Persona 3 Reload - Best Personas for Late Game

Best Personas for late game in Persona 3 Reload (P3RE, Persona 3 Remake), including recommended Personas to get or fuse during the late stages of the main story, each Persona's unique characteristics and traits, elemental affinities, skills, how to fuse, required fusion materials, and other useful tips.

Persona 3 Reload - Best Personas for Late Game

Best Personas for Late Game in Persona 3 Reload (P3RE)

Recommended Personas for the Late Stages

Persona Notable Features
  • Access to the best Light-type instant kill attacks (Hamaon and Samsara) with increased success rate from Hama Boost
  • Has Null Dark (completely negates Dark weakness)
  • Blocks Light skills.
Arcana Hierophant
  • Access to the best Dark-type instant kill skill (Die for Me!) with increased success rate through Mudo Boost
  • Extremely versatile kit with SP drain, all-target defense debuff, and can inflict Fear.
Arcana Death
  • Access to the best single-target Elec skill (Thunder Reign) with damage greatly boosted through Elec Amp.
  • Access to strong single- and all-target Elec skills.
  • Extremely efficient with SP thanks to Spell Master skill.
Arcana Emperor
  • Access to one of the best all-target Strike skills in the game (Vicious Strike)
  • Has automatic party-wide attack buff (Auto-Matarukaja)
  • Greatly increased damage of Elec skills from Elec Amp
  • Further increased damage potential outside of turn with strong counter move (High Counter) that has high activation chance.
Arcana Chariot
  • Access to the best single-target Fire skill (Ragnarok) with damage boosted greatly from Fire Amp
  • Access to powerful all-target Slash skill (Deathbound)
  • Yields Blazing Flame (Conception Heart Item) which nullifies Fire damage.
Arcana Magician

Daisoujou (Hierophant)

Daisoujou Persona Overview

Daisoujou is the strongest Light Persona in the game, having access to the extremely powerful instant death Light skills Hamaon and Samsara. The success chance of wiping out targets using these abilities is further boosted by Hama Boost (passive skill), allowing Daisoujou to wipe out the entire enemy team as well as certain mini bosses that are not immune to the instant death effect.

Leveling up Daisoujou to 58 grants it Null Dark which completely eliminates its weakness to Dark damage. This means that Dark-type instant death skills used by enemies will not affect Daisoujou himself.

Persona 3 Reload Daisoujou Persona Guide: Stats and Skills

Daisoujou Persona Elemental Affinities

Elemental Affinities
Strike Slash Pierce Fire Ice
Electricity Wind Light Darkness Almighty
Block Weak

Daisoujou Persona Skills

Affinity Skill Skill Effect Level
Light Hamaon High chance of instant death (Light) on a single enemy. Initial
Recovery Diarahan Fully recovers a single ally’s HP Initial
Passive Growth 3 Gains EXP even when not active. Initial
Light Samsara Very high chance of instant death (Light) on a single enemy. 56
Passive Null Dark Nullifies damage caused by Dark skills. 58
Passive Hama Boost Increases success rate of Light magic skills. 59

Daisoujou Persona Fusion

Fusion Type Materials
Normal Fusion Saturnus + Odin

Alice (Death)

Alice Persona Overview

Alice is the game’s best Dark Persona who uses a unique and uninheritable Dark skill that can trigger instant death to all enemies in battle. Her ability to wipe out foes in one turn is further increased thanks to Mudo Boost which she learns at level 62.

These skills essentially make her the Dark-type counterpart to Daisoujou, though Alice also boasts access to useful debuffs, an SP drain attack, and being able to reflect Dark skills rather than nullifying them.

Despite her superior utility over Daisoujou, Alice does not have any convenient means to go around her weakness to Light damage. Because of this, you will need to resort to using Skill Cards and gear to protect Alice from Light-based attacks, especially those that apply instant death.

Persona 3 Reload Alice Persona Guide: Stats and Skills

Alice Persona Elemental Affinities

Elemental Affinities
Strike Slash Pierce Fire Ice
Electricity Wind Light Darkness Almighty
Weak Reflect

Alice Persona Skills

Affinity Skill Skill Effect Level
Ailment Evil Touch Inflicts Fear on a 1 enemy. Initial
Almighty Spirit Drain Absorb SP from a 1 enemy. Initial
Darkness Die for Me! Very high chance of instant death (Dark) on all enemies. 59
Support Marakunda Lowers the defense of all enemies for a certain number of turns. 60
Passive Repel Dark Reflects damage caused by Dark skills. 61
Passive Mudo Boost Increases success rate of Dark magic skills. 62

Alice Persona Fusion

Fusion Type Materials
Normal Fusion Pixie + Lilim + Narcissus + Titania

Odin (Emperor)

Odin Persona Overview

The strongest Elec Persona Odin uses its fearsome Thunder Reign attack to deal massive Electric damage to a single target. The skill also has a good chance to apply Shock which effectively shuts down the enemy’s actions in battle.

Odin gains even more damage output upon learning Elec Amp at level 60, making him a force to be respected even by bosses with Elec resistance.

For dealing with groups of Shadows, Odin can throw out Maziodyne which is not as powerful as Thunder Reign but is capable of applying Shock to an entire enemy team.

Odin also has Spell Master that halves his SP consumption when using magic skills. This allows him to constantly spam his fearsome Electric attacks and keep the pressure going for longer before the foe can reapply buffs or use healing skills in battle.

Persona 3 Reload Odin Persona Guide: Stats and Skills

Odin Persona Elemental Affinities

Elemental Affinities
Strike Slash Pierce Fire Ice
Weak Absorb
Electricity Wind Light Darkness Almighty
Absorb Weak

Odin Persona Skills

Affinity Skill Skill Effect Level
Electricity Ziodyne Heavy Electric damage to a single enemy. Chance to inflict Shock. Initial
Pierce Vile Assault Heavy Pierce damage to a single enemy. Increased damage to downed foes. Initial
Electricity Maziodyne Heavy Electric damage to all enemies. Chance to inflict Shock. Initial
Passive Elec Amp The power of Electric skills is greatly increased. 60
Electricity Thunder Reign Severe Electric damage to a single enemy. Chance to inflict Shock. 63
Passive Spell Master SP cost when using magic skills is halved 65

Odin Persona Fusion

Fusion Type Materials
Normal Fusion Cybele + Melchizedek

Thor (Chariot)

Thor Persona Overview

Thor is one of the best pure attacker Personas overall during the late-game stages with its extremely powerful all-target Strike skill Gigantic Fist while having an option to deal high Elec damage with Ziodyne. His damage output further goes up with Heavy Master and Elec Amp, solidifying his role as an offensive monster in any team.

In addition to Thor’s tremendous damage potential, he also has the valuable Auto-Matarukaja skill that sets up an attack buff for the party at the start of battle.

Lastly, Thor can even stack additional damage outside of his turn with High Counter that has a reliable chance to activate when he is about to be hit with Physical attacks.

Persona 3 Reload Thor Persona Guide: Stats and Skills

Thor Persona Elemental Affinities

Elemental Affinities
Strike Slash Pierce Fire Ice
Electricity Wind Light Darkness Almighty
Block Weak

Thor Persona Skills

Affinity Skill Skill Effect Level
Electricity Ziodyne Heavy Electric damage to 1 enemy. Chance to inflict Shock. Initial
Strike Gigantic Fist Heavy Strike damage to 1 enemy. Initial
Passive High Counter High chance to counter Physical attacks. Initial
Passive Auto-Mataru Automatic Matarukaja at the start of battle. 55
Passive Elec Amp The power of Electric skills is greatly increased. 59
Passive Heavy Master Increased damage dealt by Bludgeon by x2. 60

Thor Persona Fusion

Fusion Type Materials
Normal Fusion Mara + Futsunushi

Surt (Magician)

Surt Persona Overview

Surt is the best Persona for dealing the most single-target Fire damage, owing to its fearsome Ragnarok skill. Surt enjoys a wide arsenal of offensive abilities that target one ore more enemies with Physical and Magic damage. These traits allow him to make quick work of most regular enemies encountered during the late-stages.

Getting Surt also affords you the benefit of getting its Blazing Flame Heart Item via Conception. This is an extremely useful item for Mitsuru as it can nullify Fire damage, essentially eliminating her weakness to it in battle.

Persona 3 Reload Surt Persona Guide: Stats and Skills

Surt Persona Elemental Affinities

Elemental Affinities
Strike Slash Pierce Fire Ice
Absorb Weak
Electricity Wind Light Darkness Almighty

Surt Persona Skills

Affinity Skill Skill Effect Level
Fire Agidyne Heavy Fire damage to 1 enemy. Innate
Slash Deathbound  Heavy Slash damage to all enemies. Innate
Passive Fire Boost Increase damage of Fire attacks.. Innate
Fire Maragidyne Heavy Fire damage to all enemies. 52
Fire Ragnarok Severe Fire damage to 1 enemy. 56
Passive Fire Amp Greatly increase damage of Fire attacks. 57

Surt Persona Fusion

Fusion Type Materials
Normal Fusion Kumbhanda + Suzaku

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