Zuna Kai Shrine Walkthrough [The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild]

This article contains a guide on how to complete Zuna Kai Shrine.

Zuna Kai Shrine Walkthrough

Zuna Kai Shrine Quest: The Skull’s Eye

If you’re looking for Zuna Kai shrine then, it’s going to take some gliding. This shrine awaits to the northeast of Death Mountain. When you arrive at Death Mountain, you should go to the top of the peak that forms the right “eye” of Skull Lake.

Before anything, you have to complete the side quest of Robbie. When you prove your identity to Robbie during the Robbie’s Research side quest, your goal is to reach the top of the peak in the middle of Skull Lake. If you look at the map, it appears as the right eye. The easiest way to do this is to glide from the highest point of the cliff to the north of Skull Lake.

Once inside the Zuna Kai shrine, head to the altar and don’t forget to open the chest. When you talk to the monk, he’ll grant you your Spirit Orb.

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