This section contains a walkthrough for the next area, The Isolated Plateau in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. It provides the location and strategy for finishing the different Shrine Challenges spread across the Kingdom.
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Walkthrough: The Isolated Plateau
Request from the Mysterious Man
By the time you have descended from the Tower, there will be a cutscene with the Old Man. He tasks you to bring him 4 Spirit Orbs and in exchange he will give you his invention.
Oman Au Shrine

You will be instructed to head to north of the tower you are currently in. By the time you get inside the Shrine, place the Sheikah Slate on the pedestal to the left of the sealed gate to unlock it. This will reveal the Magnesis Rune. Use the Magnesis Rune to control the metallic plates at the center, this reveals another area underneath the gate. Move through the path then ascend the stairs to get to the next room. A huge concrete lies before you, use the Magnesis Rune once again, harness the power to remove the metal that is tucked in with the rocks to reveal a new path.
At the other side is one of the first new enemies, the Mini Guardian. Be cautious of its energy beam since it deals loads of damage. Take cover on the metal block, then proceed to defeat it with one of the three possible actions: strike it with the sword, use the Magnesis Rune to launch the block at the enemy, or shove it to the water.

Head through the metal slab to get across to the succeeding platform. With the Magnesis Rune, pull the plate behind to form a bridge.

Check the left to find a chest resting atop a high platform. Harness the Magnesis Rune to drag the chest to you. Open it to obtain the Traveler’s Bow.

Finally, move to the last blockade, a huge metallic door. Inspect the marks on the ground to find a clue. It instructs you to open the doors. Get through the huge double doors then speak to the Monk Oman Au to finish his challenge. The monk will offer the Spirit Orb as a token of your bravery.
Ja Baij Shrine

This shrine stands at the East side of the Great Plateau, it can be reached by heading to the South of the Eastern Abbey Ruins’ Resurrection Tower. From the previous Shrine, proceed down, past the tower to get into the ruins side. When you arrive, notice the immobile Guardian. To get through, either bait it to fire through the walls or use stealth to get past it.
Enter the Shrine to find a secured wall at the far corner of the slope. Get to the left side and check for a pedestal, use the Sheikah Slate to gain access to the Remote Bombs which comes in varying shapes. Spherical bombs work best on slopes, while the square bombs fare well on areas that need proper placement. To begin, place a bomb at the edge of the ramp to detonate the wall and reveal a path.

Get inside the hall then turn right to reach another area with a partly damaged wall. Detonate the bomb to find a nook which houses a chest, open it to find a weapon.

Examine the left side for a damaged portion, then plant the bomb to open a path with a ladder. Ascend the ladder to reach an area with a moving platform that runs back and reaches to the platform across which has a partially damaged wall. Plant the cube bomb on the moving platform then detonate it when it reaches the other side to destroy the wall.

Pass through the newly opened path to find small ramps that connect to funnels. Climb to the platform to your right then throw the Spherical Bomb into the funnel. In this manner, it will get fired to the other side to reach the decaying stone. Detonating the bomb reveals a path to a ladder.

At the other side are two more stones which alters by elongating and compressing fashion. Step on the farthest side to get fired to a hole. Examine the lone chest here for a Weapon.

Drop down into the hole then ascend the ladder at the farthest end. Speak to the Shrine monk Ja Baij to receive the second token, a Spirit Orb.
Owa Daim Shrine
The third Shrine is found at the south of the Great Plateau. It is nestled at a steep cliff southeast of Hylia Mountain. You may ascend the hill at the back of the Temple of Time, or get through the rocky cliffs by the farm house at the southern edge.

If you plan on taking the first route, be sure to gather some Spicy Pepper by the arch which directs to the tundra as it will require Link to have some Cold Resistance when traveling across icy environments.

By the time you get to the Shrine, don’t be overwhelmed by the mechanical movements inside. Examine the left side for a pedestal and insert the Sheikah Slate to receive the Stasis Rune. To begin, harness the Stasis Rune then lock-on the gigantic gear on your left, note that you have to time it by the time the spinning platform straightens up. Go across the platform. Before you proceed, wait for the huge concrete to pass through to make sure you won’t be knocked off from the edge. Prepare the Stasis Rune then stop the incoming concrete to pass.

At this point, you may choose to use the Stasis Rune to stop the concrete as it passes by in order to ascend to the platform above. Check the treasure chest for an item.

Turn left starting at the first platform, to locate an immobile concrete. Move around to find an Iron Sledgehammer. Target the concrete with the Rune then stop it, follow up with the wielded Sledgehammer to break it and reveal a path.

Pass through the bridge then talk to the monk Owa Daim to receive the token, the third Spirit Orb.
Ke Numut Shrine
The fourth and last Shrine stands at the West side of the Great Plateau. There are two routes to take in order to reach the top where the Shrine is situated, first is to use a Deku Leaf to sail on a raft, the second is to trek the snowy terrain from the South area of the Temple of Time.
Take a pit stop at the peak of Mount Hylia to converse with the Old Man. He will give you a Quilted Tunic to aid in your quest through the snowy areas.

Go inside the Shrine then look for the pedestal on your left. Snug the Sheikah Slate in place to access the Cryonis Rune. Harness the power of the Cryonis Rune to build platforms using the water. Climb on top then reach for the ledge.

As you come across a gate, use the Cryonis Rune and shove it underneath to get past the opening under the gate.

On the gate’s opposite side is a Mini Guardian. Keep your Rune ready as it provides refuge against the laser attacks. Continue to take cover using the Ice pillars then set it up atop one pillar. Finally, set up another Ice pillar then attempt to knock it down to the ground until it topples and explodes on the floor.

The last segment of the Shrine challenge requires that you summon an ice pillar from either side of the raised platform to change it to a ramp so that you can reach the level above.
Climb the platform then check the right side of the steps. Summon an ice pillar that you can climb onto in order to reach the nook. Check the nook for a treasure chest and open it.

Proceed to the stairs then head straight to get to the Shrine monk Ke Numut, he will reward you with the last Spirit Orb.
Temple of Time

After listening to the Old Man’s clue, head over to the Temple and interact with the Monument, choose whichever option you desire then a cutscene will play. Head to the external frame of the Temple to find a ladder. Ascend all the way to the top, then cross the to the terminating end to meet with the Old Man for another cutscene. For your efforts in conquering the 4 Shrine Trials of Great Plateau, he will eventually award you with the Paraglider.
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Ski I’d I toilet is attacking tommorow
thank you so much this helped me a lot if i could rate 1/10 i would choose 10 😀