Persona 3 Reload Walkthrough Guides by Month
Month of April | Month of May |
Month of June | Month of July |
Month of August | Month of September |
Month of October | Month of November |
Month of December | Month January |
Walkthrough and Guide for the Month of August in Persona 3 Reload (P3RE)
- The information provided in this guide is based on our ongoing gameplay experience. Please note that details may change as we continue to play and confirm information in-game.
- Please check back regularly for updates as we are still in the process of developing a 100% completion walkthrough for the game.
- We recommend that you save your game at specific moments in the main story or before leaving the Tartarus Entrance.
Here is our Persona 3 Reload: Episode Aigis (Persona 3 Remake, P3R) storyline walkthrough and guide for the month of August. It contains recommended real world and dark hour-related activities for the Protagonist organized per day.
Persona 3 Reload Walkthroughs by Month
August Walkthrough
August 1st
8/1 (Saturday) |
Evening |
August 2nd
8/2 (Sunday) |
Evening |
August 3rd
8/3 (Monday) |
Daytime |
Evening |
Dark Hour |
August 4th
8/4 (Tuesday) |
Daytime |
Evening |
August 5th
8/5 (Wednesday) |
Daytime |
Evening |
August 6th
8/6 (Thursday) |
Dark Hour |
August 7th
8/7 (Friday) |
Daytime |
Evening |
Dark Hour |
August 8th
8/8 (Saturday) |
Daytime |
Evening |
August 9th
8/9 (Sunday) |
Daytime |
Evening |
August 10th – August 14th
8/10 (Monday) – 8/14 (Friday) |
Daytime |
August 15th
8/15 (Saturday) |
Daytime |
Evening |
August 16th
8/16 (Sunday) |
Daytime |
August 17th
8/17 (Monday) |
Daytime |
Evening |
August 18th
8/18 (Tuesday) |
Daytime |
Evening |
August 19th
8/19 (Wednesday) |
Daytime |
Evening |
August 20th
8/20 (Thursday) |
Daytime |
Evening |
August 21st
8/21 (Friday) |
Daytime |
Evening |
August 22nd
8/22 (Saturday) |
Daytime |
Evening |
August 23rd
8/23 (Sunday) |
Daytime |
Evening |
August 24th
8/24 (Monday) |
Daytime |
Evening |
August 25th
8/25 (Tuesday) |
Daytime |
Evening |
August 26th
8/26 (Wednesday) |
Daytime |
Evening |
August 27th
8/27 (Thursday) |
Daytime |
Evening |
August 28th
8/28 (Friday) |
Daytime |
Evening |
August 29th
8/29 (Saturday) |
Daytime |
Evening |
August 30th
8/30 (Sunday) |
Daytime |
Evening |
August 31st
8/31 (Monday) |
Daytime |
Evening |
← P3RE July Walkthrough | P3RE September Walkthroughs → |
Other Walkthroughs and Dungeon Guides

The Journey (Main Story) Walkthroughs and Guides

▼All P3R The Journey Walkthroughs by Month
Month of April | Month of May |
Month of June | Month of July |
Month of August | Month of September |
Month of October | Month of November |
Month of December | Month January |
The Answer (Epilogue) Walkthroughs and Guides

▼All P3R The Answer Walkthroughs by Month
Month of March | Episode Aigis: The Answer Guide |
Tartarus Dungeon Guides

Tartarus Dungeon Guides by Blocks
▼All P3R Tartarus Dungeon Guides
Thebel Block (2F - 16F) | Arqa Block (17F - 64F) |
Yabbashah Block (65F - 114F) | Tziah Block (115F - 164F) |
Harabah Block (165F - 214F) | Adamah Block (215F - 263F) |
Monad Depths (+10F) |
Abyss of Time Dungeon Guides

Abyss of Time Dungeon Guides by Doors
▼All P3R Abyss of Time Dungeon Guides
P3R: Episode Aigis Abyss of Time Dungeon List and Guides
Persona 3 Reload Recommended Article List

Other Persona 3 Reload (P3R) Guides
▼All P3R Game Guides
Beginner Guides

Basic Information
▼All P3R Basic Information
Pre-Order Bonuses | Game Editions |
Game Difficulty | Game Controls |
Game Differences (from P3 Games) | Gameplay Features (New Features) |
Permanent Events and Missables | Save Data Rewards |
PC System Requirements and Specs | Platform and System Differences |
Cross Save Features | How Long to Beat |
DLC List and Information | Voice Actor List |
Strategy Guides

Useful Information
▼All P3R Useful Information
Tier List Guides
▼All P3R Tier List Guides
Social Stats Guides
▼All P3R Social Stat Guides
Social Stat List and Guide | Social Links Gift List and Guide |
How to Increase Social Stats | How to Increase Academics |
How to Increase Courage | How to Increase Charm |
Romance Guides
▼All P3R Romance Guides
Romance Option List and Guide | How to Romance Characters |
How to Romance Yukari | How to Romance Fuuka |
How to Romance Mitsuru | How to Romance Aigis |
How to Romance Chihiro | How to Romance Yuko |
Facility Guides
▼All P3R Facility Guides
Facility List and Locations | Tatsumi Police Station Guide |
Aohige Pharmacy Guide | Mayoido Antiques Guide |
Be Blue V Guide | Arcade Guide |
Game Database

Character Weapons
▼All P3R Character Weapons
Protagonist Weapons | Yukari Takeba Weapons |
Junpei Iori Weapons | Akihiko Sanada Weapons |
Mitsuru Kirijo Weapons | Aigis Weapons |
Koromaru Weapons | Ken Amada Weapons |
Shinjiro Aragaki Weapons | - |
Character Armor and Equipment
▼All P3R Character Armor and Equipment
Unisex Armor | Male Armor |
Female Armor | Shoes and Legs |
Aigis Armor | Koromaru Armor |
Accessories | - |
Request 58 student is at port island station, not the strip mall
Missing activity during the daytime on 8/4