All Support Skills in Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster
Below is a list of support or elemental skills in Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster (SMT 3: Nocturne). Skills are grouped by type.
Battle Support Skills
Skill | Effect | Skill Cost | Target | Accessed by |
Analyze | Shows enemy data. | 2 MP | Self | Ara Mitama (Innate), Decarabia (Innate), Ikusa (Innate), Isora (Innate), Kusi Mitama (Innate), Lilim (9), Nigi Mitama (Innate), Saki Mitama (Innate), Succubus (Innate), Taraka (Innate), Marogareh (4) |
Estoma | Reduces Encounter rate until New Kagutsuchi. | 10 MP | Self | Archangel (20), Gui Xian (26), Oni (27), Pisaca B (Innate), Setanta (Innate) |
Riberama | Increases Encounter rate until New Kagutsuchi. | 8 MP | Self | Eligor (32), Forneus (Innate), Pisaca B (Innate), Will o’ Wisp (3), Yaksini (Innate) |
Lightoma | Illuminates dark areas until New Kagutsuchi. Cannot be used in areas with natural light. | 10 MP | Self | Pisaca B (Innate), Raiju (Innate), Sarutahiko (Innate), Troll (42) |
Liftoma | Levitates party to avoid damage surfaces until New Kagutsuchi. | 12 MP | Self | Badb Catha (Innate), Feng Huang (Innate), Horus (41), Pisaca B (Innate) |
Makatora | Shares 10 MP with one ally. | 10 MP | Self | Dis (26), Koppa (22), Sati (50), Sudama (16) |
Trafuri | 100% Guaranteed escape for normal battles. | 25 MP | Self | Choronzon (14), Decarabia (62), High Pixie (15), Lachesis (68), Loki (55), Mothman (44), Pisaca B (Innate) |
Beckon Call | Demon summons random ally from party stock. | 20 MP | All | Baphomet (Innate), Efreet (56), Mot (92), Okuninushi (43), Ongyo-Ki (Innate) |
Buff Skills
Skill | Effect | Skill Cost | Target | Accessed by |
Tarukaja | Increases all allies’ physical-based attacks. | 12 MP | All | Ara Mitama (Innate), Archangel (Innate), Karasu (Innate), Koppa Mada (86), Metatron (Innate), Michael (92), Naga (Innate), Onkot (Innate), Power (Innate), Queen Mab (Innate), Raja Naga (Innate), Shadow (56), Shikigami (8), Djed (42) |
Makakaja | Increases all allies’ magical-based attacks. | 12 MP | All | Baphomet (Innate), Dominion (53), Efreet (53), Flaemis (21), Lachesis (Innate), Metatron (Innate), Mizuchi (Innate), Mot (Innate), Shadow (55), Skadi (76), Sudama (17), Trumpeter (78), Will o’ Wisp (6), Djed (44) |
Rakukaja | Increases all allies’ Defense. | 12 MP | All | Arahabaki B (Innate), Eligor (Innate), Erthys (8), Hanuman (47), Hua Po (9), Kaiwan (50), Kin-Ki (Innate), Lachesis (Innate), Nozuchi (17), Ose (Innate), Shadow (57), Taraka (21), Unicorn (Innate), Yurlungur (Innate), Djed (45) |
Sukukaja | Increases all allies’ Agility. | 12 MP | All | Aquans (Innate), Arahabaki B (Innate), Bicorn (Innate), Decarabia (59), Kaiwan (48), Kusi Mitama (Innate), Lachesis (64), Onkot (41), Preta (Innate), Setanta (Innate), Shadow (58), Sparna (Innate), Sudama (18), Djed (43) |
Focus | Charges own potential damage by 2.5 for the next Physical skill used. | 5 MP | Self | Baihu (46), Futomimi (Innate), Girimehkala B (Innate), Kin-Ki (Innate), Matador (32), Minakata (22), Momunofu (Innate), Ose (49), Sarutahiko (39), The Harlot (71), Kamudo (23) |
Red Capote | Maximizes own Agility stats (Sukukaja x4), *Matador’s exclusive skill. |
36 MP | Self | Matador (34) |
Debuff Skills
Skill | Effect | Skill Cost | Target | Accessed by |
Tarunda | Decreases all enemies’ physical and magic-based attack power. | 20 MP | All | Blob Gogmagog (57), Lilim (11), Phantom (45), Shikigami (5), Yaka Iyomante (10) |
Sukunda | Decreases all enemies’ Agility. | 12 MP | All | Chatterskull (Innate), Choronzon (Innate), Gogmagog (60), Pisaca (Innate), Shikigami (6), Slime (7), Iyomante (13) |
Rakunda | Decreases all enemies’ Defense. | 12 MP | All | Gogmagog (59), Inugami (15), Lachesis (67), Lilim (Innate), Nigi Mitama (Innate), Oni (Innate), Pixie (4), Rakshasa (65), Iyomante (16) |
War Cry | Drastically decreases all enemies’ attack/magic capability; equal to casting Tarunda twice. | 40 MP | All | Chimera (Innate), Flauros (Innate), Futomimi (Innate), Nue (Innate), Oni (26), Orthrus (37), Ose (Innate), Sakahagi (Innate), Shiisaa (14), Slime (9), Surt (Innate), Zhen (8), Hifumi (24) |
Fog Breath | Drastically decreases all enemies’ Agility; equal to casting Sukunda twice. | 30 MP | All | Cerberus (Innate), Forneus (23), Fuu-Ki (70), Gurr (Innate), Inugami (16), Kali (69), Kurama (41), Mithra (81), Mizuchi (38), Naga (30), Preta (8), Sparna (Innate), Wadatsumi (21) |
Taunt | Drastically lowers enemies’ defense and raises their offense, equal to casting Rakunda twice and Tarukaja twice on all enemies. | 20 MP | All | Efreet (Innate), Jinn (48), Kin-Ki (60), Matador (33), Setanta (45), Taraka (Innate), Titan (Innate), Yaka (19), Shiranui (19) |
Debilitate | Lowers enemies’ offense, defense, and agility. | 48 MP | All | Amaterasu (58), Ganesha (61), Girimehkala (61), Loa (58), Mada (Innate), Metatron (Innate), Mithra (Innate), Nyx (71), Rangda (Innate), Throne (68) |
Provoke | Drastically lowers enemies’ defense and raises their offense; user recovers MP. Equal to casting Rakunda twice and Tarukaja twice on all enemies. *Dante’s and *Raidou Kuzunoha the XIV’s exclusive skill. |
N/A | All | Dante (Innate), Raidou Kuzunoha the XIV (Innate) |
Canceler Skills
Skill | Effect | Skill Cost | Target | Accessed by |
Dekunda | Cancels -nda effects. *Removes all debuff | 10 MP | All | Arahabaki B (Innate), Horus (40), Jikoku (53), Loa (Innate), Matador (31), Ose (47), Pisaca (32), Red Rider (57), The Harlot (70) |
Dekaja | Cancels -kaja effects. *Removes all buff | 10 MP | All | Arahabaki B (Innate), Berith (38), Chatterskull (21), Kusi Mitama (Innate), Minakata (21), Ose (46), Phantom (46), Rangda (Innate), Shiki-Ouji (Innate), Sui-Ki (Innate), Trumpeter (79), White Rider (54), Djed (46) |
Holy Star | Cancels -nda effects. *Dante’s exclusive skill. |
10 MP | All | Dante (Innate) |
Raptor Guardian | Cancels -nda effects. *Raidou Kuzunoha the XIV’s exclusive skill. |
10 MP | All | Raidou Kuzunoha the XIV (Innate) |
Shield Skills
Skill | Effect | Skill Cost | Target | Accessed by |
Tetraja | Creates shield which voids one Expel or Death skill. Lasts for the entire battle or until it has blocked one attack. | 15 MP | All | Arahabaki B (Innate), Dis (Innate), Koumoku (37), Loa (Innate), Queen Mab (60), Tao Tie (Innate), Unicorn (24), White Rider (53), Geis (41) |
Tetrakarn | Creates shield which repels (non-Almighty) Physical attack. Lasts for one turn or until it has blocked one attack. | 45 MP | All | Aciel (79), Amaterasu (Innate), Arahabaki B (Innate), Decarabia (Innate), Dominion (51), Lachesis (66), Legion (Innate), Onkot (38), Parvati (59), Preta B (Innate), Raphael (Innate), Saki Mitama (39), Samael (75), Kailash (78) |
Makarakarn | Creates shield which repels (non-Almighty) Magical attack. Lasts for one turn or until it has blocked one attack. | 45 MP | All | Arahabaki B (Innate), Lachesis (Innate), Mizuchi (35), Nyx (Innate), Oberon (47), Ose (50), Preta B (Innate), Queen Mab (58), Raphael (Innate), Virtue (43), Kailash (72) |
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