All Magic Skills in Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster
Below is a list of all magic or elemental skills in Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster. Skills are grouped by type.
Fire Skills
Skill | Effect | Skill Cost | Target | Accessed by |
Agi | Light fire damage to a single enemy. | 3 MP | Single | Choronzon (Innate) Hua Po (Innate) Preta (5) Pyro Jack (Innate) |
Agilao | Moderate fire damage to a single enemy. | 6 MP | Single | Dis (Innate) Flaemis (24) Pyro Jack (22) Zouchou (Innate) |
Agidyne | Heavy fire damage to a single enemy. | 10 MP | Single | Dakini (55) Efreet (Innate) Odin (Innate) Okuninushi (41) Sati (Innate) |
Maragi | Light fire damage to all enemies. | 8 MP | All | Bicorn (16) Flaemis (Innate) Hua Po (10) Pyro Jack (Innate) |
Maragion | Moderate fire damage to all enemies. | 15 MP | All | Baphomet (35) Berith (39) Dionysus (Innate) Kushinada (42) Sakahagi (Innate) |
Maragidyne | Heavy fire damage to all enemies. | 25 MP | All | Dionysus (48) Efreet (55) Mot (Innate) Mothman B (Innate) Odin (70) Sati (49) Trumpeter (Innate) |
Fire Breath | Light fire damage to random enemies. | 9 MP | Multi | Chimera (Innate) Choronzon (12) Feng Huang (Innate) Inugami (Innate) Mothman (46) Orthrus (Innate) Titan (53) Shiranui (9) |
Hell Fire | Medium fire damage to random enemies. | 20 MP | Multi | Berith (42) Cerberus (64) Rangda (75) Surt (Innate) Gehenna (33) |
Prominence | Heavy fire damage to random enemies. | 30 MP | Multi | Amaterasu (Innate) Bishamon (73) Efreet (57) Samael (Innate) Throne (Innate) Vishnu (94) White Rider (Innate) |
Ragnarok | Mega fire damage to a single enemy. *Surt’s exclusive skill |
30 MP | Single | Surt (78) |
Hell Burner | Heavy fire damage to all enemies. *Hell Biker’s exclusive skill |
8 MP | All | Hell Biker (Innate) |
Magma Axis | Mega fire damage to a single enemy. *(Demi-fiend only) |
30% HP | Single | Gehenna (65) |
Ice Skills
Skill | Effect | Skill Cost | Target | Accessed by |
Bufu | Light ice damage to a single enemy. May cause freeze. | 3 MP | Single | Datsue-Ba (9) Fomor (Innate) Jack Frost (Innate) |
Bufula | Moderate ice damage to a single enemy. May cause freeze. | 6 MP | Single | Aquans (19) Forneus (21) Gui Xian (25) Mizuchi (Innate) |
Bufudyne | Heavy ice damage to a single enemy. May cause freeze. | 10 MP | Single | Atropos (Innate) Baihu (47) Jikoku (54) Oberon (50) Odin (Innate) Sui-Ki (64) |
Mabufu | Light ice damage to all enemies. May cause freeze. | 8 MP | All | Aquans (16) Fomor (22) Jack Frost (8) Unicorn (Innate) |
Mabufula | Moderate ice damage to all enemies. May cause freeze. | 15 MP | All | Arahabaki (31) Cai-Zhi (30) Forneus (25) Mizuchi (Innate) Sakahagi (Innate) Troll (39) |
Mabufudyne | Heavy ice damage to all enemies. May cause freeze. | 25 MP | All | Abaddon (70) Black Frost (Innate) Hresvelgr (Innate) Loki (Innate) Mothman B (Innate) Odin (69) Pale Rider (Innate) Trumpeter (Innate) |
Ice Breath | Light ice damage to random enemies. May cause freeze. | 9 MP | Multi | Baihu (Innate) Gui Xian (28) Isora (17) Jack Frost (10) Long (47) Nue (32) Wadatsumi (7) |
Glacial Blast | Heavy ice damage to random enemies. May cause freeze. | 25 MP | Multi | Barong (63) Black Rider (Innate) Nyx (73) Quetzalcoatl (Innate) Sui-Ki (Innate) Titania (Innate) Miasma (52) |
Electricity Skills
Skill | Effect | Skill Cost | Target | Accessed by |
Zio | Light electric damage to a single enemy. May cause shock. | 3 MP | Single | Aeros (Innate) Erthys (Innate) High Pixie (Innate) Pixie (Innate) Shikigami (Innate) |
Zionga | Moderate electric damage to a single enemy. May cause shock. | 6 MP | Singe | Minakata (Innate) Naga (32) Raiju (Innate) Taraka (24) |
Ziodyne | Heavy electric damage to a single enemy. May cause shock. | 10 MP | Single | Atropos (Innate) Gabriel (Innate) Mikazuchi (Innate) Oberon (51) Phantom (47) Queen Mab (Innate) Thor (Innate) Yurlungur (Innate) |
Mazio | Light electric damage to all enemies. May cause shock. | 8 MP | All | Apsaras (9) Erthys (11) Lilim (12) Minakata (Innate) Yaka (18) |
Mazionga | Moderate electric damage to all enemies. May cause shock. | 15 MP | All | Feng Huang (39) Mikazuchi (49) Phantom (43) Pisaca (33) Sakahagi (Innate) Saki Mitama (38) Shadow (53) Virtue (44) |
Maziodyne | Heavy electric damage to all enemies. May cause shock. | 25 MP | All | Beelzebub (Innate) Beelzebub Fly (Innate) Gabriel (Innate) Lilith (Innate) Mothman B (Innate) Pixie U (Innate) Queen Mab (61) The Harlot (Innate) Thor (78) Trumpeter (Innate) |
Shock | Light electric damage to random enemies. May cause shock. | 9 MP | Multi | Girimehkala (60) Mikazuchi (Innate) Raiju (27) Raja Naga (39) Shiisaa (Innate) Narukami (21) |
Bolt Storm | Heavy electric damage to random enemies. May cause shock. | 25 MP | Multi | Barong (Innate) Gurr (67) Jikoku (57) Red Rider (56) Shiva (96) Yurlungur (Innate) Adama (60) |
Roundtrip | Heavy electric damage to all enemies. May cause shock. *Dante’s exclusive skill. |
25 MP | All | Dante (Innate) |
Mishaguji Raiden | Heavy electric damage to all enemies. 15% chance of causing shock. *Raidou Kuzunoha the XIV’s exclusive skill. |
25 MP | All | Raidou Kuzunoha the XIV (Innate) |
Force Skills
Skill | Effect | Skill Cost | Target | Accessed by |
Zan | Light force damage to a single enemy. | 3 MP | Single | Kodama (Innate) Mou-Ryo (8) Sudama (Innate) Will o’ Wisp (2) Zhen (Innate) |
Zanma | Moderate force damage to a single enemy. | 6 MP | Singe | Blob (20) Koppa (24) Principality (Innate) |
Zandyne | Heavy force damage to a single enemy. | 10 MP | Single | Atropos (Innate) Cu Chulainn (53) Fuu-Ki (Innate) Gurr (Innate) Jinn (Innate) Sparna (Innate) |
Mazan | Light force damage to all enemies. | 8 MP | All | Matador (Innate) Mou-Ryo (11) Sudama (14) Uzume (Innate) Zhen (10) |
Mazanma | Moderate force damage to all enemies. | 15 MP | All | Jinn (Innate) Koumoku (Innate) Sakahagi (Innate) Saki Mitama (36) Sarasvati (33) Senri (28) Shikome (Innate) |
Mazandyne | Heavy force damage to all enemies. | 25 MP | All | Fuu-Ki (Innate) Gurr (Innate) Jikoku (56) Mot (Innate) Mothman B (Innate) Purski (53) Scathach (Innate) Sparna (55) Trumpeter (Innate) |
Wing Buffet | Light force damage to random enemies. (Demons with wings only) |
9 MP | Multi | Archangel (21) Badb Catha (25) Feng Huang (Innate) High Pixie (Innate) Hresvelgr (Innate) Incubus (Innate) Karasu Koppa (Innate) Pixie (6) Zhen (9) |
Tornado | Heavy force damage to random enemies. | 25 MP | Multi | Gogmagog (Innate) Karasu (33) Oberon (49) Hifumi (17) |
Wind Cutter | Mega force damage to a single enemy. | 13 MP | Single | Garuda (66) Gurr (66) Kurama (42) Red Rider Scathach (69) Yatagarasu (47) Yurlungur (70) Gundari (64) |
Hell Exhaust | Moderate force damage to all enemies that removes all -kaja effects. *Hell Biker’s exclusive skill. |
15 MP | All | Hell Biker (43) |
Wet Wind | Moderate force damage to all enemies. May cause stun. *Pazuzu’s exclusive skill. |
25 MP | All | Pazuzu (49) |
Whirlwind | Heavy force damage to all enemies. *Dante’s exclusive skill. |
25 MP | Multi | Dante (Innate) |
Hitokoto Storm | Heavy force damage to all enemies. *Raidou Kuzunoha the XIV’s exclusive skill. |
25 MP | Multi | Raidou Kuzunoha the XIV (Innate) |
Almighty Skills
Skill | Effect | Skill Cost | Target | Accessed by |
Deathtouch | Drains a small amount of HP from the enemy. | 5 MP | Single | Black Ooze (30) Legion (Innate) Mou-Ryo (9) Preta (6) Slime (Innate) Will o’ Wisp (4) Yaka (Innate) |
Mana Drain | Drains a small amount of MP from the enemy. | 2 MP | Single | Black Ooze (31) Black Rider (62) Blob (19) Lilith (81) Nyx (72) Phantom (Innate) Shadow (54) Anathema (28) |
Life Drain | Drains a small amount of HP and MP from the enemy. | 10 MP | Single | Incubus (29) Pisaca (30) Pisaca B (Innate) Rakshasa (64) Succubus (40) Tao Tie (66) |
Megido | Moderate almighty damage to all enemies. | 30 MP | All | Decarabia (63) Ongyo-Ki (82) Preta B Rakshasa (67) Shiki-Ouji (58) Tao Tie (Innate) Kailash (75) |
Megidola | Heavy almighty damage to all enemies. | 37 MP | All | Atropos (72) Black Rider (64) Lilith (84) Mithra (Innate) Preta B (Innate) Uriel (76) Kailash (84) |
Megidolaon | Mega almighty damage to all enemies. | 50 MP | All | Beelzebub (Innate) Beelzebub Fly (Innate) Black Rider (66) Metatron (Innate) Michael (94) Mot (95) Mothman B (Innate) Pixie U (Innate) Preta B (Innate) Shiva (98) Trumpeter (80) Masakados (1) |
Meditation | Drains a moderate amount of HP and MP from the enemy. *Daisoujou’s exclusive skill |
10 MP | Single | Daisoujou (Innate) |
Beast Roar | Heavy almighty damage to all enemies and user restores a little HP. *Mother Harlot’s exclusive skill. |
37 MP | All | The Harlot (72) |
Pestilence | Moderate almighty damage to all enemies. Instant death to enemies already inflicted with poison. *Pale Rider’s exclusive skill. |
16 MP | All | Pale Rider (Innate) |
Death Flies | Mega almighty damage to all enemies. Causes instant death to any enemy not immune to Death. *Beelzebub’s exclusive skill. |
50 MP | All | Beelzebub Fly (96) |
Fire of Sinai | Mega almighty damage to random enemies. *Metatron’s exclusive skill. |
50 MP | Single | Metatron (97) |
Evil Melody | Instantly kills the enemy or ally with the lowest HP. Ineffective on boss enemies. *Trumpeter’s exclusive skill. |
1 MP | Universal | Trumpeter (81) |
Showtime | Heavy almighty damage to all enemies. *Dante’s exclusive skill. |
40 MP | All | Dante (84) |
Tekisatsu | Medium almighty damage of high critical rate and chance of instant kill to one foe. *Raidou Kuzunoha the XIV’s exclusive skill. |
12% HP | Single | Raidou Kuzunoha the XIV (82) |
Jiraiya Dance | Heavy almighty damage to all foes. *Raidou Kuzunoha the XIV’s exclusive skill. |
40 MP | All | Raidou Kuzunoha the XIV (84) |
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