. Some good sets to keep in mind are: as a recipient of an ally’s Baton Pass buffs, or as a durable shield. The recommended Hidden Power Type for Celesteela is Ice.
· Kartana
With base 109 Speed, a Jolly nature that is invested in Speed allows Kartana to effectively counter Fighting-Types such as Infernape and Terrakion. Due to the huge gap between its Attack and Sp. Atk base stats, it shouldn’t consider running Special Moves.
· Guzzlord
Due to its possession of a low Base Speed stat, it is fitting to capture one with a Brave nature. The recommended Hidden Power Type for Guzzlord is Ice.
· The following Stats listed indicate that the individual value is 31.
<Buzzwole and Kartana>
Pokémon | Lv | HP | Attack | Defense | Sp.Atk | Sp.Def | Speed |
Buzzwole | 65 | 234 | 225 | 225 | 103 | 103 | 139 |
205 | 205 | 94 | 94 | 127 | |||
184 | 184 | 84 | 84 | 114 | |||
Kartana | 60 | 159 | 264 | 198 | 103 | 66 | 169 |
240 | 180 | 94 | 60 | 154 | |||
216 | 162 | 84 | 54 | 138 |
<Pheromosa and Celesteela>
Pokémon | Lv | HP | Attack | Defense | Sp.Atk | Sp.Def | Speed |
Pheromosa | 60 | 173 | 206 | 74 | 206 | 74 | 224 |
188 | 68 | 188 | 68 | 204 | |||
169 | 61 | 169 | 61 | 183 | |||
Celesteela | 65 | 221 | 171 | 174 | 180 | 171 | 114 |
156 | 159 | 164 | 156 | 104 | |||
140 | 143 | 147 | 140 | 93 |
<Nihilego, Xurkitree, and Guzzlord>
Pokémon | Lv | HP | Attack | Defense | Sp.Atk | Sp.Def | Speed |
Nihilego | 55 | 201 | 88 | 80 | 177 | 182 | 148 |
80 | 73 | 161 | 166 | 135 | |||
72 | 65 | 144 | 149 | 121 | |||
Xurkitree | 65 | 203 | 154 | 128 | 275 | 128 | 146 |
140 | 117 | 250 | 117 | 133 | |||
126 | 105 | 225 | 105 | 119 | |||
Guzzlord | 70 | 413 | 184 | 110 | 178 | 110 | 94 |
168 | 100 | 162 | 100 | 86 | |||
151 | 90 | 145 | 90 | 77 |
※ Stats marked in red means that these are increased by the Nature; Stats marked in blue means that these are decreased by the Nature.
After finishing the Main Story, you can obtain the Ultra Beast Necrozma from Ten Carat Hill once you have unlocked the sub-event. Since it can be found in the patches of grass, it is equivalent to a random encounter. Keep in mind that if the Pokemon on the first slot of the party is around level 20, Necrozma will only appear if you used a Max Repel, etc.
[Recommended Nature]
When comparing its base stats, Necrozma’s Special Attack is better than its Physical. Therefore, if you want to raise a Physical Necrozma, it is recommended to capture one with a Physical oriented nature such as Adamant. It is possible to also run a support set using a Timid or a Bold nature. However, since its Base Speed is neither too high or low, it can opt to go for a Quiet nature and use Trick Room. The recommended Hidden Power Types for Necrozma are Fire and Ice.
· The following Stats listed indicate that the individual value is 31.
Pokémon | Lv | HP | Attack | Defense | Sp.Atk | Sp.Def | Speed |
Necrozma | 75 | 253 | 206 | 196 | 239 | 177 | 160 |
188 | 179 | 218 | 161 | 146 | |||
169 | 161 | 196 | 144 | 131 |
※ Stats marked in red means that these are increased by the Nature; Stats marked in blue means that these are decreased by the Nature.
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How to Capture Necrozma
Determining Individual Values (IVs) during Battle
■ Night Shade / Seismic Toss
Since both moves deal a fixed amount of damage based on the user’s level, it will be easier to determine the Pokemon’s HP stat value (not base stat) using this move.
· If the Desired HP of the target is odd
The level of the Pokemon with Night Shade/ Seismic Toss should be equal to = [(Desired HP real number -1) × 1/2]
It is possible to adjust the damage done using Night Shade or Seismic Toss to the Legendary by using a different level. After the move is used, if the HP color turns yellow, the target’s HP IV is not the desired value.
After the move is used, if the HP color remains green, the target’s HP IV is close to 31.
· If the Desired HP of the target is even
The level of the Pokemon with Night Shade/ Seismic Toss should be equal to = [(Desired HP real number x 1/2) – 1]
It is possible to adjust the damage done using Night Shade or Seismic Toss to the Legendary by using a different level. After the move is used, if the HP color remains green, the target’s HP IV is close to 31.
Example: For the Guardian Dieties, the maximum HP stat at level 60 is 172 when it has an IV of 30~31, while it is 171 if the IV is 29.
Using a level 85 Pokemon’s Night Shade or Seismic Toss, if the opponent’s HP remains green, this means that the Pokemon’s HP is still more than half of its maximum. In other words, the HP stat is 171+, therefore the target’s IV can range from 29~31.
■ Download
The ability Download’s effect depends on which stat is higher: Defense or Sp. Defense.
If the target’s Defense is higher than the Sp. Defense, the effect of Download will raise its Sp. Atk; whereas if the target’s Sp. Defense is higher than its Defense, the ability’s effect will raise its Attack instead.
Through the ability’s effect, it is possible to determine the target’s IVs.
Example: In terms of Base Stats, Tapu Koko’s Defense is higher than its Sp. Defense. Therefore, if Download’s effect raises the user’s Attack, it can be deduced that Tapu Koko’s defense is significantly low.
■ Speed Evaluation
To obtain desired Speed IV of 30~31, it can be simplified using the equation:
The level of the player’s Pokemon should be equal to = [Desired Speed Stat of opponent -1]
During the battle, if the target moves first, the opponent’s Speed IV might be 31.
■ Prankster + Pain Split
Pain Split is a Move that combines the Total HP of the Pokémon that used it and the the Pokemon’s and halves the total.
As soon as the battle starts, unless the target strikes before this Pokémon which has Pain Split, you can tell if the target has a desired HP IV or not. Check if Sableye’s HP is the same after it has used Pain Split, if it goes down then the Pokémon’s HP is not the desired HP IV.
This is why the ability Prankster is recommended when using Pain Split because the ability will increase Pain Split’s priority level.
By the second turn, you should use a non Status Move, and if the the Pokémon moves first, that Pokemon has the desired Speed IV.
Recommended Pokemon that can use the combination of Ability Prankster and move Pain Split are Sableye and Mega Banette.
Bear in mind that these two Pokemon can only learn Pain Split through a Tutor Move that can only be obtained by transferring a Pokemon from the old versions.
■ Berries + Fling etc.
The following Berries are held items that when eaten by a Pokemon, it may cause confusion if the flavor is disliked by the nature.
The table summarizes the following natures that will be confused when the held Berry is thrown at the target using Fling, etc.
Berries | Natures that will become confused |
Figy Berry
(spicy) |
Modest/Timid/Naive/Bold |
Wiki Berry
(dry) |
Jolly/Careful/Impish |
Mago Berry
(sweet) |
Brave/Quiet/Sassy/Relaxed |
Aguav Berry
(bitter) |
Naughty/Rash/Naive/Lax |
Iapapa Berry
(sour) |
Lonely/Mild/Hasty/Gentle |
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Recommended Pokémon when capturing the desired target
■ Abra (Ability: Synchronize)
It can be found in the tall grass areas of Hau’oli City early in the game. When placed at the first slot of the party, it encourages the target to appear with the desired nature.
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How to Obtain an Abra
■ Porygon (Ability: Download)
You will receive Porygon from one of the staff at the Aether Paradise after completing the main storyline. As mentioned above, the Download ability gives you a rough estimate of the target’s desired IVs.
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How to Obtain Porygon
Recommended Pokémon for Capturing
■ Parasect
It will be able to learn Spore and False Swipe which can be effective in capturing Pokemon. Contrary to Breloom, Parasect is obtainable in Pokemon Sun and Moon. It can be obtained by evolving Paras. Paras spawns at Route 11, Brooklet Hill, etc.
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Pokemon Sun and Moon Recommended Article List
This article is about Pokemon Sun and Moon. For information about Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon, click below.
This list is very handy, thanks for putting in the effort to give everyone these numbers. One small inaccuracy is the neutral nature SpD for Lunala, it’s max should be 139 instead of 134. This is from the Lunala I caught so i assume that would mean Solgaleo’s neutral nature defense max should be 139 as well. Thanks again for the info.
Thank you for taking the time to read it, we’ve updated the stats again, thanks for the correction.
Useful stuff here, the max stats were quite handy. I usually calculate them myself but it’s good to have them all in one place. Just one small error: Buzzwole’s max speed for neutral nature should be 127
Hi pokestokes! Thanks for the helping us out. We will be revising this shortly, thank you for the correction!