Divine Beast Vah Rudania Walkthrough [Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild]

This article is the walkthrough of Divine Beast Vah Rudania

You find out  that the Divine Beast Vah Rudania from Goron Boss Bludo. He’s making a mess in Death Mountain and thus, driving the Goron workers down to the lower mines. And when he does so, Divine Beast Vah Rudania attacks the city. Bludo uses the cannon to fight back but the Divine BEast is still angry. He apparently needs to find his assistant, Yunobo. His assistant was last seen at the nearby Abandoned North Mine to find painkillers to Bludo. That’s your job.

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Walkthrough: Divine Beast Vah Rudania

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Abandoned Mine

Pick up some flameproof gear or Elixirs in hand before you leave for the hills. After that, head out of Goron City from the northern hills. When you go up to the mines, pass Shae Mo’sah Shrine for a bit. There are some Rock Octorocks waiting on the path here. If you want to take them down, use the Remote Bombs to shut ‘em down. As you head around the bend, take a good look at the lava fields of Darunia Lake. After that, you’ll spot a large cannon and a Goron who isn’t your target.

Head down and speak to Drak. Apparently, Yunobo headed towards a vault in the middle of the lake. Unfortunately, that lake’s surrounded with enemies. While hearing that, the area is apparently hotter than where you are now. How  dandy. But good thing you brought that Flameproof Armor and Flameproof Elixir; it’ll lessen the damage. However, one or two ain’t gonna cut it. Either two pieces or use an Elixir plus an armor piece to keep yourself from being roasted.

When you get across the Abandoned North Mine in the middle of Darunia Lake, carefully cross the islands infested with Lizalfos. Use the geysers to soar across with the paraglider. However, before you go, check the cannon near the entrance. Stick a round Remote Bomb inside and smack the lever with a weapon to orient it at a Lizalfos on a platform. Detonate it and send a cannon ball launching in his direction. Paraglide down to where you shot the  Lizalfos and use the cannon here. There’s two more Lizalfos waiting to ambush you with fire arrows further up.

Cross over the gap and straight into the enemy fire. When doing so, use the gust to get around them and head right to find a cannon to take them out. There’s also another watchtower to the right. In fact, if you put a bomb inside and hit the level, you can fire midway to blow the  boulder up hiding ore. Head up the path and run past the next two snipers to the next cannon as you glide across the lava to a high platform. They won’t be precisely on target so you’ll have to detonate while changing the cannon position.

Take out the sniper in the front of the giant skull. Glide on over to the next platform and when you get there, there’s a large wooden structure with a canon to the left that’s your next target. Demolish the entire thing with the cannon then, move the cannon to the right to destroy a boulder that releases another vent. After you open up the vent, use it to glide up to the highest canon. Once you reach the top, you can use the cannon to destroy the boulder blocking the vault.

After destroying the vault, you free Yunobo. You meet him as soon as you enter the vault. When you speak to him, he’ll thankyou and rush off to deliver the painkillers. The moment he leaves, raid the vault for rupees, weapons, and two chests holding a purple rupee and 10 Ice Arrows.


After returning to Goron Boss Bludo, he’ll reward you for your efforts with 3 Flameproof Elixirs. He’ll also mention about Goron Champion, Daruk. Seeing Daruk carved into the mountain will trigger a flashback in Link. He’ll recall another memory of his time with the Goron Champion on the Divine Beast.

After finishing the flashback, Bludo mentions that Yunobo is a descendant of Daruk’s. He can even use his special shielding ability which drives away the Divine Beast, Vah Rudania. When you’re done with that, talk to Yunobo at Eldin Bridge. If you want to head there, continue on the road past the Abandoned Borth Mine. Clear out the other Rock Octorok as the road doubles back over  Goron City’s Stolock Bridge.

Death Mountain and the Divine Beast

Check out the mine cart. Use Stasis on it and smack it a few times to give yourself a ride. Head past the revitalizing Goron Hot Springs and you’ll find another path filled with Fire Keese, Rock Octoroks, and a Lizalfos. However watch out, there’s also some magma bombs raining down. Hide in the overhang to shield yourself from it before continuing up the path. Head past Daqa Koth Shrine on the left to meet with Yunobo. There are two Moblins harassing him, kill them and save him.

After saving him, you’ll note the Bridge of Eldin is out. If you want to make it work, use the cannon. Thankfully, Yunobo offers himself to be the cannon ball. Move it into place and drop a Remote Bomb in and detonate to send Yunobo across. When the bridge goes down, the Divine Beast Rudania will make its appearance and deploy sentries all over the path. If any of them spot you in the beams, Rudania will drop bombs on you. Work with Yunobo to not get spotted and dodge the Sentries. The first Sentry patrols up ahead so wait until it crosses over a tunnel to rush inside. Make Yunobo wait until it’s back on the other side before moving forward.

When you round the corner, there’s another sentry beyond some boulders. But you can use “Stop Yunobo” and climb to the ledge above the Sentry. Shove the boulders on it and kill it instantly. Head up the path beyond and use the cannon to fire Yunobo directly at the Divine Beast, moving it upwards.

Continue your  ascent. Head the ledges ahead but there are three sentries guarding it. Leave Yunobo behind and scale the rocks to the left. There are several metal crates; use the Magnesis Rune  to send it crashing on the sentires. After  that, keep moving to the one guarding the tiny ravine. Either send the crates over the ledge next to it or pull up the metal slabs in the ground nearby. Call Yunobo when you’re done and head up the slopes.

When you reach the top, a Moblin guards the next cannon. Engage him carefully as he swings his sledgehammer. Kill him and shove Yunobo into the cannon to take aim at Rudania once more. When you head to the next path, there are two more Sentries patrolling a gusty vent with some ore. If you throw your Remote Bombs from a distance then, they’ll catch the current and fly into the air. Clear them out and bring Yunobo to the next group of three Sentries and repeat the process. If that doesn’t work, scale the rocks behind them to find more steel crates to smash into them with Magnesis.

There  are two more Moblins guarding the next cannon. But if you’re still up top with the steel boxes then, give them a steely surprise. With the Moblins out of the way, bring Yunobo in for a final cannon ball attack. This drives Divine Beast Vah Rudania into the volcano, where Link will give chase to enter the beast.

Dungeon – Divine Beast Vah Rudania

When you enter Divine Beast Vah Rudania, Daruk tells you to find the Guidance Stone. If you get it, youcontrol Rudania. Before heading inside, turn around and look for a chest. It’s on the tail of the beast and inside, there’s an Ancient Screw.

Entering the Divine Beast Vah Rudania, the door slams behind you. This darkens your surroundings but Ganon’s Blight will light up the way along with eyes you need to shoot. Take out the three eyes to loot the three chests holding a Dragonbone Boko ClubIce Arrows, and a Torch with special properties.

When you’re using the torch, light it with a blue flame near the entrance. Look around right of the chest to find a brazier near the sealed door. Light the brazier to enter but get ready to face a Guardian Scout on the other side. There, look for four eyes in the room. There’s two on the left and two on the right to clear out the Blight. Clearing them reveals three more chest holding Arrows and a Knight’s Bow. After that, head left for another brazier to light it up. It unseals the nearby door that leads to the Guidance Stone.

When you get the map of the Divine Beast, you’ll have the locations for all five terminals you need to take control. There’s one near you, two at the back legs, one at the tail, and finally – the one on top. But now you have the ability to tilt Rudania by 90 degrees, changing the layout of the dungeon. As the light goes deeper through the hallway, look for the first terminal on the wall to the right.

Try tilting the beast and the dungeon shifts. Suddenly, the terminal ends up on a small island with a ledge high above. Tilt the beast back and head to the opposite side of the room from the terminal. Get ready to reorient yourself before tilting it again. From up there, glide down to activate the first terminal.

Slide the Divine Beast back and return to the ledge above the terminal. From here, exit the hall to the outside of the tilted Rudania. If you look left, you can spot the beast’s spine forming a long platform filled with Blight. Drop down and take down the blight. Head further down the platform and hop over the railing to open a chest on its spine. Inside the chest is the Ancient Core. Brace yourself against the ridge of the spine. Tilt the beast back to see the terminal covered in blight. There’s also a maw guarding it that spits skulls. Snuff out the eye and activate the second terminal.

Drop back inside the beast. Move to the rear legs to the next two terminals. One features a receptacle for a ball. The other is behind a sealed door with a large wooden plank and dry leaves. Dip an arrow into the blue flame before firing it to ignite the block. Then, use Magnesis to force the doors open to the third terminal. Check out the dried leaves along the wall behind the terminal. If you shoot a fire arrow, you can unravel a chest at the ceiling that contains an Ancient Gear.

The opposite terminal however seems to have a large grate that goes across the room. Tilt Vah Rudania again to make the grate into a long slope going up. With that, start climbing. Halfway, there’s a chest on the side. Tilt it back for a moment to grab the Knight’s Bow. Follow the grate outside  to see that it leads to a sphere trapped behind a gate. There’s also an unlit brazier nearby.

Before heading back inside and while the beast is tilted, go around the outside of the head. Look down at the under side of the beast. There’s some Blight down there along with two maws. Shoot the eye then, drop down. But don’t tilt. You’ll die. Instead, float along the underside of the beast towards the middle circular area to find a small hole you can drop down from. Inside is a chest with a Silver Rupee and a switch to open the door.

Head back inside of Vah Rudania. Light the torch with a blue flame before tilting the beast back to exit and light the brazier. Run back to the inside and tilt to watch the sphere follow you. You need to get it all the way to the end and guide it along the grates. But moving it back will only cause the sphere to return. Instead, use Stasis on the sphere before tilting the beast. When the Stasis wears off, the sphere will slide down the slope. It will roll down the slope but stop at a metal block. Tilt the beast and move the block back. Use stasis on the metal block while you tilt it once more so the sphere can empty out into the receptacle. Now, use the fourth terminal.

For the last terminal, it’s located near the rear of Vah Rudania. Tilt it back on its belly before looking for a sealed door to spy an unlit brazier on the other side. Light your arrow using the blue flame and shoot  through the hole in the door to light the brazier on the other side. Inside, a flame blocks your path. But look up. There’s some dried leaves blocking something. Shoot a fire  arrow to burn the leaves to reveal a metal box. Use Magnesis to have it block the fire and then tilt the beast so you now have an opening to crawl through with the box as a shield. Reorient the beast on the other side to activate the last terminal.

Now exit Rudania and head onto the roof to the main control terminal. But when you get there, Ganon’s gonnabe a bit of a problem.

Boss Fight – Fireblight Ganon

Main Article: Fireblight Ganon Boss Guide

Ganon summons his incarnation – Fireblight Ganon. He’s gone Dark Souls on you – giant sword and with flames. But  the first phase is pretty standard. Large sword for sweeps, helm smashes, and winds up for a large spin attack. He’ll signal you depending on which angle he’s going for. Basically, he’s showing how he’ll kill you. So watch out and dodge then, flurry attack in response. When he moves away, he’ll cast a small fireballs at you. With that, get ready to move out.

At half his health, he’ll set his sword and himself on fire. When he does, he’ll teleport to a random part oft he arena. There, he’ll begin absorbing the energy to release a giant meteor for a big smash. However, as he brings in power, he’s vulnerable to you throwing a Remote Bomb in his  direction. Detonate it when he sucks it in. Shatter  the shield and chop him up.

After the fire shield breaks, he’ll return attack normally. Except, they’re on fire. He does more damage and leaves a fire trail. But the fire trail creates gust for you to use and paraglide above him. Dive down and snipe his eye. Gouge his eyes out before he tries to fire a laser blast from his eye. Shooting his eye stuns him. As long as you prepare to dodge his movesand retaliate, use those crits to his eye to lay in the damagewhile he’s stunned. After awhile, Fireblight Ganon falls.

After he’s dead, you’ll earn a new Heart Container and control of the Divine Beast Vah Rudania. Daruk’s spirit is free and he’ll grant you a new ability – Daruk’s Protection. It protects you from all forms of damage while blocking.

Goron City

After being teleported to Goron City, talk to Goron Boss Bludo. The usual thanks and Bludo invites you to grab the treasure in his house: the Boulder Breaker. Apparently, Daruk the Goron Champion wielded this before. If ever you damage the blade, speak to the blacksmith in town to repair it. However, Bludo also mentions that the Sword of the Hylian Champion apparently sleeps in a forest somewhere. Might wanna check it out soon.

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