All Miscellaneous Race Demons in Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster
Here is a list of demons under the Other Alignment Miscellaneous Race in Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne: HD Remaster (SMT 3: Nocturne). They are organized by their alignment, demon race, and base levels from the game.
Demon | Base Level | Race | Base Stats | Weaknesses | Location |
Lucifer | Lv.99 | Devil | ST 40, MA 40, VI 40, AG 40, LU 40 | None | – |
Flauros (Hallel) | Lv.70 | Hallel | ST 35, MA 15, VI 30, AG 18, LU 14 | None | – |
Ose (Hallel) | Lv.40 | Hallel | ST 25, MA 15, VI 20, AG 22, LU 20 | None | – |
Kagutsuchi | Lv.85 | Light | ST 30, MA 34, VI 29, AG 18, LU 15 | None | – |
Manikin | Lv.13 | Corpus | ST 7, MA 5, VI 1, AG 7, LU 7 | None | – |
Raidou Kuzunoha the XIV | Lv.80 | Summoner | ST 25, MA 22, VI 22, AG 25, LU 16 | None | – |
Dante | Lv.80 | Demi-fiend | ST 25, MA 22, VI 22, AG 25, LU 16 | None | – |
← Fiend Race Demons |
Demonic Compendium

Light Alignment Magatamas
▼All Light Alignment Magatamas
Ankh | Iyomante |
Narukami | Nirvana |
Geis | Kamurogi |
Sophia | Adama |
Neutral Alignment Magatamas
▼All Neutral Alignment Magatamas
Wadatsumi | Hifumi |
Kamudo | Murakumo |
Muspell | Gehenna |
Vimana | Kailash |
Dark Alignment Magatamas
▼All Dark Alignment Magatamas
Marogareh | Shiranui |
Anathema | Miasma |
Djed | Satan |
Gaea | Gundari |
Special Alignment Magatama
▼All Special Alignment Magatamas
Masakados | - |

Light Alignment Demons
▼All Light Alignment Demons
Neutral Alignment Demons
▼All Neutral Alignment Demons
Beast Demons | Brute Demons |
Divine Demons | Fairy Demons |
Fallen Demons | Femme Demons |
Jirae Demons | Night Demons |
Snake Demons | Yoma Demons |
Dark Alignment Demons
▼All Dark Alignment Demons
Foul Demons | Haunt Demons |
Raptor Demons | Tyrant Demons |
Vile Demons | Wilder Demons |
Other Alignment Demons
▼All Other Alignment Demons
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