Ze Kasho Shrine Walkthough [The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild]

This page contains a detailed guide on how to complete the Za Kasho Shrine, including locations, enemies, items and strategy.

Ze Kasho Shrine Walkthrough

Ze Kasho Shrine is located in the northwest of Akkala Tower, overlooking the South Akkala Stable.

Once you enter the shrine, operate the terminal there. You’ll need to use your controller’s gyroscope mode to figure out a path to the next area through the door. Note that when you tilt the platform in a certain way, the spikes there will move along the lines. One configuration to complete this puzzle is shown below.

Hop on the platform and proceed to the next area. The next room requires you to hit the crystal, then head across the room while the blocks turn to avoid the laser beam.

You can the treasure chest by getting to the top of the last rotating platform. You need to hit the crystal with an arrow or bomb while the block is in its bottom position. As it turns, it will return to its top position. When you see this, drop down on to it as it goes up, then carefully walk to its angle to allow you to step on its upper side when it turns. Use the Paraglider when it stops to get the treasure.

You’ll then reach another room. From there, operate the terminal to activate another puzzle. You’ll need to guide each orb into three slots with a switch on the floor. Begin the puzzle in the flat position. Then, carefully angle the controller to the right to make all the orbs move there. Afterwards, angle the controller only a little towards you to make the orbs roll to the slots. The secret to this is controlling the angels gently to easily guide each orb into the holes. Proceed to the altar after you’ve completed the puzzle.

After completing the shrine quest, you’ll obtain a Spirit Orb.

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